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The Road to Veteran's - 2018


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Post Tournament thoughts:



* The VSFD was what made the marines brilliant  - for everyone involved.  GK, Sallies and BA. 

I* 've said it before, I will say it again though - marines as a faction (not specifically BA- all of them) really, really need work.  They really need work.  I have NO idea how I would even consider playing against the guard armies I faced (and even the dread army) without vets specific missions and benefits. 

Its silly.  

* The new beta rules for the 1st turn reserves really hamper Blood Angels and take a reasonable and viable tactic and turn it on its head. I get the reason why the change was made, but, Im fully of the opinion that an exception needs to be made. The BA tactic was solid - it was never ever game-breaking. 

* I am not impressed with gravcannons AT all.  Admittedly, i didnt play marines, but I found them unreliable and lackluster. 

* Tactical squads were sub-par. Even with Rhinos, I felt they were useless even with fully kitted specials - (and hammers over fist every. damn. time.  - even if it means losing a special, of changing a melta to a plasma). 

* Inceptors were great.  

* Scorpios - i did not have ideal targets and matchups, but it was still great.  3d3x2 vs 


* The stupid castellan whirlwind.  I think i rolled higher than 3 once total in the whole tournament.  Underwhelming beyond belief. 


* Vanguard - shields - 5+ of them or go home. They dont hit as hard as DC, i dont like that- but in this edition - the 3++ is gold. 


* Captain smash - did wonderfully. 

* LIbby - (I think i would have been better off with the Priest, tbh)  I didnt get to use the libby as intended - he very rarely synergises with the assaulting units who wind up all over the board.  the priest, i could have at least brought models back, and healed characters. 



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  • Quite interesting that you didn't face Marines, but you've always had an interesting and varied meta.

The Librarian is an interesting one and it looks like you didn't have an ideal matchup for him either. Was the psychic hood of any benefit at all?

Grav cannon, again, is down to what you faced but the Whirlwind is a surprise (not only you taking one, but how "well" it did)

Personally I think Tacticals can work but only at five man. At ten man (and in this comp) perhaps it's better to have gone with a heavy bolter and focused on special and combi-synergy?

Were you rusty at all?

Did Tristan buy you a drink for essentially writing his list for him? :laugh.:

You've mentioned your concerns over the state of Marines and how you'd take on those Guard lists. Personally I think it's doable and there are still niche strategies available/undiscovered but really, who knows?

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  • Did Tristan buy you a drink for essentially writing his list for him? :laugh.:



To be fair.  I built my list before seeing Morticon's "Fake" List.

What i did take from his list however was the Inceptors. Pure absolute broken gold.


Easily made 2-3x their points in every game


Quick run down of my version for interest


Captain Master Crafted Boltgun
Captain On Bike Storm Shield, Thunder Hammer, Shield Eternal
Lieutenants Master Crafted boltgun
Intercessors Auxilliary Grenade Launcher
Intercessors Auxilliary Grenade Launcher
Intercessors Auxilliary Grenade Launcher
Tactical Squad (1) Grav-Cannon, MeltaGun
Tactical Squad (2) Grav-Cannon, MeltaGun
Tactical Squad (3) Multi-Melta, Grav-Gun
Ironclad Dreadnaught Dreadnaught chainfist, CCW, Storm boler, Meltagun
Primaris Ancient Standard of the Emperor Ascendant
Reiver Squad Combat Knives, Grapnel Launcher
Assault Squad Jump Packs, Melta Bombs
Inceptor Squad Assault Bolters
Hellblaster Squad Plasma Incinerator
Storm Raven Twin Heavy Plasma Cannon, Twin Multi-Melta, Two Hurrican Bolters, Two Stormstrike Missile Launchers
Rhino Tactical Squad 1
Rhino Tactical Squad 2
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  • Quite interesting that you didn't face Marines, but you've always had an interesting and varied meta.
  • The Librarian is an interesting one and it looks like you didn't have an ideal matchup for him either. Was the psychic hood of any benefit at all?
  • Grav cannon, again, is down to what you faced but the Whirlwind is a surprise (not only you taking one, but how "well" it did)
  • Personally I think Tacticals can work but only at five man. At ten man (and in this comp) perhaps it's better to have gone with a heavy bolter and focused on special and combi-synergy?
  • Were you rusty at all?
  • Did Tristan buy you a drink for essentially writing his list for him? :laugh.:
  • You've mentioned your concerns over the state of Marines and how you'd take on those Guard lists. Personally I think it's doable and there are still niche strategies available/undiscovered but really, who knows?


Psychic hood blocked one or two smites- nothing substantial. 

Grav - i dunno - maybe just opponent matchups? 

I was HELLA rusty.  Hadnt played a game in 5months.  Forgot a lot of the basic basic stuff- less of the advanced- oddly. 


He bloody well should :P 

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