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Difficulty building DKoK Grenadiers

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Hi folks


As the title suggests, I'm having some difficulty assembling some DKoK grenadiers that I recently managed to acquire. In particular, the hellgun cables, which seem nigh on impossible to fit.


I've given up for today but will try again tomorrow with the assistance of a hairdryer, but it's so fiddly that I'm not holding out hope.


So, any tips? Or suggestions for alternatives? I was thinking plastic tubing/guitar wire or just adding a magazine to the gun to avoid the problem altogether.



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Super hot water- tea hot, will let you bend them... or you can say screw it(like I did)

Guitar cord is super fiddly and tends to poke holes in your fingertips when bending at 28mm;)

Magazines work as well as the notion of the micro nuclear power packs that mine are rocking

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Super hot water- tea hot, will let you bend them... or you can say screw it(like I did)

Guitar cord is super fiddly and tends to poke holes in your fingertips when bending at 28mm;)

Magazines work as well as the notion of the micro nuclear power packs that mine are rocking

Cheers, I think I'm leaning towards what you've done - they're fiddly enough as it is.


I don't suppose you have any photos of what you've done with yours...?

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I get a mug and fire my Kurig coffee maker empty (so as mentioned; water hot as coffee or tea. Dunk the whole piece in for about a good 30-45 sec and tweezer it out.


Should bend fairly easily if its an extreme warp try to flex it ever so slightly then reheat most curved point - usually the bottom of the curve.


Be gentle, itll snap if you try it too long out of the heat (more than 15sec)

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There's also the heat gun option too.


I picked up one from the hardware store for $40 recently. There are cheaper options but it only had a hot or even hotter setting. I recommend the one with extra settings from cool to hot though.


Having said all that I have heard of others using a simple hair dryer too.

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