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Sait Celestine ! (?)


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Hey Guys,


im looking for a „distraction Carnifex“ for my Guards. And i dont wanna play custodes :D

Is Celestine „still good“ for that Job? When i look at tournarments etc i never see her... i like the modell and her rules + the sinergy with Bullgyrs (4++)


Can you tell me the pro‘s and con‘s to play her? Maybe some combos with the guard and why no one plays her :D


I hope you can help me and change my mind about the Angel

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It has become more difficult to field her, as "imperium" doesn't work to hold a detachment together, so having to take some battlesisters probably made most min-maxers drop her.

That said, she is still good, but custodes Jetbike captains are an easier fit as three of them do wonders and fill their own detachment.

Bit seriously, try her. Her and a couple small squads of sisters can make an awesome addition to an astra Militarum force.

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So, I play a lot with an allied guard player. What I've found, if your trying to stay "cheap", you can run this with a majority gaurd army, and it synergizes extremely well.


If your going to field Celestine, a fast attack detachment is the best way.


Celestine @250

A full squad of Seraphim to follow her around, with inferno pistols and a loaded out superior @ 157 for 10 models

Two squads of stormbolter dominions @60 pts each for 5 stormbolter sisters, or 110 each for a squad of 5 stormbolters and 5 Bolters.


So it either comes out to 527 or 627 and gives you some more resilient troopers (3+,5++), and the 2 AoF a turn will make them super action efficient, with the stormbolter squads potentially firing 60 bolter shots a turn or the seraphim squad moving 12-24" and firing 4-8 melta pistols and 1-2 plasma shots. If you want to get extra crazy, you throw a 40pt Imagifier and a Cannoness 45 in there to babysit the stormbolter squads and watch as they Chew through two infantry squads a turn each.

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Her and her gemanie are still a pain to deal with and definitely make bullgryn more of a task to deal with giving them a 3++. Potentially 2++ with the take cover stratagem (personally I think that's shenanigans and wont be surprised to see a FAQ nerf to it).



You could just take her as an auxiliary 1 CP isn't super expensive for a guard player running at least a dual battalion.

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Well thats pretty ineteresting, thank you guys!


First ill try her out in a 1250 game as a aux-Choice.


With a couple of Bullgryns and a Conscript-screen. Lets see how i can fit her into my list.


Next ill gonna add more Sororitas i think.


/edit: how can i give Bullgryns a 3++? She gives a 6++ with shields (4++) or am i missing something?

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Am i right that Celestine can give herself the act of faith buff? So i can use 2 AOF with her? But i have to use 2 different, right?


So i can:


-start movementphase-


-AoF (2+ check) move 12“

-buffed AoF (2+ Check) shooting, healing whatever

-movementphase again 12“

-shootingphase again shots


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Alrights thats pretty cool.


What i dont understand: how often can i use a act of faith?


Example: i use. 3 squads of retributors with 2 Imagifiers and Celestine.


Can they all double fire? Or maybe tripple?! :D

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Celestine can only use one aof. Each unit can only use act of faith once per turn, which is why two units of sisters are ideal to take advantage of it, and enables her seraphim (5++ rerollable invuln and melta pistols) to keep up with them, or dominions to fire sixty shots a turn per squad.


Also celestines act of faith doesnt require a roll, and imagifiers are a 4+.

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Okay my question was wrong :D


I mean: can i use the same Act of faith twice with different units.


Shooting with 2 units for example. And - thanks to Celestine - Maybe 2nd Time with the same Unit.


Retri. squad A: uses shooting aof

Retri. squad B: uses shooting aof

Retri. Squad C: same


Celestine Buffs Squad A


Retri squad A: again shooting


Or is it like the combat drugs from Drukhari. Then i have to use every Single Act of faith at least 1 time before i can use a aof twice

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You can use the same aof multiple times, as long as its different units. Theres no limit on that.


But you may never use two AoF on the same unit, regardless of the source, in the same turn.

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I'd suggest taking a Adepta Sororitas/Mininstorum Supreme Command Detachment, if you're not restricted to a number of detachments. Taking Celestine and a pair of Canonesses would give your guard army a pair of very hefty fighters, and let you use the Adepta Sororitas Ignore a Psychic Power on a 4+ stratagem. Make Celestine your Warlord and you can give one Canoness the Blade of Admonition to make her utterly terrifying in combat. Alternatively, two Priests can buff your Guard as well as any that you can already take, though you'd lose out on the Stratagem access.

Plus it gives you a Command Point, just like the Outrider detachment suggested earlier

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Okay my question was wrong :biggrin.:


I mean: can i use the same Act of faith twice with different units.


