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A question about Drop Troopers


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I’ve been thinking about starting a new IG army to go with my Raptors Chapter space marines and found some awesome drop trooper alternatives on Puppetswar. My question is does my non-Elysian troopers have to use the Elysian special rules or will I be able to take tanks etc?
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It depends how you decide to run them. If you want to play as drop troops you would need to use the Elysian list and all it's restrictions. You could play them as stormtroopers though and take a separate detachment of auxiliaries if you want to use tanks/not use the FW book.

If you want Drop Troops you have two choices. Elysians, or StormTroopers. Elysians are 5ppm (standard infantry are 4ppm) and storm troopers are 10ppm. Stormies have a 4+ Sv, hotshots, BS3+, and can take 2 SW per 5 guys. Elysians have a 5+ Sv, BS4+, and can take one SW and one breacher charge. 


I'm a die hard Stormie guy, and as far as the troops choice goes Stormies have it. Elysian vets are better than Codex vets, but still not worth it in my mind as they're not a contestable unit. 


GW forgot to make Stormies bad this Edition.

You can field tanks just have to take a different detachment. Standard codex go with Stormtroopers which then you can field tanks no problem. If you want to go the Forgeworld Index route go Elysians. Elysians cannot take tanks at all period you would have to take a separate detachment from another Guard force. Elysian list are extremely powerful non match play. In fact it may be the most broken way to play guard. Deep striking 100 infantry/special weapon teams/command squads with plasma guns 9" away from your opponents lines is nothing to sneeze at.


What models are you looking at?



If you want Drop Troops you have two choices. Elysians, or StormTroopers. Elysians are 5ppm (standard infantry are 4ppm) and storm troopers are 10ppm. Stormies have a 4+ Sv, hotshots, BS3+, and can take 2 SW per 5 guys. Elysians have a 5+ Sv, BS4+, and can take one SW and one breacher charge. 


I'm a die hard Stormie guy, and as far as the troops choice goes Stormies have it. Elysian vets are better than Codex vets, but still not worth it in my mind as they're not a contestable unit. 


GW forgot to make Stormies bad this Edition.

Storm Troopers are 9PPM, + 1 point for hotshot lasgun.

If you want Drop Troops you have two choices. Elysians, or StormTroopers. Elysians are 5ppm (standard infantry are 4ppm) and storm troopers are 10ppm. Stormies have a 4+ Sv, hotshots, BS3+, and can take 2 SW per 5 guys. Elysians have a 5+ Sv, BS4+, and can take one SW and one breacher charge. 


I'm a die hard Stormie guy, and as far as the troops choice goes Stormies have it. Elysian vets are better than Codex vets, but still not worth it in my mind as they're not a contestable unit. 


GW forgot to make Stormies bad this Edition.

Elysian special weapon squads are 5ppm and can take 3 special weapons per 6 guys.

Elysian Veterans are 7ppm, Sv is still 5+, but BS 4+ and can take 3 special weapons plus heavy flamer and breacher charge per 10 guys. As a bonus a sarge can take something too. The rest of the squad may have shotguns for free.


If you want Drop Troops you have two choices. Elysians, or StormTroopers. Elysians are 5ppm (standard infantry are 4ppm) and storm troopers are 10ppm. Stormies have a 4+ Sv, hotshots, BS3+, and can take 2 SW per 5 guys. Elysians have a 5+ Sv, BS4+, and can take one SW and one breacher charge. 


I'm a die hard Stormie guy, and as far as the troops choice goes Stormies have it. Elysian vets are better than Codex vets, but still not worth it in my mind as they're not a contestable unit. 


GW forgot to make Stormies bad this Edition.

Elysian special weapon squads are 5ppm and can take 3 special weapons per 6 guys.

Elysian Veterans are 7ppm, Sv is still 5+, but BS 4+ and can take 3 special weapons plus heavy flamer and breacher charge per 10 guys. As a bonus a sarge can take something too. The rest of the squad may have shotguns for free.


Elysian Sergeants also have access to the Auxiliary Grenade Launcher, which is the normal 5pt Guard Grenade Launcher, for free on their sergeants.

Imperial Armour FAQ, you can give it to anyone who can take from the Ranged Weapon Table, which unfortunatly Imperial Armor took away from normal Sergeants, though Veterans and Officers can spam the things.



Page 120
– Elysian Drop Troops Wargear
Add a new table titled ‘Elysian Drop Troops Other
Wargear’ with the following entry:
Auxiliary Grenade Launcher
| A model with an
auxiliary grenade launcher increases the range of any
frag grenades and krak grenades they use to 24".’




Use Mordians with Valkyries and Vendettas as Drop Troops.


Mordian Command Squads and Special Weapons Squads, packing Plasma, with Officers giving out their 'Form Firing Squad!' Order can wipe every enemy character off the board quick smart.


Sure, they might die in the process, but that's their job.


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