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How to model fleshmetal armour?

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So fleshmetal armour got me thinking, model wise, how to represent it? For a nurgle worshipping iron warrior would it be feasible to paint the armour entirely flesh coloured and make out that the armour and flesh have symbiotically melded together with rotted flesh showing on the outside?
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You could do that. That's definitely one idea to go with. I do not know if you would want to do the entire armor flesh colored. I'd say find patches of armor like on the thigh, corner of a shoulder pad, or a segment of the torso  and paint flesh blended into the armor.


I think you could go a step further and model just a bit of flesh onto those parts of the armor to really make it stand out a bits more.


Or you could copy Honsou or that iron hand primarch fella and give them arms of metal? You could use something like the bloodreavers from AoS bare arms and paint them metallic. You will have muscular arms that are true flesh and blood. *for an idea of how those arms could look Insane Psychopath has been using those arms for his berzerkers and they look fantastic. His Iron Warriors 5th Co. plog is in the works in progress section. I'd link it but the comp I'm currently on won't let me cut and paste for some reason.

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