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Brief introduction is that I am (as the title suggests) extremely loathe to paint things - I have limited free time and I prefer to play the game when I can. However, I am trying to make a concerted effort to get through the cupboards of bare plastic and complete some painting. This will simply be a place to force myself to maintain motivation...

I have a blog in the Raven Guard subforum (linked here, if you're interested), as I endeavour to complete my main army. Some of those updates may (will) be in here too - but that will remain exclusively for that.

This blog is to help me tackle the multiple other armies or projects that have, somehow, ended up in my spare room... Often when old friends quit the hobby and I can't let them send their men to their doom...

Anyway. Some of these will be me attempting to paint to a semi-decent standard, others to a very basic TT level, just so I can play with the models.

Without further ado, here are some pictures:

A second squad of Aggressors:


They still need basing and transfers, but that will happen in batches once all Marines are painted...

And some Xenos, for variation:

Some Dire Avengers - particularly fast and nasty, just for use.


And some Howling Banshees:


So, there we go.

Any comments etc are appreciated. Thanks, guys.

Edited by Cordova

@Jokernaut - thanks, the pile was getting silly so I thought I'd try. Plus, there's several armies in there so I'm hoping that variation spices it up.


@SwashBuccaneer - thanks, I'm never going to win awards or anything but I want them to look at least half decent, especially as a coherent force (when they're all done, in a few hundred years).

So, I have managed to maintain the momentum. I have completed some Rangers.

Irritatingly, the light was really not helping me today, so I gave up and decided to post both the darker version and the washed-out one...

Here we are:


As before, comments/critiques etc are welcome.

And as a bonus - to keep me amused - what should I do next?

Warp Spiders


Space Marine Lieutenant (not the Primaris kind)

Kabalite Warriors

Thanks, guys.

The Aeldari look good.

Thanks - I took this as a reason to do more:


Plus, here is a completed Lieutenant from my Dark Eagles (copied straight from my other blog).


As always, comments etc are welcome. Thanks, guys.

Edited by Cordova

Both - my board at home is urban, so they are painted to tie in to that - I'll post pics at some point.


Fluff-wise, the Dark Eagles paint their armour with Cameoline so they blend. All models also have markings to help break up their silhouette - although that isn't on this model yet, it occurs at the transfer stage.

  • 4 months later...

Well, I haven't posted in here for a long old while.

I have (since August!) been able to complete my Dark Eagles and begin a run on some Imperial Guard. So, obviously, I decided to start painting my Eldar again. I have finalised a 1750 list, and I am now working to complete the units for it. Here is today's effort, some Fire Dragons.

(Bear in mind I am aiming for basic tabletop - I know they aren't very special. They aren't as dirty looking in reality, however.


  • 1 year later...

Like most people on these forums, I have found myself with much more time on my hands recently. When I'm not at work in school, I have been trying to keep busy with some additional painting time.

Before Nurgle arrived, I was packing move house, so I have only got limited resources left... Still, it's been good to get some paint on some models.

I have acquired a few models on eBay and have spent a few days touching some up and painting others from scratch. I have, in about two weeks, now got just over 1,000 points of Deathwatch.

Sure, they are a bit rough and ready, but I'm pleased to have what is essentially a small army all painted up. I will have to come back to a few to base them or sort shoulder pads (they're packed) but it's pretty good as it is right now.

The Command elements:








Inceptors and Dreadnought:




And a group shot:


Apologies for the quality of lighting etc, but my camera and lights etc are also all packed.

Anyway...there we go.

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