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Codex Next Week


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Guest Triszin

There are even some brand-new datasheets, giving you never-seen-before options like Wulfen Dreadnoughts or Wolf Guard Terminators clad in Cataphractii and Tartaros pattern armour. We’ll be previewing the new codex throughout the next week with a closer look at what it means for you and your army, so stay tuned!


to me this sounds like we are getting a proper 30k era 13th co equipment and army list.

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Guest Triszin

and access to 30k terminator sets.


my guess we get proper rules for 13th co that returned in ashes of prospero


wulfen dreads, ( probably a fun way to show ancient dreads returning)


murderfang will still be a special character, curious to see the new loadouts for the standards.

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The Battle Leader model looks great (I really like it!) but I am sad that this is likely all we're getting. As someone who is actually excited to start building Primaris, I think we needed more characters. Trying to take those Primaris Chaplains, Captains, and Librarians and call them Space Wolves is weak - they just don't look the part.


I won't harp on it and will leave it at that.

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Yeah I'm happy with wulfen dreadnaughts. That's a really nice addition. Still have my fingers crossed for great company rules but we'll see about that. 


I'm really doubtful on that front, I'm just hoping that it as useful as the chapter tactics that BA & DA have got. I'm a bit nervous that it is going to be some sort of counter charge, and I really don't want one that gives my opponents control. I would much rather have a chapter tactic that is proactive and on my terms.


I do want to see Primaris successors as well. I have 6000 points of painted wolves already, and I don't really like how it looks when I mix them so having a "different" chapter would be ideal. 

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On a more substantive note, the boxed set with Aggressors is appreciated. And a new Dreadnought option should be a solid choice so long as it somehow differintiates itself from the other dreadnoughts we have, especially the shield dread. No new models besides the WGBL is what I expected so a new dreadnought datasheet (if not model) and a new boxed set is very welcome.
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Tooth and Claw kicks off a thrilling story thread for Warhammer 40,000, brings you some incredible new models and saves you money at the same time. With two armies, rules and 40-page softback book exploring new lore, it’s great whether you’re just starting with Warhammer 40,000, looking to kick off a new army or just want to expand an existing collection.

In Tooth and Claw, the Space Wolves – now reinforced by the Primaris Space Marines – descend upon Vigilus to crush the insidious Genestealer Cults. This is no mere uprising – positioned in one of the only relatively stable channels between each half of the galaxy, Vigilus is both the gateway to the beleaguered “Imperium Nihilus” and a citadel against the Black LegionOrks and all manner of threats from without. Should the Space Wolves fail, the consequences would be devastating…

Inside Tooth and Claw, you’ll find new models you won’t find anywhere else. For the Space Wolves, you’ll get a new Primaris Battle Leader – the first ever dedicated Primaris model for the sons of Fenris. Bedecked with furs and gems (not to mention a splendid beard), he’s the ideal commander for your Space Wolves army.

Speaking of which – you’ll find a respectable start to any Primaris Space Marines force inside Tooth and Claw with a 
Redemptor DreadnoughtIntercessors and Aggressors. Build yours with the Space Wolves upgrades included in the set, or assemble and paint them up to match your favourite Chapter – it’s your call.


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My feeling for this release is - Meh... I had hoped for more.

And the dice look terrible.

Those dice are a horrible idea.


everyone will have to focus on each die roll.


i just got the kill team dice and sometimes the 1 and 6 look the same from a distance (happened multiple times during tournament where me and opponent leaned in closer)

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I'm really happy that we finally have a date for our 'dex, it really is much needed at this point as we all know. The box set looks interesting, I'm on the fence about the primaris and don't have any in my army but will wait and see how they tie it in. My main hopes are for a decent (and fluffy) set of stratagems and a genuinely useful army wide special rule, I'm not a competitive gamer but am looking forward to a more even playing field with the rest of the codex armies. 

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