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Preserving Green stuff

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Quick question about preserving GS. I bought this : http://www.greenstuffworld.com/en/green-stuff/21-green-stuff-putty-tape-18-inches.html a while ago and got good use of it but it did not endure time well. Getting very sticky and very hard to part form the plastic film. I tried to store in in the fridge but I'm not sure it was better.


Do you have any tip to to ensure GS preservation or other product in a better packaging ?



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Put it in the freezer (edit: while unmixed). It will last for years. Also, on that note, store super glue in the fridge - it will last for ages as well. I've been doing both of these things for many years now and it ensures that I don't waste anything.

When this thread suddenly makes me realize that I use up all my greenstuff before it goes bad. 





I’d also recommend splitting the yellow part from the blue and storing them in separate ziplock bags. If you store them with the two parts in contact there will be small amounts of mixing leaving a gritty deposit that ruins the smooth consistency.


Yes, so much this. You should always divide the two colors as soon as you get the ribbon form. I buy the two separate tubes of GS now, but when I first started messing around with it only the ribbon form was available and I quickly learned to cut out the middle section where the putty had cured. It may have been my imagination, but I swear that the older the ribbon got, the bigger the cured middle section got. 


Even though I don't but the ribbon form anymore, I don't like to keep the columns of yellow and blue in the plastic tubes they come in because the plastic sheet that they're wrapped in doesn't stick to it (mostly), but it sticks like crazy to the plastic tubes and it can be a nightmare getting it out of the tube sometimes. I recently found these stackable plastic containers in the bead section of my local Hobby Lobby store and now divide up the GS parts into these. 



I also buy green stuff in tube form rather than the ribbons. I washed out a pair of small mustard jars so that I can keep yellow and blue in separate containers. I have no idea if sunlight is a factor, but the jars reside in a drawer under my work area.


It helps that I like mustard. It doesn't help that the best little jars at my local grocery store contain an appalling mediocre mustard. I ate it anyway. On stuff.


I just finished off a tube of green stuff, after what feels like a few years of use, and ordered another one. It didn't even occur to me that it could go bad if the components were kept in isolation.


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