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Basing ideas for Dark Vengeance

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I wanted to get some ideas for what people thought would look good on the bases for the DV Crimson Slaughter models. I have a box set I left unassembled for when I got the color schemes I wanted, equipment, and better skill. I do plan on trying to work parts of Spirit Hosts in with the models to represent the poltergheists, but otherwise the models will be just as they come. I will be doing a darker red than normal, the color of their red on the box art, and a more vibrant gold instead of the usual way their armor is done. I want to try to do these as best I can which means a good looking base as well which I haven't given much thought too and I'm having a bit of a block.
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I'd recommend something that doesn't overpower the model. Like for example, my World Eaters (who the Crimson Slaughter essentially ripped off their colour-scheme wholesale -grumble, grumble-) are on grey, stoney bases, example from Khârn here:




Basically, more neutral colours work. I'd avoid things like browns because they are visually similar enough to red that the model could be "lost" on the base.

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