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How to start Blood Angels


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Hi I was hoping for some help in building a strong fluffy non primaris blood angels army.


I've picked up the start collecting blood angels box (not built).


I am planning on magnatizing the models but I was hoping for some solid directions. Also I've heard the captain in the box is a little redundant..... can I do anything with him to make him work or is that a wasted model? or is it an excuse to get some terminators? I do want to try and stay away from 'normal' marine models unless they are a must take to make the army work.


I was hoping to get some ideas on how to build the box its self as in options and everything? Is magnatizing a good idea I've never tried it?


And where should I go next what's a good start for blood angels to be semi competitive? I would like take part in taunements eventually.


I want a 2000 points army preferably and I don't want to spend too much money on units I probably won't use, I'm trying to be efficient with my purchases (most likely won't last long but I'm going to try).


I love the sanguinary guard models but I see more death company been taken instead, are the sanguinary guard no good compared to the death company or can they both work? Could I have a squad of both in a list or is that a too expensive points wise?


Also I love the idea of a dreadnaught librarian so I really want to pick one up.




Any advice on loadouts or tactics? I've tried watching videos on YouTube and the list analysis but it's all death company, don't get me wrong the models are amazing but I love the idea of sanguinary guard with those awsome swords.


I feel like I'm been a little specific but I'm open to all suggestions.


Please help!?!?

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Scouts are a good, efficient troops choice, especially if you are avoiding Primaris. 

Death Company and Sanguinary Guard are both good, but have different roles. DC are great for clearing chaff units, SG are good for dealing with elites. If you get 2 boxes of SG, you can make up to 10 (or 9 and a Sanguinary Ancient, which is good). But I think there are only 3-4 swords in the box if I remember correctly. plus 2 axes and 1 power fist. 

Librarian Dreadnought is a good second choice if you don't want to use Mephiston. I love mine and he has been very effective.

A captain with jumppack, thunder hammer, and storm shield is a very competitive unit.

Vanguard Veterans are a good choice and can be used to fill a few different roles depending on their loadout. 

Devastator squads provide good ranged anti tank options. 

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Thabks for the reply! :)


What about the models I have in the starter box can I use the tactical marines and the baal predator?

Would 1 box of scouts be ok to make a battalion (two 5 man tactical and 1 5 man scout)

plus a librarian dreadnaught and a captain with jump pack and thunder hammer and shield.

Defiantly getting the sanguinary guard I love them so I'll get two boxes. Would a death company squad work as a small squad or will I need bigger units?

Is the terminator captain redundant? Or can I use him for something? I don't want that box to be a waste.

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Start collecting box is unfortunately pretty bad in the current edition. Baal predator is costly. I would try to build mine as a Razorback with twin assault canons or a normal predator if you can buy/convert a turret autocanon or better still- twin lascanon.

Terminator captain... Looks good and that's about it unfortunately. I mean, sure you can use him, but the JP version is better.

Tacticals are unfortunately not very good this edition either. Scouts amd devastators are much more cost-effective. BUT you can use the bits to convert yours into devastators and/or sternguard.

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So the start collecting box is a little redundant then I could if just got a sternguard box or devistator box. I feel like I've wasted my money on it.


surely I can use those models and still be competitive to a degree.


Would a stormraven gunship help if I gave the squads meltas and flamers? Say two 5 man one with combi melta and melta gun the other with flamer and combi flamer then I can use them against troops and a vehicle. Zooming up the table with the librarian following with the power where he can fly then the sanguinary guard deepstriking down or jumping with the rest. and the baal moving up with firepower? That all sounds cool in my head but would that work?

I guess it depends on the sinario and apponent.


Aawww the baal is an iconic blood angel unit why can't it work?

GW sort it out ha ha!


I'm not sure what to do now......

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Putting tacticals in a Stormraven is a waste of a Stormraven, but can be okay since putting actually good things in a Storm Raven makes it a fire magnet.


Flamers are not points efficient (stormbolters are generally better) and neither really are meltaguns (which are okay but suffer from usually only getting one chance to fire due to their short range).


I built my start collecting tacticals into Death Company. Marines are ultimately just marines. Its also more efficient to buy a tactical squad box and a devastator squad box if you want two devastator units, as long as you're okay with only having 2 of each gun.

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Hhmm that's an idea could make those tactical marines into death company thanks for that. I could still put them in a stormraven I really want one of those they look so cool and have a blood angel feel to them.


Are assault squads with jump packs a good choice?


I don't want to foot slog I want to be very mobile if I can be either with movement or deep strike.


I'm thinking maybe a sky dominating army so the likes of assault squads stormraven gunships flying dreadnaughts and everything I still want to use a baal pred though I like it.


Thanks for the reply though it's getting me thinking. I don't think I'll fit all that into a 2k list but I can see me collecting a lot of blood angels.

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That would be a super fun list to play, but probably won't be winning any tournaments. Granted, Blood Angels alone without allies aren't really winning any tournaments either. 

