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I just hate taking photos and photography in overall. I tend to blame equipment in this matter. Hope i get better photos at some point.

Anyway - creating these five destroyers was like a day at work "just get it done" did not like it that much. 










  • 1 month later...

Huh , well that was a long time without B&C

We had two games with Markus_ during this time. Time to share photos of out games meaby.
Literally running out of miniatures to paint WOrld Eater so meaby starting new project soon. At some sure there will be more World Eaters but with this force I can play 3 ROW so im happy.

Our HH book 1 second battle continues. Victory for WE since one (1) Terminator was standing and denying control of the one objective enemy could controll. 


Deep Strike a bit fail  - target spotted.

Support team cleaning up the trash....



Hidden Devastators tried to destroy Land Raider but were destroyed quickly by Veterans (playing Pride in this scenario)


Think this is second turn
Bring the paint...


Pretty much end of the game. Comets / Orbital bombarments took down many from both sides and i really feel that I won with a bit of luck :D

"Over the top ladz "...

Meaby add the rest of the photos: These are from our third game that WE managed to win.


Termite is annoying. Using it with 10x veterans with combi-meltas so its pretty much a quaranteed tank knocker.



Brutal melee at the ruins. Praetor manages to win with a single killing strike. 

Lascannon doing their nasty job


Combined fire from Devastators on the right and tactical squad wipes out Assault squad to few men. Not a single FNP roll succeeds. Asasult unit and Devastators spend rest of the game poking each other with no succes.


Like this..


Something something deployement


I will try the get some pics of the actual units next time. 

In overall i feel that i might not be adding not that many units anymore to WE. Bu never say never. Simplistic view of conflict solving makes WE great legion with lots to give. Sure i could keep adding units after units but for now I can run it with three different ROWs.

Meaby finally need to start thinking Loyalist Legion.

I dunno which one of my should i link these - so il do it both.

Basically fellow gamer and Nerd In Arm Markus_ gave rather good, easy and simple way to make True Scale mk6 armor.

Boring guy that I am gonna start new (and last again) 30k project for Raven Guard. Was first thinking about Ultramarines, but then new gamer in out started those so it solved the problem.

Just smooth out all the panels, Remove that akwaaaard think on top of kneepad and some magic with gs and its done.



Came to conclusion that model looks better with Phobos bolter. 







  • 2 months later...

Ok im doing it. Fury of the Ancients ROW is so bad and required two more models so why not.

Kutcheck and Gore - twin brothers, destined to kill each other one day. Separated from each other during the days of old and brought together by angron





Testing a list for upcomming weekend. Kind of works, I really want to try out something "not traditional WE" which  in my book mean Surlak and lots of tacticals. stuffed either a spartan or a some pod. Seen that way to many times to consider that to be fun anymore.

In short list is something like this.

HQ1. Consul Delegatus (95), power fist , refractor field , melta bombs

Elite1: Legion Veterans (9) (223) – Melta Bombs, 5xcombi-melta, , Melta Bombs, Mechine-Killers

Troop1 (10) Legion Tactical Squad (150), additional ccw , sergeant with meltabombs

Troop2 (10) Legion Tactical Squad (130), sergeant with melta bombs

Dedicated Transport 1 – Land Raider Phobos (255), armored ceramite, dozer blade, extra armor
Dedicated Transport 2 - Land Raider Phobos (255), armored ceramite, dozer blade, extra armor
Dedicated Transport 3 - Land Raider Phobos (255), armored ceramite, dozer blade, extra armor

Heavy Support 1 – Leviathan Siege Dreadnoughts (320), Armored ceramite, Leviathan Siege claw with in-built meltahun, Leviathan Siege Drill with in-built meltahun, Phosphex Discharger, twin-linked volkite caliver, twin-linked volkite caliver

Heavy Support 1 – Leviathan Siege Dreadnoughts (320), Armored ceramite, Leviathan Siege claw with in-built meltahun, Leviathan Siege Drill with in-built meltahun, Phosphex Discharger, twin-linked volkite caliver, twin-linked volkite caliver


Heavy Support 3 – Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought (240), Aiolos Missile Laucher, Armored Ceramite. Twin-linked Anvillus Patter Autocannon Battery

Some photos of our game with Markus_












Morturg of whatever was bullied allmost to the death. He managed to survive cos of his pseudosciene Psyhic powers. Dodged mike 10 bolters, 4 autocannons, several missiles and calivers. Ended up costing me the victory.


My first Land Raider failed its dangerous test on the first round and veterans were forces to do some good old fashion footslogging


Edited by Mekol

Tournament went rather well. Won one match, was slaugtered on the second and narrow loss during the last match. 

Every legion needs min one (1) Arvus Lighter.






  • 2 months later...

Have not painted any World Eaters for a while. Raven Guard takes most of my inspiration and not surprise myself i do like paiting them more.

When i take look back my World Eaters there are sooo many things i would do differt. Still love to play with them and for sure there will be more models for them in future.

But for now some pics of our game nro 6. Decided to play Book 1 Scenario - Cometh the Red Angel since Angron was not ready previously.

Sire of World Eaters was slain in the battle and took several loaylists with him. Scenario was really deadly since all saves of 6 had to be rerolled. Destruction of loyalists was achieved but only narrowly. If the Praetor had survibed it would have been a draw.




Masterfull Deep Strike - yet no actual results. Unit was wiped out next turn.



Deployement - World Eaters could pick any table edge to enter from after the loaylist deployement.



Deadly opening salvo from Deredeo and Leviathan ensure destruction of Contemtors.



Knock knock....



Whos there ?...



It took a praetor, unit of deathshourds and grave wardens  along Heavy support flamers to bring down Angron. He starts next scenario with 1 wound less.



I would have never took this many Red Butchers without scenario allowing attacker to take more troops. They are dead, and somewhat boring. Yet again they only faced 3 units of legionaries. 



"In this narrow passage their numbers count for :cuss"....



  • 3 weeks later...

Not that many new miniatures on this update. Few new units under construction. Planning to build Mortificator for WE and few other units.

Victory for DG this time.


















Love seeing these battle shots with y'alls marines! And I must have missed it but you have a termite? THat looks like a lot of fun.


Looking forward to seeing what you got coming. The mortificator is a dreadnought guy consul, correct?

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