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The shrine in the renegades box set

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Greetings All,


I don't know whether I should put this here or in general, I went for here because most of you AdMech players I was thinking would have gotten the set or 3


I was wondering, I've started to build the forgeshrine and after looking at it and comparing it to the same one on the gw site it seems to be missing or something. Is the whole set for the shrine in the box set or is it a built down shrine?



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Just as everyone has said, different set but similar parts. I bought Renagade as well, but I converted the Magnavent to the Forgeshrine with some parts from the Tactical Objectives box and an Alchemite Stacks box, and I still have enough left over for 6 Objectives and the Alchemite Stacks. It doesn’t look exactly like the official Forgeshrine set, but close enough, and if you’re willing to shell out a little extra money it’s not a bad deal, as you’ll still be able to use the objectives and terrain. That’s just my perspective at least, I was already planning to get the two extra boxes so it worked out well for me.
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This thread has now mentioned the forgeshrine enough times that it must now be pointed out that the forgeshrine has absolute garbage rules. Really, truly mind boggingly bad rules that are essentially a massive net negative to use.


I say this as someone who has bought a forgeshrine, knowing full well how god awful the rules for it was. It's a cool terrain piece and it's thematic. Get a diverse set of Imperium characters up on the platform around a knight and you got a mini diorama going. And it will go nicely with the terrain piece of the renegade box, they will look great together.


But there's no real need to turn the knight renegade terrain piece into a "counts as forgeshrine" because the forgeshrine in the game is awful and you should never really use it :P

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I do gotta agree with Reinhard, the only reason I did the conversion is cuz I like the look and was getting more terrain stuff anyway.


There’s always one unit in every Codex that everyone has to agree is just bad, with almost no redeeming qualities. We lucked out with Knights, as it’s just some terrain. Meanwhile in Admech, I can’t ever realize my dream of Heironymus Tezla leading a horde of pure servitors... well I can, I just won’t ever win.

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