Vanguard Vets can fill a lot of roles, so I would see what you need and then build them to fit. If you need to take down big monsters and vehicles, go with thunder hammers. If you need them to take out infantry, take chainswords and/or power swords. You can sprinkle in some storm shields or plasma pistols as you like.

From my experience and what I've read from others, vehicles tend to be an all or nothing kind of thing. If you have only 1 or 2, they will get taken out quickly because they are the only targets for your enemy's anti tank weapons. If you start taking more, then they can survive a bit longer. Or take none and your enemy's heavy weapons are wasted by taking out a single guy with a high damage weapon. 

Hhmm that's an idea could make those tactical marines into death company thanks for that. I could still put them in a stormraven I really want one of those they look so cool and have a blood angel feel to them.

Are assault squads with jump packs a good choice?

I don't want to foot slog I want to be very mobile if I can be either with movement or deep strike.

I'm thinking maybe a sky dominating army so the likes of assault squads stormraven gunships flying dreadnaughts and everything I still want to use a baal pred though I like it.

Thanks for the reply though it's getting me thinking. I don't think I'll fit all that into a 2k list but I can see me collecting a lot of blood angels.

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SG boxes have 3 swords, 2 axes, 1 fist. 1 plasma Pistol, 1 inferno pistol, and 6 bolters.


Death Co need to be in a large unit or not at all. 


You can do both units, however They both need support to really shine, and the best supports for each are not compatible with the other. Most people in the end go one or the other. 


The Storm raven is pretty good, but they tend to be to expensive to run more than one, and become fire magnets quickly.


My favorite Recommendation on parts if you go the SG Road: by a box of SG and a box of Vangaurd Vets, kit bash them together to get a Priest, a librarian, a Captain Slam, a Sang Ancient, and a Chaplin all in neat jump-packs. (though the stock Chaplin Character is really good too). Also, it gives you lots of parts/weapons/jump packs left over you can add to the tactical marines you're planning to turn into Death Co. Also, also, you will get some extra swords, axes, and fists for the rest of the S guard you are looking at.

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What would be the best tournament solo blood angel list look like I don't know if I will be going to tournaments but it would be cool to make a list that could do well if not win.

What allies would be fluffy or competitive or fun or all three. I'm guessing guard but would skitarii work well with blood angels?

To be honest I don't know if I would like to take allies unless I was been competitive.


I'm liking the attention blood angels are getting here thanks guys

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Guard do ally well with Blood Angels as they provide some extra warm bodies to hold objectives and some serious firepower while the Blood Angels surge forward to wreck some face. Guard can also farm CPs very effectively with Grand Strategist and Kurov's Aquila which is great as Blood Angels tend to be quite CP hungry to feed our stratagems.


An Imperial Knight can also ally quite well. A shooty knight such as a House Raven Castellan will bust tanks and monsters while the BAs charge in to cut through horde units with things like Death Company. Alternatively a Gallant can charge alongside the DC/SG for a massive distraction carnifex/wrecking ball.

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Interesting a knight would be cool and I believe the house raven is a red paint scheme I like that.

With a knight though I wouldn't have many models on the table blood angels are quite eliete. Guard might be a good choice.


Just out of interest though would skitarii be a good choice too they are imperium too right?

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I respect fluff & player idea on how they want their army to be structured but .... I'd think about running a Death Company Dreadnought over a Librarian Dreadnought. I'd even, if I were looking at running two Furioso box dreadnoughts, two death company dreadnoughts over any other combination ....


but ...


at the end of the day do what will make you happy #1 :) Rule of Cool is #1.

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I respect fluff & player idea on how they want their army to be structured but .... I'd think about running a Death Company Dreadnought over a Librarian Dreadnought. I'd even, if I were looking at running two Furioso box dreadnoughts, two death company dreadnoughts over any other combination ....


but ...


at the end of the day do what will make you happy #1 :smile.: Rule of Cool is #1.


Really? Why? The Deathcompany Dreadnought is the second last Dreadnought I'd take (last would be the Furioso). It's a pure melee Dreadnought without any form of protection. It can't hide behind units and has no invulnerable safe. You'd need a Stormraven or a Dreadnought Drop Pod to deliver him (and in the case of the Drop Pod he would still have to wait for a turn because he'd likely fail his charge roll). The Librarian Dreadnought on the other hand is REALLY good thanks to character protection, super potent melee weapon and psychic shenanigans. The only thing that takes away from the Librarian Dreadnought is when you take Mephiston already since they both do basically the same.

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I guess company veterans are good you can take them in small squads of two? Is that a good idea wouldn't you need more in a squad? It's good for filling a cheap vanguard. What's the point in vanguard veterans over company veterans then I see no pro and con for either of them other than the body guard rule.


I'm not sold on the death company dreadnaught it seems like a weak choice due to what's been said.

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That's the idea. You can do something similar with Plasma Inceptors who are slightly tougher and have more firepower but don't have the ability to take wounds for the Captain.


EDIT - Just noticed the non-Primaris bit in your OP. Forget the Inceptors then (although if you were to include some Primaris, Inceptors fit very well :wink: ).

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