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Gallant Death Ball

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I work in Security and Law Enforcement, am prior service and a Gulf War vet, with degrees in Electronics Engineering and Robotics, and have worked in the Semiconductor industry as well as with precious metals for industrial applications. And yet ... I started playing 40k over 30 years ago while in high school.


My brothers also play 30k/40k, and they have degrees in architectural/mechanical drafting and mechanical engineering, respectively.


It’s a family thing.



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I spent the majority of my working life making video games for (please don't hate me), a certain company generally known by two initials, or these days by a torrent of expletives... But Mirrors Edge was cool, and I did (some of) that.


Then I went into developing the software that runs various ATC and Fighter Control programs in various places around the globe (so if planes crash... that was possibly me).


Now I'm a parent full(ish) time while doing softwarey things from home (or trying to).


One degree in Philosophy and Classical Studies, one Software Industry Degree equivalent qualification. 


(No masters or PhDs/DPhils, but hey, not bad for a cat! :P)

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I've got a BA in history, BA in religious studies, masters in religious studies (esotericism, religious experience, mysticism as a focus) and currently working on a PHD on teaching religion and philosophy in schools.

Really interesting to read about your different backgrounds. I think it does a forum good too, since it serves as a reminder that there's actual people behind the usernames.

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I've got a master from the university of the internet in bringing topics back on track :wink:


Can't wait to get my two knights from the renegade set assembled, so I can actually play a knight army. They're going to be magnetised so that they can be run as anything almost, but I suspect it'll mainly be as Gallants. Sweet wrecking balls of death and destruction.

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I spent the majority of my working life making video games for (please don't hate me), a certain company generally known by two initials, or these days by a torrent of expletives... But Mirrors Edge was cool, and I did (some of) that.


Then I went into developing the software that runs various ATC and Fighter Control programs in various places around the globe (so if planes crash... that was possibly me).


Now I'm a parent full(ish) time while doing softwarey things from home (or trying to).


One degree in Philosophy and Classical Studies, one Software Industry Degree equivalent qualification.


(No masters or PhDs/DPhils, but hey, not bad for a cat! :P)

Stray you beautiful human you! I cite Mirrors edge as the first game that certain two letter company did that was truly innovative.


I absolutely loved it, fantastic and dare I say it a bit before it’s time. I don’t play games anymore other than 40k but I have fond memories of that one


Good job sir

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I spent the majority of my working life making video games for (please don't hate me), a certain company generally known by two initials, or these days by a torrent of expletives... But Mirrors Edge was cool, and I did (some of) that.


Then I went into developing the software that runs various ATC and Fighter Control programs in various places around the globe (so if planes crash... that was possibly me).


Now I'm a parent full(ish) time while doing softwarey things from home (or trying to).


One degree in Philosophy and Classical Studies, one Software Industry Degree equivalent qualification.


(No masters or PhDs/DPhils, but hey, not bad for a cat! :tongue.:)

Stray you beautiful human you! I cite Mirrors edge as the first game that certain two letter company did that was truly innovative.


I absolutely loved it, fantastic and dare I say it a bit before it’s time. I don’t play games anymore other than 40k but I have fond memories of that one


Good job sir



Aww, thanks Clingy! It wasn't perfect, but it was the one I was most proud of. Fun fact, originally it had multiplayer. There was a 'cops and runners' mode where one set of players had to catch the other and prevent a runner delivery over a Parkour course. The big issue at that company is nearly always the execs though - they're not gamers, they're business types who answer to shareholders, so features like that are cut because 'it must ship now $$$'. It's a shame, because there really is a lot of incredible talent there who are generally as passionate and frustrated as the gaming community about it all :/


Fun times really though over all. We published all the non digital releases of the Orange Box for Valve too, as well as handling QA and the console conversions, which meant we got to do some work on Portal, TF2 etc, which was also amazing - and still great to have on a CV/Resume.


@Libisrouge - I second Vel, that looks great! Please do put up some pics when it's done. Would love to see it!


i'm still reasonably convinced that for it's points, the good old gallant is possibly the scariest unit in the game. Especially factoring in wargear... O.o

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I’m prior Air Force, have a BS in Technical Management and I work as a Field Service Engineer repairing medical diagnostic equipment.


Would house Moratan be good for for a Gallant with the +1 to hit coupled with 2+ WS or are nat 1s always a miss?

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Would house Moratan be good for for a Gallant with the +1 to hit coupled with 2+ WS or are nat 1s always a miss?

Natural 1s always miss IIRC. Would be good if you want to make use of the Gauntlet though as it cancels out the -1 to Hit penalty. Krast is also good for rerolling misses on the charge.


On the Imperialis side, Hawkshroud is good for keeping your Gallant punching until the bitter end and Terryn is good for getting them into combat quickly.


Several houses have bonuses that work quite well on Gallants so often your choice of House will be determined by what other Knights are in your list and what Relics/Stratagems/WL Traits you wish to use.

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