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Water Decals ?


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Was wondering if the hive-mind could help me out.

I found my old catachan models back and will begin to freshen up that army.
I would love to stay fluff wise with it and field alot of flyers etc - you guessed it : Vietnam style.


Does anyone have an idea where to best get water-decals like for instance of a Huey chopper
(shark teeth, insignia's or the pin-up girls with text as on WW2 bombers) ?
Do I have to buy a complete modelling set or can I get my hands on them somewhere separatly ?
What scale do I have to choose/buy ? (I've read posts talking about 1/35 and 1/48 scale)


All info welcome, thanks in advance

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Just search Google for "1/48 nose art decals" and you'll get a lot of hits on EBay and Etsy. Try "1/48 shark teeth decals" as well...


EBay is great for decals because lots of people paint their own markings and sell the decals.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I also play a game called Bolt Action, which is World War 2 in 28mm scale and it seems that all of their vehicles are in 1/56th scale.


They have a bunch of different sets of waterslide transfers based around all the differing WW2 forces, some of which are pretty neat and might look interesting on 40K Guard vehicles and the like.


I don't want to link the company's main page here but if you send me a DM I'll happily pass it along.


If anything like that might interest you.

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