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Struggle VS Dark eldar

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Hi comrades, I need your help...
I usually play most of my games (saying 9 on 10) against a friends who run Death guard or Dark Eldar, homunculus Coven. Against the servant of Chaos I have no problem at all, but against the mutated space elves I struggle really, really hard. He has a list which I cannot beat with my general army list (thought to be the most generic possible)
He plays at 2500pts:
2 homunculus
4 riders full of troops
3x3 Talos with Haywire
2 Bombers
2 jet fighters
I simply have not enough fire to deal both with 18d3 Haywire and 4 flyers. If I concentrate fire on Talos I cannot manage to destroy them and still the flyers and raiders halves my tank in a turn. If I concetrate on flyers the talons did the same and in both case I was forced to ignore riders who freely took objectives, or run to my lines in a couple of turn at worst.
I cannot ask him to change his list because i bought axactly that model in the past edition and now has pick up the jolly from the deck with the new codex.
Becase I strongly wont to buy an ultraexpensive (point and money) detachment of superheavies, what can I do against this list?
This is my last list I 've thought, but not sure at all it will works... Please, give me advise from your experience...
Marshal + Kurov’s Aquila 
Combat Engineers + Hades 
Combat Engineers + Hades 
Combat Engineers + Hades 
Master Of Ordenance
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen 
10 Riflemen
5 Death Riders 
5 Death Riders 
5 Death Riders
1 Basilisk 
1 Basilisk 
1 Hydra Platform
Command Battle Tank + HB 
Command Battle Tank + HB 
Command Punisher + 3 HB
Battle Tank + HB 
Battle Tank + HB 
1 Hydra Platform
Strategy is to sit all the lemn russ against my table edge and try to hyde the hydras platform. Death riders to counterattack anything come closer, or battered talos units and use riflemen to deny (as much as I can) space for the flyer bases.
Engineers (if not busy in dealing with talos) are there to engage raiders or grab objectives...
Good on paper, but I fear the response of the field.
Please any advise are welcomed

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Your list looks good enough. But I have some suggestions for you if you want.


I think Leman Russ Exterminators would be better. Dark Eldar vehicles have built-in 5++, so the loss of AP won't hurt that much, but you will reliably put 8 shots that deal 2 dmg apiece. Also Heavy Bolters, most Dark Eldar vehicles are T5 or T6, mass heavy bolter are really good against them, and enemy infantry of course.

the exterminator is a good call. the hydra platforms will help with their bonus to hit flying units (of which the eldar have many). 


I played DE once since the new book and it was rough, so mobile and surprisingly tough with those 5++ floating about. weight of firepower was my answer, but i did loose 


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