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The Road to Veteran's - 2018


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Charlo - What you are saying makes a lot of sense!! 

I will have a look see what I can change - my biggest issue though, is that the VSF requires 10% minimum for each slot! ><: 

So, if i take out the assault jumpers, what to replace them with? 

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Or for FW there is Tarantula guns... Assault Cannons don't get target restrictions and throw out a lot of dakka.

Under the comp, Tarantulas need to be fielded in threes. Furthermore, whilst the TAC's rate of fire slightly alleviated the 4+ to hit, a 24" range from your deployment zone (that can only go on the ground floor of stuff) is problematic.

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Hi Nigel! Looking forwards to hearing your thoughts RE Veterans. It's always an interesting tournament to hear about.


I've been thinking, and I reckon, with the full size squad requirements, you're going to really want to leverage Combat Squads where possible. While you don't get a second Sgt or additional weapon options relative to taking two min size squads, it doesn't lose you those comp points. Your current list is pretty solid on that front, as far as I can see, but I thought I'd bring it up.

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If I had a Vanguard Vet squad and an Assault squad - would you guys rather lose a Chaplain or a Priest for the Librarian? 

10 ASM with specials means:

16 regular attacks

7 regular wounds on a charge.

With Chaplain - an extra 2.2 (9.2)

With Priest - 8.8


Im feeilng the priest- good as he is to bring back dead specials, and heal characters....may have to go? I like the Chaplains invul, too.

your thought?

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I hate to have to choose between them, but my inclination is the same as yours. The Invulnerable save is really good, and has a much broader utility in an assault army. As much as d3 wounds on a Character, a chance at reviving a dead model, and +1S in combat is, being able to reroll all hits is really useful. Especially if you're thinking of taking power fists and thunder hammers.

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If I had a Vanguard Vet squad and an Assault squad - would you guys rather lose a Chaplain or a Priest for the Librarian?


10 ASM with specials means:

16 regular attacks

7 regular wounds on a charge.

With Chaplain - an extra 2.2 (9.2)

With Priest - 8.8


Im feeilng the priest- good as he is to bring back dead specials, and heal characters....may have to go? I like the Chaplains invul, too.

your thought?

And while the red thirst is active the priest does not increase the damage done while rolling to wound vs models with T3. With red thirst you wound on 2s.


Do you expect to face lots of guard, gaunts, grots, Eldar (harlies, craftworld and dark)?

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Ive been following this thread on the quiet. 


My list is :


Warboss on Bike.


Big Mek KFF

Big Mek in maga armour KFF

Big Mek on Bike KFF.

Weirdboy. [ jump]


30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz [ shooters]


15 tankbustas 6 bomb squigs

12 kommandos


15 lootas

4 Big Gunz lobbas


5 Warbuggies

4 Deffkoptas


Total 255 models. Im using the VSF and will get 40 for Comp.


Mission 1. is good for hordes.

Mission 2 is always a favourite of mine. Shooting armies at a disadvantage here.

Mission 3. The secondary and tertiary objectives are in my favour.

Mission4. Looks as though it was written by an Ork. for Orks.


Im feeling more confident this year. As Ive said before I think this is the best Tournament in SA. Its well balanced[ as balanced as it could be]. I can't think of any armies that dont stand a chance with the current rules. I think the BA will have to work really hard against the hordes. They have the precision to take out elite armies, .


Can't wait for it.Its going to be fun.

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Ive been following this thread on the quiet.


My list is :


Warboss on Bike.


Big Mek KFF

Big Mek in maga armour KFF

Big Mek on Bike KFF.

Weirdboy. [ jump]


30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz

30 boyz [ shooters]


15 tankbustas 6 bomb squigs

12 kommandos


15 lootas

4 Big Gunz lobbas


5 Warbuggies

4 Deffkoptas


Total 255 models. Im using the VSF and will get 40 for Comp.


Mission 1. is good for hordes.

Mission 2 is always a favourite of mine. Shooting armies at a disadvantage here.

Mission 3. The secondary and tertiary objectives are in my favour.

Mission4. Looks as though it was written by an Ork. for Orks.


Im feeling more confident this year. As Ive said before I think this is the best Tournament in SA. Its well balanced[ as balanced as it could be]. I can't think of any armies that dont stand a chance with the current rules. I think the BA will have to work really hard against the hordes. They have the precision to take out elite armies, .


Can't wait for it.Its going to be fun.

That is a lot of models to move. But if I recall correctly the Veterans is 4 games as opposed to 5. That would leave better time to conplete the games.

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It's usually five, yeah!  It's been made 4 this year so there is more time for gaming and a chilled environment! 

That list is really, really going to hurt.  Not sure I can wade through that many bodies.  

I have some tricks up my sleeve though ;) 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hellooo~  All !! 

Okay, so to throw the scent off of the various spies in this thread :P :P I've had to post a bit of a decoy list. 

The real list I've had for about 6 or so weeks now, and have only changed it once on account of a rule clarification that would have further dinged me. 


I'm sitting on 37 Comp in total, which I'm quite happy with.  

I'm looking at the following list: 



Captain Smash - Hammer, Shield, Angels Wing - Visions, Artisan. 

Librarian - Sword, JP. (Rage, Quickening)  

Chaplain - JP. 


10 Primaris - Pwr Sword

10 Scouts - Heavy Bolter, 2 Shotguns, 6 Bolters

10 Scouts - Heavy Bolter, CCW, Power Sword.

10 Tacticals - Grav Cannon, Meltagun, Combi-Melta, Fist

10 Tacticals - Grav Cannon, Meltagun, Combi-Plasma, Sword

6 Tacticals - Heavy Flamer, Combi-Melta, Sword


10 Vanguard Vets - JP, Hammer, 2 Swords, 5 Shields. 
10 Assault Marines - JP, Hammer, 2Meltaguns
10 Devastators - Missile Launcher, Heavy Bolter, 2Gravcannons, Cherub
6 Inceptors 

Whirlwind - Castellan. 