Shooting with 2 units for example. And - thanks to Celestine - Maybe 2nd Time with the same Unit.


Retri. squad A: uses shooting aof

Retri. squad B: uses shooting aof

Retri. Squad C: same


Celestine Buffs Squad A


Retri squad A: again shooting


Or is it like the combat drugs from Drukhari. Then i have to use every Single Act of faith at least 1 time before i can use a aof twice


A unit may never use more than a single AoF a turn, regardless of source. This goes for Celestine as well. 

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Mhm, but the rule from Celestine says:


„At the start of any of your turns, you can pick a friendly ADEPTA SORORITAS unit within 6" of Celestine that has the Acts of Faith ability and perform an Act of Faith with it. This is in addition to the Act of Faith you are normally allowed to perform in a turn“


What does that mean?


The idea with the 2 Canoness‘ is awesome. I‘m gonna try this out.


Both with a Eviserator, i need the warlord in my AM cause of the CP-farm:D



/edit ; okay i got it...i have only 1 Act of faith per Turn. Doesnt matter how many Girls i field...i though every single unit can perform a act of faith.


And now with Celestine, i can use 2 aof instead of 1

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It means you get 1 AoF per turn on a 2+ from having a unit with that ability.


If you have an imagifier you can get a 2nd AoF on a 4+


Adding Celestine means you get to use ANOTHER AoF on a different unit without rolling.


Potential for 3 AoF there. All still have to target different units though

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I can chime in here, I've run Celestine by herself at two local tournaments as an Aux Support for -1 CP along with a BA supreme command and a Cadian brigade. Overall 5-1. 



  • She is relatively durable with a 2+/4++ that extends to the Geminae as well. Even if both Geminae die you can bring one back with 1 wound left with AOF at the start of the turn and the other back with 2 wounds left at the start of the movement phase. She can be annoying to kill and of course she can resurrect and re-deep strike.
  • She is an excellent "bully" unit that can go around swatting lesser units, nuking characters, and tying up shooty units. The Ardent Blade is a heavy flamer in shooting and six S7 AP -3 D2 attacks. Great for killing Primaris, T7 vehicles, Guardsmen, anything sub T8 really. 
  • She can cross the board and turn one assault. With AOF she can move 24" with FLY and get stuck in. 
  • She gives IMPERIUM infantry a 6++ invuln within 6". For Guardsmen you can improve this to a 5++ with Take Cover!, further to a 4++ with Psychic Barrier. Bullgryns with Slabshields love her, a native 4++, improvable to 3++ and even 2++ with those same buffs.


  • If you're playing ITC, she will almost single-handedly give your opponent max secondary points for Headhunter (the Geminae are CHARACTER models) and Kingslayer (seven wounds and she probably resurrects). This can be difficult to come back from if your opponent has a tuned list that is hard to score secondaries on.
  • Toughness 3. Even with a 2+/4++ there are some threats that absolutely shred her. Things with lots of low strength low AP will do her in. Bolt rifles, assault cannons, Gauss weapons, Genestealers, anything that makes her take many many 3+ or 4+ saves.
  • She can hamstring your use of the CP reroll in an enemy shooting or fight phase. You really, really don't want to fail that 2+ resurrection and sometimes I find myself declining an important reroll because I know Celestine may die later in the phase.
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I've had some success running her with a blob of slabshield Bullgryns and a psychic barrier Astropath- 1+/3++ Bullgryns are no joke.


The tax squad of battle sisters isn't a hardship either (even if I had to proxy as I don't own any) as they really aren't bad infantry. . 

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You can run her in an outrider with inferno pistol seraphim, and perhaps a min squad of dominions to deny infiltrators trying to hit your lines t1.


If you don’t want to give up headhunter points, take her without her girls.


She’s great at sniping the enemy guard commander... or any back line psykers.

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You can run her in an outrider with inferno pistol seraphim, and perhaps a min squad of dominions to deny infiltrators trying to hit your lines t1.


If you don’t want to give up headhunter points, take her without her girls.


She’s great at sniping the enemy guard commander... or any back line psykers.

The inferno pistol seraphim arguably deal more damage than she will.

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I don't find the -1 CP from running her in an auxilliary detachment to be that big a deal so I wouldn't shy away from it if you're not too keen on making a full Sisters detachment. For what Celestine brings both in hitting power, speed, durability and buffs, the -1 CP is a small price to pay if you want the rest of your army to be pure Guard, especially since it's so easy for us to have loads of CP and regenerate them.

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