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Codex Next Week


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No its the same pic. I think most of not all the codes were their 7th ed pics

that makes me sad because the rear art is santa logan's sled


i hate that sled



I find it odd the writers keep forgetting that the Wolves live by the lead by example rule.


Logan in a pack with his personal champion, Arjac, and a pack of WG TDA around them, maybe with Ulric, makes far more sense either deep striking via teleport or in some kind of transport, as opposed to Logan going around on some glory hogging pimped out pinto sled that draws fire directly at him, while not truly addressing the threat Logan faces in 8th due to lacking any form of Eternal Warrior rule.


Lead from the front in combat. Lead where it is wisest in the rest of life.


Just for those that might have never seen this picture before...



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I'm hearing through some sources about a potential nerf, that the Blizzard Shield is going to be reduced from 3++ to 4++. Now I think/hope that they didn't apply change in the final draft of the codex.

Hoo boy I’d be pissed, I expect a point increase but that’d be massive.
Then they better give some kind of range weapon on the blizzard dreads, cuz it's already pretty bad having to wait several turns to finally be in range to inflict any damage. Its be nice to have some use of that BS 2+, even if it is a storm bolter.
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I'm hearing through some sources about a potential nerf, that the Blizzard Shield is going to be reduced from 3++ to 4++. Now I think/hope that they didn't apply change in the final draft of the codex.

Hoo boy I’d be pissed, I expect a point increase but that’d be massive.
Then they better give some kind of range weapon on the blizzard dreads, cuz it's already pretty bad having to wait several turns to finally be in range to inflict any damage. Its be nice to have some use of that BS 2+, even if it is a storm bolter.



Im not going to get worked up over that. Though the 6th ed codex has an oops studio model with a sheild dread equipt with a heavy flamer.


I know at least one person who would be very excited if they corrected that particular bit. :D

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Lead from the front in combat. Lead where it is wisest in the rest of life.


Just for those that might have never seen this picture before...





That caption is inaccurate, though. The leader of that pack IS the one breaking the trail. And wolf packs have no concerns about ambushes.



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One thing GW has routinely claimed is that the Wolves players will love our release schedule.


Tooth and Claw, Codex, and a rather badass Primaris Battle Leader model incline me to think that this is one of two or more waves of releases.


Now, don't get me wrong, three is unlikely, but not impossible. Still, even if only two release waves occur, with how well the Wolves appear to be able to use the strengths of the Primaris to fill the holes in their ranks that they best transfer into, it would appear the Wolves may actually be thriving with both the new blood and the different and augmenting combat potential.


Overall, I expect the Wolves to get two release waves, while three is not impossible, it is also not entirely likely. As far as the level of integration, the Wolves might have absorbed a pretty solid portion of the Wolfspear or maybe one or more other Primaris successor Chapters. The neat part is, Intercessors, even without a major ability to take CCW's can help cover a great deal of the board as mobile fire support. We may get lucky and actually receive CCW options for Primaris Intercessors; if so, this release will be killer, to the enemy!






It looks like the option to at least take some sort of BP and Chainsword is there, one of the Primaris models is armed as such. The question is, can said Primaris Marine still make use of either a Bolt Carbine or Bolt Rifle? If so, this is going to be hard for me to control my spending this entire year!


You're very optimistic Karack. I just don't see it happening. We probably just end up with what's been shown to us already. This really isn't a release for SW's. Sure, we are getting our codex which is great but this is a GSC/orks release. They're already teasing ork stuff for Orktober. Our presence is merely the imperial filler.


If Orks don't come until October it does leave a lot of space for us to potentially get another wave. Probably more stuff to do with Warzone Vigilus.


From what it sounds like GW is going to reveal more stuff this weekend at all the large events. But, any space wolf releases should be in the codex which we will start to get reviews this Friday. That would spoil any weekend reveals at these events for us. I surmise any reveals won't be about us.


This release is making me bipolar. So many emotions, mostly impatience. I will be content with just the codex. I have a large collection already that I want to play 8th edition with. (No the index isn't 8th edition. Stratagems, traits, and tactics are 8th edition). I really like the primaris models but I don't really have the hobby time to revamp my army to fit them in.


They keep alluding to "acute senses". I am hoping it's a stratagem and not our trait. I can't imagine it being a trait that is good.

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One thing GW has routinely claimed is that the Wolves players will love our release schedule.


Tooth and Claw, Codex, and a rather badass Primaris Battle Leader model incline me to think that this is one of two or more waves of releases.


Now, don't get me wrong, three is unlikely, but not impossible. Still, even if only two release waves occur, with how well the Wolves appear to be able to use the strengths of the Primaris to fill the holes in their ranks that they best transfer into, it would appear the Wolves may actually be thriving with both the new blood and the different and augmenting combat potential.


Overall, I expect the Wolves to get two release waves, while three is not impossible, it is also not entirely likely. As far as the level of integration, the Wolves might have absorbed a pretty solid portion of the Wolfspear or maybe one or more other Primaris successor Chapters. The neat part is, Intercessors, even without a major ability to take CCW's can help cover a great deal of the board as mobile fire support. We may get lucky and actually receive CCW options for Primaris Intercessors; if so, this release will be killer, to the enemy!






