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Genestealer cult bodies - IG kitbash?

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I’m thinking I will but the killteam starter and use the GSC suits for a guard kill team.


Anyone have any good conversions to share?


I don’t know if the GSC bodies look tough enough to pass as Scion armor, was thinking of using them to kitbash regular guardsmen.

There's been plenty of them as Guardsmen, there's some in the codex too. Works really well, so much so that I think you could bash any bits together and get a look :) I'm not sure about passing as carapace armour, but perhaps the Scion arms and weapons might do a lot there?

When kitbashing any custom Guard regiment, there are really 4 main things to consider, and any number of these things can make them stand out or work in combinations you may not have considered.


1. Bodies. Nearly any GW infantry sized body can be used, but obviously the ones closer in width to their regular Cadian torsos will make some weapon arms fit better. In the past I have used Skitatii bodies, Plague Monk bodies, plastic Dwarf bodies, and many other GW plastic bodies to kitbash guardsmen. Legs can of course be mix and match in some cases, and some interesting effects can be had mixing unconventional legs with armored torsos. One unit I'm making currently is armored elf torsos on Skitatii legs to look like a mostly bionic troop. This is the base of your model, and will act as the blank canvas you'll build upon.


2. Arms/Weapons. These often seem to be the least used to give character to the regiment, though sometimes can be used to good effect. Cadian arms will fit on most standard sized torsos, and can be a quick and dirty way to do it. Skitatii arms are similar, as are some Genestealer Cult arms. All can subtly change the aesthetic when mixed with a different torso, but give limited options unless you go 3rd party.


3. Heads. This is where even a simple swap can change things immensely. My main guard army is entirely Cadian bodies except for an alternate head and the whole army has a different vibe as a result. Even without other changes, Cadians with gasmasks will look more dour. Plumed helmets will make them look more noble, Skitatii Vanguard helmets more militant, hooded heads more mysterious, and so on. This is where you have the most power to change the model as the head forms such an integral part of the regiment's silhouette. Mixing in unconventional ways can sometimes also make a very striking statement. Neophyte bodies with gasmasks will look fully industrial and heavy, while neophyte bodies with Valhallan-esque furred hats swap the industrial look from one of rugged industrialism to one of preservation from the cold. This is by far the most important aspect of your regiment to determine.


4. Extras. This is where you can fine tune your theme. Again using stock Cadians as an example, you can add extra backpacks, pouches, and the odd cloak to give the impression of a regiment used to scouting and operating for long durations without support. Adding lots of doodads and baubles from, say, the AoS Flagellant kit or Stormcast kits can make the regiment look more pious or fanatical, or even just superstitious. Skitatii backpacks can add a high tech look, while banners and instruments from the AoS range can make the regiment look more old fashioned, which can make it look low-tech or traditional depending on the rest of the model.


In your specific case, the bodies are going to say heavy industrial. From there I can echo the obvious course posted above and say that if you use Scion arms and helmeted heads, you can likely pull off Scions with them. Going the route of Indigan Praefects with the Skitarii helms and backpacks could probably look good as basic guardsman or Scions. You could also probably get away with using one of the Skitarii guns (consistently of course) as a hotshot lasgun, since one looks like an ornate longlas anyway and the radium thingies look like high powered guns as it is. Add a cool choice of head and you'll be set.


Let us know what you come up with!

There’s a good video here that shows you how to use the Genestealer Cults models to create the Indigan Praefects Guard Regiment. As a bonus it uses some Skittari bits that should be in the starter set:




Thank you, this channel is great.  I've been watching a lot of his vids - he makes some great conversions.


Good info Kinstryfe - I'm not sure what look I would like to go with.  I think the hooded Skitarii heads on the GSC bodies is a cool look.  Also like the idea of Scion beret heads on the GSC body.


I'm going to need to take a close look at the sprues and see how hard it will be to swap autoguns for lasguns.  The autoguns look awesome, but I like wysiwyg and would want to swap them out.


I've been doing some searching, the GW kitbashes in the codex are cool.  I can find a ton of pics of guard kitbashed to GSC.  Not as many pics of GSC bodies turned into guardsmen.


There’s a good video here that shows you how to use the Genestealer Cults models to create the Indigan Praefects Guard Regiment. As a bonus it uses some Skittari bits that should be in the starter set:



Thank you, this channel is great.  I've been watching a lot of his vids - he makes some great conversions.


Good info Kinstryfe - I'm not sure what look I would like to go with.  I think the hooded Skitarii heads on the GSC bodies is a cool look.  Also like the idea of Scion beret heads on the GSC body.


I'm going to need to take a close look at the sprues and see how hard it will be to swap autoguns for lasguns.  The autoguns look awesome, but I like wysiwyg and would want to swap them out.


I've been doing some searching, the GW kitbashes in the codex are cool.  I can find a ton of pics of guard kitbashed to GSC.  Not as many pics of GSC bodies turned into guardsmen.

Iirc, Autoguns and Lasguns are 100% identical in the rules. It's cool if you want to change it for the look, but I wouldn't feel obligated just for wysiwyg, as it's the literal most equal two weapons can get :)


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