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Shooting support (possible allies)


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Not sure why you think the tournament restrictions preclude guard:


Company Commander



3X troops



1X Wyvrn 


(or 2X wyvrn and 1X Manticore if you prefer)


Comes out to 574 points for a battalion.    gives you 30 screening units plus fire support.


If you'd rather your BA be your battalion, drop some of the  troops and the commissar and make it a spearhead detachment.



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(I´m aware that Imperial Guard is a strong choice here, but due to tournament regulations I will not be able to include an efficient Guard detachment, so I´m looking for some other Imperial options here)

Which tournament regulations are causing you problems? I have to agree with Montoya that IG are great allies. It would be helpful to understand what restrictions you are operating under to be able to offer the most useful advice.

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1) Do you even care about shooting support when playing Blood Angels or do you go all in on Assault?

You need some fire support. BAs are great in assault but they cannot win in assault alone against many armies. Some armies have dangerous CC units of their own that require softening up. Some armies have dangerous fire support units of their own that need to be eliminated so that your assault units do not get shot to pieces after their first glorious charge. Sometimes your opponent has a unit away from your assault units and you need some way to reach out and hurt them at range. Whatever the reason, you will need fire support more often than not.


2) Do you run Blood Angel shooting support? If yes which units?

If I am running my standard 1500 point mono-list, I normally include a Devastator squad with 3 lascannons, a plasma cannon and a few ablative bodies for long-ranged anti-tank. I also run a squad of Primaris bolter Inceptors for mobile infantry shredding. The Inceptors are great and nearly always perform well. The Devastators are a little more hit-and-miss but they provide vital long-ranged anti-tank that I would struggle to find elsewhere without allies.


3) Do you run Allies for shooting support? If yes which and what units?

If you are not going with Guard (and I think Montoya's detachment above is very solid) then Imperial Knights offer a great edal of fire support.


Take a lone Castellan or Crusader from House Raven (you will not get the Trait but it gives you access to the vital Raven Stratagem). Then spend 2CPs before the battle to give it the Ion Bulwark Warlord Trait and the Cawl's Wrath relic (Castellan) or Endless Fury (Crusader). Both of these Knights can bring truly awesome levels of firepower to bear. The Castellan is dedicated to anti-tank while the Crusader is cheaper and a bit more of an all-rounder.

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For DA you could go Talonmaster and Sam in Sableclaw to hold the midfield and lay down a load of strength 5/6 shooting with all the rerolls. Both are charachters with less than 8 wounds so your BA scouts or jump pack dudes can hide them. They can clear the chaff for your shooting/punchy BA.


Take scouts for CP and objectives and either a dev squad or inceptors squad for softening up tanks.

*above DA suggestion doesn't need much CP support

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The restrictions are:
- 1750 points
- max 2 detachments (one needs to be a Batallion)
- no unit (excluding troops & transports) more than twice
- no vehicle squadrons
- max 1 LoW
This forces me into playing 2x Batallion (imo), because we just need those CP for Blood Angels. So unfortunaly no Knights possible... Regarding Guard the problem is, that I can´t take vehicles in squadrons. So an Batallion would just give me 3 heavy support choices to work with.
Thats a very good idea! They got 12 Assault Canon + 6 HB shots each and can get rerolls from each other. Plus they can not be targeted. Seems great!
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OK, fair enough. I have to say that at 1750 points, I don't think the lack of vehicle squadrons will be too painful. Manticores pack a LOT of punch onto a moderately durable chassis that can hide out of LOS and still nuke the enemy. Try starting with Montoya's list and then see what you have after that.


IG Battalion (+5 CPs)

Company Commander, Kurov's Aquila (-1CP)



3X troops



1X Wyvrn


574 points


Blood Angel Battalion


129 HQ Captain Smash (Warlord) with TH, Storm shields, Death Visions (-1CP) and Artisan of War

Angel's Wing jump pack

129 HQ Lemartes

145 HQ Mephiston


55 Troop 5 Scouts

55 Troop 5 Scouts

90 Troop 5 Intercessors


135 Fast 3 Inceptors with assault bolters

135 Fast 3 Inceptors with assault bolters


263 Elite 10 Death Company with Jump Packs, 7 x bolter and chainsword, 3 x Thunderhammer


1136 points


This leaves you with 40 points to play with for optional upgrades. Putting Mortars on the IG squads is a cheap way to boost their firepower and hit stuff hiding out of LOS. You could give them Lascannons if you prefer for a bit more direct anti-tank.


Given the restrictions you are operating under, I think you will be hard pressed to find a better list in the BAs and Friends area. You have a hefty 11 CPs left after buying Death Visions and an Aquila for your Commander and you can gain extra CPs when the enemy uses his stratagems.

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