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War, war never chan... wait, the hell it doesn't.


After a few years of flying under the social radar I find myself once again with the itch. Went to my FLGS today just to chill and make some new friends. Found that 40k has changed again (no surprise there tbh). But I was amazed at the changes they've made. Did a 400pt 2v1 game against a Custodes player to learn the new ropes.


By the emperor, I'm pleased with the changes I saw, less pleased when his Custodes got into melee with my Ravenwing, but c'est la vei.


Walked out of there with a newfound sense of wonder for the game. Now I just need to acquire the newest rulebook and codex. In addition I've got a few questions as to where I should get started with my army... again...


I'm unfamiliar with the rules regarding posting sales links that aren't mine, so please lemme know if they're not supposed to be there.


1. The rulebook in the store was priced at $60, but on eBay there's an 8th ed book for $40, to me that smells scammy but I faintly remember some stores/businesses sell items just above warehouse prices or some such:


2. Previous editions had a complete 'rules only' book, is this booklet the same thing? I really don't need another edition of the fluff.



3. There's also an 8-page foldout that contains all the rules, but that can't be correct right? That seems hella small.

+++ This appears to be the Battle Primer, why they're selling it when it's free is beyond me +++


4. What's a good start to 500pt and 1000pt lists? I'd like to stay as Ravenwing-themed as possible, but I recognize the potency of Greenwing this edition as well. I don't have any of the new models but it's not like I can't make them myself.


5. What are the latest pros/cons of the eternal Ravenwing/White Scars debate?


6. Black Knight and Vengeance Speeder rules make 3D happy!


7. From what I'm reading certain characters in the Deathwing can just setup outside of 9" of an enemy, do they still scatter?

+++ Scatter is gone? Huzzah! +++

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Honestly the fluff has moved forward quite a bit for 8th, so the rulebook may be worth it to familiarize yourself with the new stuff. Also, 8 page thing is just the basic rules, no advanced rules. Ok for learning but obviously not going to prepare you for a tournament or anything.
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The game has been out a year or so, I think the ebay sales of the rulebook should be okay to trust, just go on seller ratings and use PayPal for buyer protection.


As for the lis... 8th is a lot more about characters buffing your army and as such it's good to build a force with that in mind. At 500pts it's a little difficult so I'd say go for units you like and see how they play. When uplifting in points a Talonmaster is a very good option as I'd Sammael, giving you rerolls on wounds and hits respectively.


Plasma as always seems to be our niche weapon and it has changed a lot in 8th,now we can choose if we want to risk an "overheat" and even buff it further with a stratagem. I'd suggest having a good read through codex DA and getting familiar with the Stratagems and they are a nice addition and quite fun to use.


Enough rambling from me, hopefully you can take something out of that

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1. The rulebook in the store was priced at $60, but on eBay there's an 8th ed book for $40, to me that smells scammy but I faintly remember some stores/businesses sell items just above warehouse prices or some such:


You can get the full rulebook for ~$40 from reliable retailers. I'm pretty sure you can get it for a similar price from American retailers as well. You might also want to take a look at Chapter Approved 2018. I'm not sure if significant changes for the DA are in there.


2. Previous editions had a complete 'rules only' book, is this booklet the same thing? I really don't need another edition of the fluff.


AFAIK there is no rules only book ATM.


And welcome back.

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