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The case for Tartaros Deathwing

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So last night, I played a game against a Genestealer cult army where I took a 10-man strong squad of Tartaros Deathwing, supported by Belial and a lieutenant. My load-out was 8 combi-bolters, 2 reaper autocannons, and 2 grenade harnesses.


What made me choose Tartaros over regular Deathwing? Two things:

  1. The 6" move range
  2. Reaper Autocannons

These guys cost the same as regular Deathwing, but from my experience, the Reaper Autocannon makes a considerable difference. Although it has two fewer shots than the assault cannon, it has a better range (36") and rocks S7 instead of S6. Last night, I used DWA assault to fire off 72 combi-bolter shots to clear out a cultist squad, and 16 autocannon shots dealt some serious damage to a T7 Goliath Rockgrinder.


Furthermore, that extra 1" of movement helped to then get the squad into a position to assault some ambushing genestealers, something which I doubt I could have done with 5" movement.


I know that termies aren't in vogue at the moment, but I had fun last night and I'm tempted to try them again, Does anybody else have experience with Tartaros Deathwing?

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Nope, but I agree that the 5" move for regular TDA is a big part of their failnessness, that an the cost/ability of powerfists.

I've used 10 regular TDA DW-Assaulting a few times now and done some good work with ACs, after DS the 24" is fine, the 12" half range on the SBs is trickier when you want to target a few units that are not at the front.

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If you're bringing tartaros, bring the grenade harnesses as well. An extra d6 or 2d6 ap -1 shots is well worth the points


My 5 man Tartaros squad is:

Sergeant PS/PB

Terminator PF/RAC

Terminator 2LC/GH

Terminator SB/PF

Terminator SB/CF


So the Terminator with 2LC Can still have some weapon to shoot with

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If you're bringing tartaros, bring the grenade harnesses as well. An extra d6 or 2d6 ap -1 shots is well worth the points

Ah yes, I forgot about that benefit too. I like Sheol's idea of adding them to some LC termies as that maintains your DWA impact, while boosting your effectiveness in the fight phase..

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Although they needn't be added to a LC-wielding terminator, as a model can fire both storm bolters and grenade harnesses. Of course, if running lightning claws, it's nice to have some dakka as well, so I'd add them to those guys when possible.


I have two boxes of tartaros I got for cheap from a shop that had an insane deal on them. My plan is to magnetize them so I can have 5 with claws when I want that, and 10 with SB+PF when I want that. Grenade Harnesses are going to be glued to sergeant and one other terminator.

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I've only used my Tartaros once, in a 2000 points game against CSM. After dealing with my Ravenwing in close combat, my opponent made a placing mistake, and I've got a spot where his Daemon Prince - warlord was the closest model. So I DWA'd a squad of Tartaros Termies (5 termies, plasma blaster, reaper autocannon, grenade harness, 4 combi-bolters, power fists and 1 chainfist) with Belial in support. DWA-shooting has blown that DP away(he was softened by bikes and Sammael at that point) and these termies made me a Slay The Warlord and Kingslayer(3 points) objectives. The next turn they were obliterated by, you know, a bunch of obliterators.
All in all, it was a great feat fluffwise.

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