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Aggressors - any good?


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I have a box of Aggressors incoming so thought I'd shout out to see if anyone else runs them and how they perform?


Will a squad of three boltstorm gauntlets be effective? Seems like a lot dakka for not too many points.


I'm thinking they'll sit in front of my Azrael/Hellblaster blob for all the associated buffs. 



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They're great against hordes and a nice barrier against units that want to charge your more shooty stuff. They are fairly slow however, or at least inconsistent in their movement speed. How much mileage you get out of them depends largely, I think, on what the rest of your army is, and what you're facing.

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My experience AGAINST them, they're only scary if you are T3. Against T4, not so much unless they stood still to utilise their double shot rule. With chapter master and lieutenant, that is going to be a whole bunch of saves you have to take. Also not too scary as they have to move to get in range anyway....


... unless it is Raven Guard sneaking/infiltrate strategem which DOESN'T count as movement, therefore they can unload double tap on you on the turn they arrive. Ridiculous I tell you......


In addition, they are also scary with the Space Marine warlord trait Storm of Fire which increases their AP to -1 if rolling 6s to wound.


Sorry, a bit off tangent as I'm describing fighting AGAINST Aggressors from Space Marine chapters. But the geist of it is, they can do their job well either in clearing hordes or forcing saves on MEQs, provided they get enough rerolls on hits and wounds. Not much synergy from Dark Angels warlord traits and strategems though, except maybe Auspex scan for intercepting deepstrikers and maybe intractable so they can fallback and shoot again.

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I use them as a cover to my Hellblasters. They have done amazing or nothing. but they're not too expensive. Great against hordes and rush up the board. Give up first turn and then fire 18 + d6 shots rerolling all hits (with az.) will clear a lot of models. They will go down to focus fire however.

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They do what they do. A crapload of S4 AP0 shooting. That will be amazing against certain units and useless against others. If you're looking to add a relatively cheap unit to your army for the express purpose of clearing chaff, look no further. Just never shoot them at anything better than a MEQ.

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Good thoughts all. Seems like they should work well with the Azzy/HB blob



My experience AGAINST them, they're only scary if you are T3. Against T4, not so much unless they stood still to utilise their double shot rule. With chapter master and lieutenant, that is going to be a whole bunch of saves you have to take. Also not too scary as they have to move to get in range anyway....


... unless it is Raven Guard sneaking/infiltrate strategem which DOESN'T count as movement, therefore they can unload double tap on you on the turn they arrive. Ridiculous I tell you......


In addition, they are also scary with the Space Marine warlord trait Storm of Fire which increases their AP to -1 if rolling 6s to wound.


Sorry, a bit off tangent as I'm describing fighting AGAINST Aggressors from Space Marine chapters. But the geist of it is, they can do their job well either in clearing hordes or forcing saves on MEQs, provided they get enough rerolls on hits and wounds. Not much synergy from Dark Angels warlord traits and strategems though, except maybe Auspex scan for intercepting deepstrikers and maybe intractable so they can fallback and shoot again.

Tips from opponents of a unit are very valuable - no need to apologise.

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Tips from opponents of a unit are very valuable - no need to apologise.


Ain't that the truth. I swear we remember when we get crushed more vividly than when we do the crushing. I never played Castellan Robots or Admech period, but I can tell you Castellans are kill on sight if you're marine heavy. o.o

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Tips from opponents of a unit are very valuable - no need to apologise.


Ain't that the truth. I swear we remember when we get crushed more vividly than when we do the crushing. I never played Castellan Robots or Admech period, but I can tell you Castellans are kill on sight if you're marine heavy. o.o



Last time I faced Skitarii, it was their infantry that killed me faster than I was killing them. cancer guns and sniper troops are nasty, along with the crab bots. Very good targets for Aggressors though thanks to T3 and 4+ armour. Again, dark Angels may not be the best to utilize them compared to Raven Guard or even Space Wolves with cunning of the Wolf strategem giving me my old outflank back to "deepstrike" near the Skitarii.


I would suggest give your Aggressors a go for a few games to see if they fit your style. The Aggressor is also a wonderfully simple model to assemble and paint unlike a lot of GW stuff who can't fit into place when assembling. (looking at you land raiders). Don't expect miracles out of them, use a unit and footslog them, hopefully your enemy ignores them to target your other normal high aggro units, until the Aggressors are upon them either within double tap range or in powerfist range.

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If I wasn't so stubborn about primaris not belonging in my take on the First, I would damn well have some agressors. They are a tad pearshaped modelwise, not the prettiest from GW ever, but I like their rules and the aspect of them providing protection for hellblasters.

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If I wasn't so stubborn about primaris not belonging in my take on the First, I would damn well have some agressors. They are a tad pearshaped modelwise, not the prettiest from GW ever, but I like their rules and the aspect of them providing protection for hellblasters.


Far prettier than the Centurions at least. To me, Aggressors is what Centurions should have been instead of them being telly tubby monstrosities. Unless you paint them in yellow and call them Adorablions of course.

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If I wasn't so stubborn about primaris not belonging in my take on the First, I would damn well have some agressors. They are a tad pearshaped modelwise, not the prettiest from GW ever, but I like their rules and the aspect of them providing protection for hellblasters.


Far prettier than the Centurions at least. To me, Aggressors is what Centurions should have been instead of them being telly tubby monstrosities. Unless you paint them in yellow and call them Adorablions of course.



I find it to be the opposite, ironically. Maybe it's just the primaris-hating, first-legion-elitist in me making me "feel" that way, but it's how I see it :)


Not that I'm missing the option of centurions really, but I kinda like the models at least.

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If I wasn't so stubborn about primaris not belonging in my take on the First, I would damn well have some agressors. They are a tad pearshaped modelwise, not the prettiest from GW ever, but I like their rules and the aspect of them providing protection for hellblasters.


Far prettier than the Centurions at least. To me, Aggressors is what Centurions should have been instead of them being telly tubby monstrosities. Unless you paint them in yellow and call them Adorablions of course.



I find it to be the opposite, ironically. Maybe it's just the primaris-hating, first-legion-elitist in me making me "feel" that way, but it's how I see it :smile.:


Not that I'm missing the option of centurions really, but I kinda like the models at least.



Main design flaw that makes them....... rather goofy looking in a similar flaw in the regular dreadnought: no fully articulated legs. Gives the impression that both are "waddling" side to side when moving forward. (although the DOW1 opening video miraculously makes it look like there  is a very short "thigh" to make it walk forward.)

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