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Lets play guess that colour.


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In my opinion, it's black. It's brightly lit and basically every edge has been given a grey highlight (GWs current paint process for studio models), likely with a matt or satin varnish to finish it off, thus giving it a deep charcoal grey appearance. Take a look at any black object with a satin or matt finish in bright light and you'll notice that it's mostly deep grey in appearance and only really black in the recesses and spots where the light isn't hitting; the same effect is happening here as far as I can tell.

Most likely, and then with lighter grey as a final step. If you look closely at a GW studio miniature you see that they generally paint an area a given colour, then they edge highlight the entire area with a wide* stripe of a modestly lighter colour (* 'wide' by edge highlighting standards; still very thin but just a bit wider than the next step), and then they do another round of edge highlighting that is a bit thinner and a little more selective to enhance the directionality of the light; think bright glints on the top edges and corners. I hope that makes sense.


The edge highlighting on black is rather powerful, so don't be afraid to consider other greys to affect how it'll look. Choosing between a cool or warm grey will impart that on the black, making it appear cool or warm. Choosing between a dark or light grey will also have the same effect letting you make the black look very deep by using dark highlights or somewhat 'softer' by using brighter highlights.


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