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Secutarii: Two Months in.

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The Secutarii been out now for about two or three months. How have they been treating everyone? I’m about to make two units of 13 Hoplites to serve as flanking units alongside my Skitarii Rangers for my Templars.


Then alongside a Techpriest with an Omniscient Mask for reliability of hitting. They will also be able to fill an anti-tank function. Well as an Anti-Light Tank function anyways. They will be the skirmishing light infantry.


The main downsides I am foreseeing:

Table Space: with my Skitarii I have 150 Models to deploy and move! While I can move them quickly and more. It’s 130 models to force deploy. While 44 Marines, 44 Gaurdsman, 52 Skitarii, (20 Models in Reserve). This means I’ll be squished together.

T3: Given what I am replacing for these units (Aggressors and Inceptors) the lowered toughness sense heavier weapons will go after my Marines, or in cover Gaurdsman, the lightly armored Skitarii become vulnerable to chaff level weaponry like Bolt and Las.

Meh AP: at only -1 AP even through Strength 6 (and sadly situational multidamage (seriously wish that it said vehicles or monsters)) many units, those with 2+ saves will not care.

CP Hungry: I have around 11 CP, averaging 13 a game (enemy like to use 6 strategems meaning Aquila gives me +2). But between wanting 4 for Honor Uses, 4 for various interruptions, that leaves me with 3, of which one is likely gonna be for +1 Hit Vostroyans. The Skitarii I want to likely use the Objective Strategem and the +1 Hit Strategem, at some point. Maybe even together. So that leaves me one maybe two if I am likely going to be able to spare for rerolls and denies.

T3: Seriously it’s one of those traits I think folks underestimating how lackluster or weak T3 is compared to T4. While yes a Marine is dies/tough is inefficiently compared to a Gaurdsman. Marine Squad (10+ Wounds) take an inordinate amount of firepower tactically to kill. While T3, evaporates under pressure. While my plan is that my Marines well tank or enemy directs firepower normally for my marines at my Skitarii instead.


End of the day, yes I am souping, but my intention and focus here is use Skitarii to cover my flanks. And help with battlefield control so my somewhat inflexible block that is my Crusader-Intercessor Blob can better focus and engage the center position without having to divert resources elsewhere. If it would help, I see my tide as being similar to a unit of Robots or Knights (humoursly at around 800 points the blob costs about two knights).


So that aside, in general what have people found with Secutarii? Good, Bad, Trash, Acceptable at their Role as skirmishes or line infantry. How do they pair with Rangers and Vangaurd? How big of a deal is losing Dogma?

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Saving them? No. The two casting halves of each spear were offset from eachother by an absurd degree. This is the order the finally convinced me that FW literally doesn't have a QA process - no humans look at the parts before they're sent out. 


Return them? Maybe. Frankly I've just sad such awful luck with Forgeworld over the years that I didn't bother to try. 

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Saving them? No. The two casting halves of each spear were offset from eachother by an absurd degree. This is the order the finally convinced me that FW literally doesn't have a QA process - no humans look at the parts before they're sent out. 


Return them? Maybe. Frankly I've just sad such awful luck with Forgeworld over the years that I didn't bother to try. 

Send a message to Forgeworld with a photo of your messed up items.

They'll most likely send you a replacement free of charge.

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