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Way back in the day my first army was White Scars when the list rules were published in the Index Astartes.  It was a bike and land speeder list back then.  I sold it to pay for school life roughly 7 years ago.  I slowly started to buy bikes back but in this edition of 40K I don't think a bike list is going to work.  I still want to use them, but now in a different way.   I have tons of bitz from years of building/painting armies, for myself and others.  I came across 20 jump packs from an old Blood Angle army. 


So I'm thinking of using the new Primaris Reivers as Jump Pack Vanguard Veterans to assault with,  using  6 Inceptors as floating heavy bolters, 2 or 3 Land Speers, and HQs with Jump Packs or on Bikes.  


What are you thoughts of using bikes squads with 3 bikes with 3 melta guns?  They come out to 134 points a squad.  In my mind they are used to hunt vehicles, monsters and tough armored units.  They can function to help with hordes if needed, but assaulting Vets are better at that imo. I'll post a list and pics when I have them. 


Critique alway welcome. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I’m finally starting with my long thought of white scars, reason for the very long hold up is that I have lots of hate painting white.....


The units I’m including in my army is vanguard veterans w JP dual chain swords, regular assault squads. Bikes may not be in a great place for white scars but I need to have a bike heavy list because of fluff-reasons. I will include several bikes w plasmaweapons, attackbikes w Melta and a company veteran squad w power weapons, only because I want to use khan on moondraken and his +1 strengthbubble.


I’m not sure how effective it will be but it will be fast. Since several in my gaming group rolling death guard I believe speed will be an advantage.

I hate panting white too, either comes off as sloppy or incomplete unless you spend massive amounts of time that I don't have or would rather spend on HQ or center pieces instead of regular models.  I've played around with trying to run lists with regular assault marines, but the vanguards are just too good for the points.  As far as plasma goes in the lists I've made the melta is needed as the plasma just can't go after tanks and monsters well enough, and the bikes don't have issues getting up close and personal that way.  In my lists the plasma comes for pistols on deep striking jump-packed HQs and the vanguards.  


I've also come the realization that the land speeders are better on the shelf, they're to solf, can't hit targets consistantly, and points are better spent else were.  Ive replaced them with a Stormtalon. 

Sadly I agree that land speeders is a unit that doesn’t really have a defined roll. I have 3 speeders, I think, but they will go to my ravenwings. Ravenwing do have better defined rolls for speeders as they can act as lieutenants with the re-roll wound bubble.


I think bikes still has a place in white scars armies; fast, able to be re-tooled for different targets etc. but maybe not so much assaulting into combat except for utilizing the hit and run-game.


Jump pack vanguards and assault squads is a definite include, inceptors also. In fact I think inceptors can be really deadly; shoot, charge with the hammer of wrath-thingy, disengage and shoot, charge..could be devastating.

  • 1 month later...

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