It looks like the option to at least take some sort of BP and Chainsword is there, one of the Primaris models is armed as such. The question is, can said Primaris Marine still make use of either a Bolt Carbine or Bolt Rifle? If so, this is going to be hard for me to control my spending this entire year!


You're very optimistic Karack. I just don't see it happening. We probably just end up with what's been shown to us already. This really isn't a release for SW's. Sure, we are getting our codex which is great but this is a GSC/orks release. They're already teasing ork stuff for Orktober. Our presence is merely the imperial filler.


If Orks don't come until October it does leave a lot of space for us to potentially get another wave. Probably more stuff to do with Warzone Vigilus.


From what it sounds like GW is going to reveal more stuff this weekend at all the large events. But, any space wolf releases should be in the codex which we will start to get reviews this Friday. That would spoil any weekend reveals at these events for us. I surmise any reveals won't be about us.


This release is making me bipolar. So many emotions, mostly impatience. I will be content with just the codex. I have a large collection already that I want to play 8th edition with. (No the index isn't 8th edition. Stratagems, traits, and tactics are 8th edition). I really like the primaris models but I don't really have the hobby time to revamp my army to fit them in.


They keep alluding to "acute senses". I am hoping it's a stratagem and not our trait. I can't imagine it being a trait that is good.



I hope, fool's errand or not.


Our Codex should be good, possibly even great. The problem will be if, how hard we get "adjusted" at the two week out FAQ release.


As to releases, it is likely one, two is possible, three is unlikely. Still, if we're going to, as GW put it*, "LOVE," our releases, plural, it remains to be seen what the coming possible alliance of Orks and GSC's in the hypothetical Orktober campaign could end up doing for us as a faction within the Imperium.


*I assume I remember correctly that GW mentioned a plural case release. If not, my bad.

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follow up:


‘Even a Grot knows dat da king of da wolf boyz iz the biggest and baddest Space Marine there ever was. He’s bigger than a deff dread, wif a head like a gnasher squig but...hairier. He’s got six arms and they’re all made of guns and choppas and stuff, and if ya shoot him he don’t care 'cause he’s too tough. His voice iz so loud he can shout at da sky and make it fall down, and if he gives ya a wallop then bits of ya fly everywhere like when Grogruk ate dat stikkbomb fer a dare. Even Gork and Mork fink he’s pretty 'ard, and if Mogrok dunna get him then I reckon one of dem’ll have a go next.’ 


- Nozbrog, Ork Boy, on Logan Grimnar 

[sanctus Reach: Hour of the Wolf]

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Edit: After reading it few Interesting things.


1)I really like our trait. That +1 to hit nullifies modifiers making Power Fists and more importantly Thunder Hammers really good on the charge. We can get out own Smash Captain (Smashlord?) hitting om 2+ rerolling on the charge with his hammer and a pack of Wulfen with a Wolf Priest will be brutal. Lukas needs a change or his buff to BC is useless now.


2)Heroic Intervention at 6" is pretty nice for our Characters that want to be in combat, although I'd prefer a 6" consolidation.


4)extra atrack on Murderfang is nice but Logam's change in underwhelming.


3) New datasheets are nice, like the toys we are getting but we got little informations. Wolf Scouts might benefit from the LSS although mobility was not their issue. Although if you can get a WGPL inside you might use it as a platform for a few Plasma or Melta shots due to Open topped. Atill don't know if Cataphractii or Tartaros can be used like they should, like WG


4) Wulfen Dread looks nice. Do not like that they blurred the abilities but a claw+shield dread looks like a reliable way of killing stuff.


6)Dread FGA suffered nerfs. It aeems to not add the additional attack and has a -1 to hit, but an antohorde profile was added.


Like what I see so far. But a bit underwhelming in some respects and lacking mlre information

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Well our army wide rule is interesting. A load of blood claws hitting on 2s should be fun. And the character buff is cool. Might be some shenanigans there.


Not sure what to think about wulfen dreads yet.


And low and behold we get some space marine toys! Looks like land speeder storms, stormhawk interceptor, and the hunter and stalker tanks.


So far looks fun to me.

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All characters have 6 inch Heroic Intervention and units with special rule get +1 to hit in Fight phase when they charge, get charged or use HI.


Wulfen swinging TH hitting on 3 with a wolf priest nearby to reroll all misses in fight phase? Yes, please.

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Guest Triszin

ok that wulfen dread is stupid good.




BLizzard shield + flamer

WOlf claw + storm bolter





and yay we finally get the stormhawk, but still no storm raven


this also explains the minor blizzard sheild nerf, if it comes with a flamer now.

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Guest Triszin

Primaris Wolf Lords...

if they have the same load out options as our standard wolf lords + primaris equipment, they will be great.


also makes sense, as the successor chapters would be lead by primaris wolf lords.

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