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The Caecus Crusade

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My Project for next week is going to be my cenobyte servitors. I got these guys off a kickstarter and I really like the look:




Now the question in my mind is wether I should still convert them to not hold bones but something different. For the small bone I could easily do a book or an incense basket. Not sure about the big one

You are right. I think I will see what I find in my Bitzbox and maybe add some stuff or leave them as they are. I really like the models.


In terms of long-term planning, I built 3 Post CA 2k lists, here is the one I will be able to aspire to most quickly and from which I can quickly build to the next one, from which I will build to the final permutation.


The first one is a 2k Black tide plan:


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [85 PL, 1226pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Sword Brethern Detachment -1CP


+ HQ [10 PL, 199pts] +

Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack , Storm shield , The Shield Eternal, Thunder hammer, Warlord, Swordmaster

The Emperor's Champion [4 PL, 75pts]

+ Troops [45 PL, 522pts] +

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 182pts]: 7x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

 4x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 158pts]: 6x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

3x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 182pts]: 7x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

 4x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

+ Elites [20 PL, 325pts] +

Chapter Ancient [4 PL, 76pts]: Power sword

Company Veterans [8 PL, 110pts]

 Sgt: 2x Lightning Claw, 4*Axe/SS

Company Veterans [8 PL, 139pts]

Sgt TH/SS, 1*TH/SS, 3*PF/SS

+ Fast Attack [5 PL, 112pts] +

Bike Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

1* Biker Sergeant Combi-melta, Twin boltgun

2Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun, Twin boltgun

+ Dedicated Transport [5 PL, 68pts] +

Drop Pod [5 PL, 68pts]: Deathwind launcher


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [25 PL, 486pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Relics of the Chapter  -1CP


+ HQ [10 PL, 155pts] +

Chaplain Grimaldus [6 PL, 90pts]

Lieutenants [4 PL, 65pts]

 Lieutenant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol, Teeth of Terra

+ Troops [15 PL, 331pts] +

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

2x Bolter, 1*LasCan, 1*Plasma, 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

2x Bolter, 1*LasCan, 1*Plasma, 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 107pts]

2x Bolter, 1*Rocket Launcher 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [18 PL, 288pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars


+ HQ [6 PL, 87pts] +

Primaris Captain [6 PL, 87pts]: Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle, Power sword

+ Elites [12 PL, 201pts] +

Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]

Cenobyte Servitors [1 PL, 6pts]: 3x Cenobyte Servitor

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon


++ Total: [128 PL, 2000pts] ++

++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [85 PL, 1226pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Sword Brethern Detachment -1CP


+ HQ [10 PL, 199pts] +

Captain [6 PL, 124pts]: Jump Pack , Storm shield , The Shield Eternal, Thunder hammer, Warlord, Swordmaster

The Emperor's Champion [4 PL, 75pts]

+ Troops [45 PL, 522pts] +

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 182pts]: 7x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

 4x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 158pts]: 6x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

3x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

Crusader Squad [15 PL, 182pts]: 7x Neophyte w/Combat Knife

 4x CS/BP, 1*PS, 1* Flamer, Swordbrother PS/BP

+ Elites [20 PL, 325pts] +

Chapter Ancient [4 PL, 76pts]: Power sword

Company Veterans [8 PL, 110pts]

 Sgt: 2x Lightning Claw, 4*Axe/SS

Company Veterans [8 PL, 139pts]

Sgt TH/SS, 1*TH/SS, 3*PF/SS

+ Fast Attack [5 PL, 112pts] +

Bike Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

1* Biker Sergeant Combi-melta, Twin boltgun

2Space Marine Biker w/Special Weapon: Meltagun, Twin boltgun

+ Dedicated Transport [5 PL, 68pts] +

Drop Pod [5 PL, 68pts]: Deathwind launcher


++ Battalion Detachment +5CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [25 PL, 486pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars

Relics of the Chapter  -1CP


+ HQ [10 PL, 155pts] +

Chaplain Grimaldus [6 PL, 90pts]

Lieutenants [4 PL, 65pts]

 Lieutenant: Chainsword, Plasma pistol, Teeth of Terra

+ Troops [15 PL, 331pts] +

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

2x Bolter, 1*LasCan, 1*Plasma, 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]

2x Bolter, 1*LasCan, 1*Plasma, 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 107pts]

2x Bolter, 1*Rocket Launcher 1*Sgt CombiPlas, CS

Crusader Squad [5 PL, 112pts]


++ Vanguard Detachment +1CP (Imperium - Space Marines) [18 PL, 288pts] ++

Chapter Selection: Black Templars


+ HQ [6 PL, 87pts] +

Primaris Captain [6 PL, 87pts]: Master-crafted stalker bolt rifle, Power sword

+ Elites [12 PL, 201pts] +

Apothecary [3 PL, 55pts]

Cenobyte Servitors [1 PL, 6pts]: 3x Cenobyte Servitor

Venerable Dreadnought [8 PL, 140pts]: Missile launcher, Twin lascannon


++ Total: [128 PL, 2000pts] ++


The two battallions should give me enough CP to use the new stratagems, as well as honour the chapter.

The Black Tide will march with grimaldus, the apothecary, the cenobytes, the ToT Lt and The EC. Sigismash and the Company Champs in the Drop Pod are thrown at whatever seems tough and the shooting squads stay in the Backfield. I am not entirely sure, wether to send them with a Primaris Captain or LT. I can always use wisdom of the ancients if I want to overcharge plasma. On the other hand rerolling 1s each turn might be nice too.

