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House Taranis, showing off most of what I have so far

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Showing off my currently 4 completed knights (1 Dominus and 3 Questoris). I still have 1 Questoris I need to paint (will be painted as Hawkshroud and fielded as a freeblade) and 2 armiger warglavies. Without Further ado, time to show off :happy.: I will be putting up a more complete showing in the Hall of Honour, this is just a loose "Look at my knights" for you guys to enjoy.




My 4 knights, 1 Castellan Dominus, 1 Questoris Crusader, 1 Questoris Paladin and 1 Questoris Warden.




These two are actually from the codex and I took time to get their heraldry right and colouring best I can. Only admission is the castellan does have two differences which I only noticed AFTER fully assembling and painting.

On the left is Devastation Unbridled piloted by Sir Archimaxes and on the right is Omnissiah's Fury piloted by Sir Soberan (in the codex incorrect called the blade of mars along with the wrong pilot).




These two are my own knights, named and such. Since Taranis does not have a noted princeps currently, I have made my own. On the left is Everlasting Revenge piloted by Princeps Gearlock. On the right is Hammer of the Omnissiah piloted by Sir Burlode.


So far, Devastation Unbridled has been fielded in multiple engagements and so far has yet to not be a force to be reckoned with, tallying many kills to his name worthy of his usual quarries, chief among these glorious kills was a clean kill on a Spartan Assault Tank, taking it out in one shot.

One note about all my knights is they do have carapace weapons but haven't been painted yet and I do use carapace weapons regularly. Just they do look cooler without them in my opinion.


If you want to see the full spin on each knight, I will be putting up a hall of honour thread to show them off fully. So if you want to try and find faults in my transfer work regarding their heraldry then go there. I will consent that Hammer of the Omnissiah however does need his banner fixed...I messed up not putting the house's heraldry on it...instead putting a makers mark on it like a pillock!

because it was built prior to the knights codex being announced and I had built one with the Machina Opus and the other with the Aquila on it and I can't be bothered going through the effort of grinding out the aquila. And it is nice to have something different in the list and to me, it feels like a fluffy addition since hawkshroud are known for paying their debts so this knight would be one of theirs paying their debt to house taranis for some reason or another.


Great work!  I'm curious why you made the choice to go Freeblade with your 5th Knight?


I like the Freeblade idea fro the 5th Knight .... must see pics :smile.:



Agreed!  I for one think it's a great idea, just curious why OP chose to go that direction (which he explained quite well :))


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