Scorpios Whirlwind

Quad Launcher Rapier Battery

Razorback - Twinlas

Razorback - Twinlas



For info sake, I had a Drop Pod, a Sang Priest and 4/6 Inceptors in - but took your guys advice on the libby (fiddling with wargear to make the cut) and then, dropping the pod in favour of the inceptors on account of the ding for the 2/3rds clarification in comp. 

I like it more though, as I get to combat squad, and the amount of horde i expect will be huge.  So, these guys will be gold. 

Thoughts very welcome! 

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I can't see anything glaringly off about the list. As you say, plenty of chances to combat squad. I like that you're at 37 comp. It's not too significant a drop from full, which is of course a pipe dream in any case, and seems to be a reasonable trade off for the list you've taken. How are you expecting the Grav Cannon tacticals to work? I haven't had a chance to use them, but I've given them some serious thought since the codex dropped.

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Theyre there for all purpose use.  4x S5 shots will be decent against horde, and the other abilities (-3AP, d3 dam usually) is okay for heavier things.  

They're there because the Angels will play aggressively - the Rhino-borne marines are likely to be hurtling up to the frontlines and deploying and engaging aggressively. 


This somewhat mitagates the range for them and sees them have decent midfield use.  Having a lascannon or a MM will tempt me into a more static role.  I need them moving.   

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For info sake, the 2 rhinos and a Razor are "Associated Dedicated Transports" - meaning they count towards my Troop %, but the units cant combat squad, must start in them at the start of the game, and they cannot be used by other units.  

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In terms of comp you'll know more than me so it looks good....!


I think balanced lists like this are always deceptive in their power, especially when it's Marines and the ablative bodies on each unit means they're firing at full power (for all intents and purposes) until they've taken a fair amount of casualties to remove the specials and such. Gunlines will be set a time limit as between your mobility and Red Thirst combat is an attractive option, slowly tieing up units, forcing fall-backs and such.


Not to mention, it's going to look awesome on the table...!


I'm always sad to see now DC/ SG or really anything specifically BA, but this is ticking my 3rd Edition boxes ;)

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In terms of comp you'll know more than me so it looks good....!


I think balanced lists like this are always deceptive in their power, especially when it's Marines and the ablative bodies on each unit means they're firing at full power (for all intents and purposes) until they've taken a fair amount of casualties to remove the specials and such. Gunlines will be set a time limit as between your mobility and Red Thirst combat is an attractive option, slowly tieing up units, forcing fall-backs and such.


Not to mention, it's going to look awesome on the table...!


I'm always sad to see now DC/ SG or really anything specifically BA, but this is ticking my 3rd Edition boxes :wink:


It really does feel like a 3rd ed list!!!  (Minus some DC, mind).  Assault marines, Devs, rhinos, tacs.  Feels like a Company-style force.  Only thing missing from making it a true "Mort" style oldschool list is a Baal or two and an attack bike or two.  Sadly,  both of those units sub par.  


Regarding fielding DC-> this would have netted me an additional -6 penalty to comp (No full Elite unit, and only 2/3 (for 10 of them. I could have worked 11 of them, but still -5 penalty then). 


I much prefer the DC, especially for the option of that pregame move - but, it wasnt worth the ding, I think. The VanVets with shields will have to do.  



And Nigel - not just for you, sadly :P Those bad boys are great for all the potential strikers.  Though i'm happy to make you have to play for it ;) :P 

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Hahahha -ill tell you off the bat.

Tristan won it again this year.  Quite strongly actually - he played a Sallies Veteran Strike Force Detachment, and ironically borrowed a lot from the fake list I posted!!! 

Apart from the Tacs, it had 2 or 3 squads of Intercessors, full 6 inceptors, full squad of Hellblasters and full squad of Rievers.  He was very, very happy with the way they played. He also had super high comp (40/50) 


 - i "kinda" came 2nd. I say Kinda, i had 3rd highest battle points, and second highest soft scores- buuuuuut.... i screwed up in a game and used a VSFD stratagem incorrectly that had a big impact on the game.   Since this was discovered after, it meant i took a hefty ding to my overall score which dropped my from 196 to 181.  (Tristan won with 210, for info). 

Second place was a high comp VERY strong eldar list. 

Third was a high comp Tzeentch list - really cool one, actually. 

Fourth was a high comp Grey Knight list. 

The person with the second highest battlepoints (106 vs Tristans 110) unfortunately got nailed hard for painting and comp, so was much lower down on the table. 

I played four games - as mentioned vs beserk lists. 

I luckily paired up with a novice player first- but, with a list from hades.  Uber Knight, Armigers, 3 basilisks, 3 russes and other nonsense. 

Second game paired up with another killer guard list. 

I managed to outplay both of them and stuck to the mission, meaning I was able to get Veteran mission points despite being ABSOLUTELY wrecked.  


3rd game where I made my screwup was an amazingly hard-fought game vs a dirty nurgle and tzeentch list (flamers are So stupid good). Again, I stuck to mission where possible and used everything i could to try and whittle this army down. 

4th game was vs another FILTHY list - 

An imperial knight, 3 Of the new huge dreads (not leviathans, other one), 2 veteran dreads, 2 regular dreads , 3 Contemptors  and the Chaplain dread ( very good unit!)  - 11 Dreads in total. 

I got paired against him on a table with little to no terrain -so just got WRECKED first two turns.  Thankfully- again - i played the mission, and he made a few silly errors that cost him dearly. 


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