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How to enter one of the gods realms?

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How does a chapter/warband/legion enter the garden of nurgle, the crystal labyrinth of Tzeentch, palace of Slaanesh or the blood and brass realm of Khorne?

Either by accident or by the God's whim.


For example: A Genestealer Cult (Cult Tenebrous) ended up at the edge of Nurgle's Garde, their bulk lander was swallowed by a Warp storm that strands them on the outskirts of Nurgle’s Garden.

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It's... complicated. As all things in the Warp are. Mortals and the Immaterium don't get along too well, but it's possible to find a way to the doorstep of their realms. Finding them is the easy part (relatively speaking). Getting in is where the fun resides. I can speak the most for Tzeentch, as it's the realm with which I'm most familiar.


All you have to do to get into the Crystal Labyrinth is walk inside. You're free to enter all you wish, because the Labyrinth is not why you're there - you're there to step foot into the Impossible Fortress, the true home of Tzeentch. The Labyrinth is the test to see if your mind and your soul are worthy of the Fortress. You must find your way through the Crystal Labyrinth as it's paths and reality constantly shift, ebbing and flowing in all directions and rearranging itself before it has ever truly settled into a single pattern. Directions are meaningless, gravity is a luxury, and time is constantly in flux. Warp energies seep and flow through the maze as you wander it, navigating it. If you can read the skeins of fate you have the slightest chance of finding your way through the Crystal Labyrinth, but for nearly all your entrance into it is the resigning of yourself to death.


But that is not all. To truly pass through the Crystal Labyrinth you have to pass through nine gates. At each gate is the Guardian, who asks you one of 999 riddles. Answer correctly, and you may proceed. Answer incorrectly, and you're doomed to wander the Labyrinth with no hope of escape until your own insanity consumes you. So if you can do all of that... then you'll be able to enter the Impossible Fortress... which, if we're being honest, will drive you insane anyway unless you're a Lord of Change or Magnus. 


Legend foretells that one Terran soul from an age long since passed has braved the Labyrinth. It was a young girl in a blue & white dress, accompanied by a small dog... I wish I was making that up, hah! 

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Want to have your mind really blown? That girl and her companions were all antithetical representations of Chaos gods/daemons. The lion is a vicious predator, but is too timid to actually fight. The tin man is completely incapable of feeling any emotions. The scarecrow lacks critical thinking/problem solving-level intelligence. The girl herself is Isha in the Garden: beautiful and vibrant, she never gets dirty or hurt despite her adventures and never allows the violence around her to corrupt her loving, peaceful nature.
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Want to have your mind really blown? That girl and her companions were all antithetical representations of Chaos gods/daemons. The lion is a vicious predator, but is too timid to actually fight. The tin man is completely incapable of feeling any emotions. The scarecrow lacks critical thinking/problem solving-level intelligence. The girl herself is Isha in the Garden: beautiful and vibrant, she never gets dirty or hurt despite her adventures and never allows the violence around her to corrupt her loving, peaceful nature.

I had not heard this analysis before, but I love it. Gives the silly anecdote a bit more depth. Plus, being the antithetical embodiment of Tzeentch's rival, its just adds all that much more poetry to her infiltration. Very nice. 

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