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AdMech Forge World In Kill Team box


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Does anyone know what scheme they used for the Kill Team photos they've used for admech? At first I thought perhaps Stygies but I thought they were more 'grey' paints and the armour plating was siliver, not red....?


Is it perhaps a take on Stygies or perhaps a different Forgeworld altogether?

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The 7th Ed CultMech codex has color schemes for more grey-ish Stygies robes, but still red armor plates, and the Skitarii codex shows solid black and red for Stygies. Can you remember where you saw this grey-silver scheme before?


Okay, I'm using an image I grabbed online eons ago. It's like our 'marine painter' image. It's basic line work with colours. 


That's fine though, I like what they did there.


Here's a follow up.... 


I love Cawl (character more so than on the table) and I have about 2K of painted stuff... in Mars.  Do you guys think it would look okay if I started painting Troops like Stygies and kept vehicles and my Deathbots in Mars? Or do you think this would look too awkward?


Stygies looks cool, and I always liked the Metallica scheme too, but the rules are I just can't get into. Stygies look great, and can be fielded competitively beyond Kill Team.


It was just a thought, and I wanted to be sure I was looking at Stygies first. :)

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I went Stygies just because of the lore, I even have a Deathwatch Army that keeps an eye on them on the shelf because of their Heretical nature! Lucky for me that Stygies Black Cloaks really shine with their red armor.



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I went Stygies just because of the lore, I even have a Deathwatch Army that keeps an eye on them on the shelf because of their Heretical nature! Lucky for me that Stygies Black Cloaks really shine with their red armor.




It is only Heresy to ignore the blessings of the Omnissiah in all it's varied and multitudinous offerings, for through discovery and assimilation of Xenos technology do we grow stronger.


----- Placos Meridian 965, Arch Magos and Dominus of the Explorator Ark RhoPrime, Stygies VIII

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