The bikes Job is to harrass/take on armour and monsters.


Things I am still thinking about:

should Sigismash be a chapter master?

where should I put the ancient? with the tide or with the shooting squads? I am currently feeling tide more tbh. Or should I take a Company/Chapter Champion instead? Both feel sufficiently knightly and will be kitbashed anyhow.


The next permutation will be mechanized with 3 rhinos and smaller crusader squads with captain with twin lightning claws as chaptermaster, ec and lt in the transport and a jumping chaplain supporting the droppodding veterans. after that it will be the veterans in two Lazorbacks. That set up will loose one shooting crusader squad and the ancient and apothecary and replace it with one squad of intercessors. which I am actually finde with, as I have anti tank firepower, but not a lot of anti-infantry shooting.



My Counts-as Cenobyte Servitors.

The Squires of the Fallen are a special breed of chapter serfs, aside of the battlefield they are the crypt keepers of the crusade. Clad in sepulchral Black robes they adorn themselves with the bones of their recently slain masters and march onto the field of battle als living reliquiaries. They are the direct servants of Master of Sancticity Augustus the Mourning, Keeper of Bones and Master of burial rites. In Emulation of their immortal master they hide their faces behind masks, crafted by themselves from copper and brass, as to not divert from the sacred bones they carry in eternal servitude to the crusade. 



My Counts-as Cenobyte Servitors.

The Squires of the Fallen are a special breed of chapter serfs, aside of the battlefield they are the crypt keepers of the crusade. Clad in sepulchral Black robes they adorn themselves with the bones of their recently slain masters and march onto the field of battle als living reliquiaries. They are the direct servants of Master of Sancticity Augustus the Mourning, Keeper of Bones and Master of burial rites. In Emulation of their immortal master they hide their faces behind masks, crafted by themselves from copper and brass, as to not divert from the sacred bones they carry in eternal servitude to the crusade.

What models are these? They look awesome!

They are from a kickstarter called Black crab miniatures. I thought about maybe converting them a bit, but decided to leave them as they are, because they simply look fantastic.


Bjorn: they would rather shield those holy bones with their backs and heads if they have to, then to risk any harm to them by using them as Clubs. They will protect them, but are mere mortals in battlefields for demigods

  • 2 weeks later...

The Sword Brethren of Squad Fulcher have arrived. Also the Ancient Charlemagne has been upgraded for anti tank operations.


Squad Fulcher:

Charlemagne as a tank hunter:


On a whim I decided to spray the veterans with citadel matte purity seal. I had used army painter matte varnish before and all it did was frost the mini I used it on, so I have been shying away from varnishing. That being said I absolutely love, what the purity seal has done with the black armour and the reds of my sword brethrens tabards. I am fairly sure that I will varnish the rest of my troops as well at some point.

Yes I Was stunned by the difference it made.

As I said I had problems with army painter varnish. But purity seal gave Thema a look I could never achieve before. I will certainly varnish all my models from now on. When I have some time and the weather is okay I will propably varnish the parts of my army that are already painted as well

  • 1 month later...

Long time no update, real life crusading and other projects kept me a bit busy, but I have some work to show off:


The honourable Ancient Richard
The banner is made from a greenstuff pressmold. I am not 100% happy, the green stuff is still too thick, so some detail, like the crusade war cry got lost. But for a second try (threw the first try in the bin) I am okay with it.
Droppod. The round templar emblems are from a green stuff mould as well. They lost a bit of their roundness, when I became too zealous with removing them from their form. All in all I spent way too much time on this model, becaus I had to grind through the painting process. Didn't like it at all. Well its done now and the sword brethren can be deployed as is fitting for them: on the front lines, where the fighting is thickest.
Castellan Florian is a captain/lt (depending on what I need) with a master crafted bolter and power/counts-as chainsword. Turns out the old fantasy chaos warrior sword scabbard is a really nice fit for a space marine leg, if you remove the demonic skull with a scalpel. even better, when you cut a little indention into it.
Last but not least squad Jürg basicly only exists, because I want a reiver sgt for kill team. But I also don't want to paint less than the smallest possible squad size. So I got 5 Reivers now. They were fun to paint and kitbash, so there is that.
Also I gave some thought to the crusades structure. My Idea is that every Sword Brethren Squad of 5 Guys is the Guard for one of the three main officers of the Crusade e.g. The Marshals Guard, the Master of Sancticities Guard and the ECs Guard.
Marshals Household

Marshal Vespasian

Master of Sancticity Helmuth

Gernot, the Emperors Champion

Crusade Ancient Richard

Sword Brethren

Venerable Dreadnoughts


Fighting Company Bertram – The Avenging Blades

Castellan Bertram

Reclusiarch Eduard

Crusader Squads

Vanguard Veterans


Fighting Company Florian – The Wardens of the Slain

Castellan Florian

Reclusiarch Augustus the Mourning, Keeper of the Bones, Lord of the Sepulchral Spires

The Squires of the Fallen

Crusader Squads

Bike Squads


Primaris Company Gunnar – The Fury Reforged

Castellan Gunnar

Reclusiarch Branhelm




I also think I might not have shown off Castellan Bertram yet, so here you go:


I need to reiterate it - I love your colour scheme. All the new additions to your crusade are awesome. A pity that drop pods have such poor rules, though.


I also think that the command structure you came up with for your crusade is pretty sound. I will probably be following a similar pattern, with the addition of a standard bearer and an apothecary for the retinue of each officer/leader of a fighting company. By the way, in the context of battle companies, how large is your force at the moment and how large do you plan for it to be?


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