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FW Tallarn stuff has been gone for a long, long time... maybe 2 years now? Maybe more? No clue. I just know it was one of the first major unreleases. And its a damn shame, they were some great models... :/

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When i bought 30 valhallans last year they had some serious molding issues so that's probably why. Its more surprising that they were still selling that much metal after the finecastrophy.

This. I've been rounding up a whole load of old metal guard after they discontinued and the difference in quality compared to those that I bought all those years ago on release is phenomenal!

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Have I just dreamed or didn't Forgeworld have tallarn stuff before? These are gone now too.

Riders, snipers, and I want to say a tank commander?


yup and iirc even heavy weapons teams it was just regular guardsmen that were missing. Again if memory serves these all dropped very very shortly before the most recent scuffles in Iraq and Afghanistan ... read that what you will.

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