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Tales of the Laughing Dice Gods


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Some people are notoriously lucky, they never seem to roll badly and get the sixes when they need them more often than not. Other people are the opposite. You might notice them in your local club, standing relatively alone because even their best friends give them a wide berth when it comes to gaming time. Nobody wants to catch their dice disease. Most people fall somewhere between the two, but I for one tend towards the latter category. After my last game, I'm compelled to start this thread so that my fellow sufferers can share their woes, bemoan the dice, and offer suggestions for sacrifices to those fickle dice gods. Because peanut M&Ms just don't seem to be working for me.


Minor misfortune doesn't count; I would love to hear the most outrageous, rage inducing bad luck that other players have

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Well, most of my funny dice moments are with my T'au but I remember two things from when I started with BA back in 7th.

1. Sanguinary Guard charging some Chaos Biker. Two die in Bolter overwatch and the rest fails to take out even one bike before getting pounded by the attached Chaos Lord. :ermm:

2. Furioso Dread coming down in a Drop Pod and scatters onto a small hill where he can't climb down from. He scared away some Guardsmen with his Heavy flamer and Frag Cannon and then proceeded to furiously waiting until one of the enemies on either side of the hill shoot him in his unprotected back. :ermm:

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2. Furioso Dread coming down in a Drop Pod and scatters onto a small hill where he can't climb down from. He scared away some Guardsmen with his Heavy flamer and Frag Cannon and then proceeded to furiously waiting until one of the enemies on either side of the hill shoot him in his unprotected back. :ermm:

This is bad

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So this is more misfortune for my opponent and less rage-inducing and more hilarious. I once had five bare bones scouts standing in the open withstand shooting from Gman and 10 intercessors within rapid fire range without losing a single model, succeeding in shielding my characters. He wasn't rolling catastrophically bad or anything, I just kept making my saves.. Sure it only let them survive one more phase but it's note-worthy in my book.


Decent of Angels is the single most rage-inducing stratagem in the codex for me. Even with a charge reroll I feel like I fail that 3D6 charge about 70% of the time.

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I have a bad relations with lascannons. Haven’t played many games with those, but each time they fail me miserably. On one game against grey knights I got to shoot every five turns with a razorback with twin lascannons, and only managed to score one wounding shot out of ten. That also failed to wound as that lucky terminator got saved by the invulnerable save. Not sure if I have ever done any damage with my lascannons. Meltaguns have a bit better luck, but I still score a wounding shot with them less than half of the time.


There is a reason why I always go for combat oriented lists over shooting :)

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