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Daemon princes without “true” form?

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If ever we think of daemon princes we mostly think of gigantic transcended space marines, however is it possible in the fluff to get daemon princes that are kinda “formless” per say? For example a Tzeentch prince that had the form of a multicoloured flame or a Khorne prince that had the form of trickling blood (imagining Carnage type thing) or a Nurgle prince that had the form of an air born disease? With each “formless” daemon prince they hunt down mortal hosts to possess them?
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Well technically Daemon Princes don't have a corporeal form, they're made of warp energy akin to trueborn Daemons. They can manifest, but it's not real flesh and blood. They're an aspect of their God along with perhaps some traces of their former selves.
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Sounds fine for a Daemon Prince to temporarily take those forms but potentially unimpressive and/or limiting to be forever a pool of blood or a lick of flame. I like the idea of a crafty Daemon disguising itself or ‘melting’ into blood or a torrent of fire to pursue a foe...
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I always wanted that trapped C'tan thing from the necron monolith to be used as a daemon prince. This form of warp energy mimicking humanoid form and floating about. It would be like Dr. Manhattan when he first tried to recompose his body.


I even had the warp beast monster from the WFHB line because it had a vortex on its back that I wanted to use as daemon prince as well. That was literally going to be a bodiless form of energy floating around. Just going off that idea that it didn't need a corporeal form because it considered itself so ascended.


These were trippy ideas for Tzeentchain DP's when I was trying daemons years back.

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  • 3 weeks later...

It's fully feasible, and these do exist, but they are impractical for gameplay, which is why they don't have models. The current model is an easy to recognise archetype, which facilitates recognition.


No reason you couldn't have a column of fire, giant swarm of flies or animated suit of armour.

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