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Ravenwing accessory kit in Biker box?


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According to the GW website, there's some parts in the Bike Squad boxes to convert a Land Speeder into a Ravenwing Speeder.


Now a) is that the Ravenwing Accessory Kit that's separately available as well?

And :cool.: (Edit: that's b ) ) if so, does it come with the Black Knights as well?

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And that "Ravenwing Speeder" can be a Talonmaster or Sammael in Sableclaw with the parts in the kit.


2 of our stronger HQ options hands down. Especially with their company beside them and the two working in tandem.

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And that "Ravenwing Speeder" can be a Talonmaster or Sammael in Sableclaw with the parts in the kit.


2 of our stronger HQ options hands down. Especially with their company beside them and the two working in tandem.


Yeah, that's why I was asking - I'm keen on the Twin armaments mostly, with all the extra bits and pieces being the cherry on top :)


Though I'm going to go for a Talonmaster, if anything. I like unnamed characters.

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