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Posting Pictures from B&C Gallery


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A quick how to post pictures using the B&C Gallery.

For now this assumes, you've already uploaded photos.

Creating albums and uploading tutorial to follow :wink:

NB: These are the same instruction if you are using a mobile device, although you will need to switch to the desktop version which is at the bottom of the mobile page.




Mobile users: I find that if tap on the BBCode link first then try and long hold to copy it wont work. Either long hold the first time so select the link, or click on one of the other bars and then long press on the BBCode link.


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An alternate method (especially useful for those whose images are hosted at external sites) can be found in the BBCode 101. You'll also find useful code for fancier image implementation (e.g., having images appear to the right/left of text, using images as hyperlinks, etc.).


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