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Alpha/Black Legion


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I love the black and gold color scheme of black legion however I want to play alpha legion. Would painting the hair/accessories That would normally be red for black legion blue instead be enough of a distinction to call them Alpha legion
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Do whatever you want with your army, they are your models. Just be up front with your opponent what rules you use.


A few fluffy points:


- The Black Legion is also known for hiring mercenaries and incorporating warbands with different geneseed. Depending on how close these are they may paint their armour in black legion colours.


- The Alpha Legion is known for doing false flag operation, so Alpha Legionnaires using different coloured armour is nothing new either.


- The Effrit Stealth Squads had a lot of black on their armour during the great Crusade and Heresy.


So go ahead.

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While there's been some moves from GW to match paint scheme and Legion traits, I've not seen any others do that yet. 






If you have painted your models in a specific way, we expect you to use the rules relevant to that scheme. For example, if you have painted your models as Salamanders, your army must have the Salamanderskeyword. If you have created your own unique colour scheme, then you may give them any keyword that you wish.

If you have used different keywords between Detachments, there must be a clear visual difference between each Detachment. For example, if you have a Tyranid army with Detachments from both Hive Fleet Kraken and Kronos, the models in each Detachment must be clearly distinguishable from one to another such as a different coloured carapace. Contact us if you are unsure whether something is clearly distinguishable.


Normal tournaments usually run "whatever you want, but show it clearly." 


Now, in your specific case, if you want to match GW's tournament packet (which may become the standard), I would honestly say it isn't enough. My suggestion would be Alpha Legion shoulder pads or decals, Alpha Legion Rhino doors, Corsair cloaks on Chosen for extra hydration etc. 

If you don't to do that, I don't see it potentially being a problem in anything but a narrative setting. In normal tournaments...



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To answer the specific question, no, painting the hair a different color would not be enough. Black Legion hair can be any color.


The Black Legion logo can pass for a generic Chaos symbol. If I were going for something totally ambiguous, I would put that on the shoulder pads, colored white. I would paint the armor black, but I would do all edge highlighting in blue and all the armor trim in silver.


That would get you to the point where it's not totally clear which army it is, and you could make the argument it's either.

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I agree with the idea of do as you please with your army but be sure your opponent knows what is what in said army.


So paint them black and gold and just let your opponent know you are using Alpha Legion rules.


I also must say that quixis is on to something with the Effrit stealth squads. If you look up Kizzdougs thread in the WIP section he did a squad or two of Alpha Legion Effrit squads that were fantastic. All mk6 armor and all black...and you can of course add gold. You can build these marines with any plastic marine kits and if you want to add a real AL touch to them you could get things like the AL shoulder pads asChazsexington suggested to show off their allegiances on their armor.

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Just play and paint as a Alpha Legion "loyal" to the black legion.

Maybe use some Alpha Legion Headhunter upgrade kits to show who they are.


Or do as you please.

The hydra strikes with many heads and all that

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My army is predominately Black Legion and I regularly run them as different legions such as Alpha Legion or World Eaters, not simply to be competitive but also for new fun themed lists and also because the Black Legion trait is borderline useless so there's no point using their trait unless you're running Abaddon.


It's partly the reason I chose Black Legion in the first place. I love the fluff of this enormous legion composed of many different warbands all with their own origins, where the only rule is loyalty to the Warmaster. That's why to me Black Legion are unique in their fluff as they are the only legion (or chapter for that matter) that can choose any legion trait for the list and it fits the fluff, just like a custom made warband colour scheme.


So I say go for it! Unless you're playing a tournament with rules at stated above, paint them the way you like and play them the way you like.

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