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Codex Next Week


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Thinking about those Scout Bikers a bit more. If they retainnour flavour the could be a mobile harassment force. If we can add a WGPL on bike with a combi melta, a melta gun amd retain Behind Enemy Lines, they could be a harrasing force since they are T5 2W models. Increased threat range since they can carry Assault weapons than the WG but a bit less durability. They couls be an option.




Thing about the Wulfen Dread it does indeed share abilities with Murderfang. Before the Abilities fade one can read Murderlust, so he can reroll failed charges at least.

Not to mention the 8" move. Im incredibly curious how the old venerable will stack up similarly loaded. Their 2+ to hit is less of an issue if we get +1 to hit in the first round regardless of how we get there.


Maybe they separated the loadouts and venerable are more standard now? I hope not, like i said Im loving the flexibility here.

I think they are. Probably they will also lose the FnP but we have to wait and see brother.
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Here's (wishlisting) hoping one of our stratagems temporarily makes an entire unit go to the edge of the wulfen curse and double their attacks or something for a round of fighting! C'mon Friday I need to knoooooooooooow!

we shall at least get Honour the Chapter, letting you fight again on the Fight Phase... think of 9 Wulfen with TH and a Wolf Priest. Knig what Knight? I only see scrap were it was standing.
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Here's (wishlisting) hoping one of our stratagems temporarily makes an entire unit go to the edge of the wulfen curse and double their attacks or something for a round of fighting! C'mon Friday I need to knoooooooooooow!

we shall at least get Honour the Chapter, letting you fight again on the Fight Phase... think of 9 Wulfen with TH and a Wolf Priest. Knig what Knight? I only see scrap were it was standing.



Don't be surprised if death throws can't *stack with Honor the Chapter.

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scout bikers will probably replace wg sb bikers for cheap dakka


6 shots per bike at range 12 (2 fewer shots for fewer points per model)


wulfen will be our captain smash grabbed by others


CP lets them outflank for safe delivery

new chapter tactic makes them hit more reliably


Assume we get honor chapter so they can fight twice


And if they die they have their natural rules to fight again before being removed


they will be devastating to knights and cost more points but take less of your CP

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Since people seem to have trouble reading the fading text:

This model may replace its Fenrisian Great Axe or its Great Wolf Claw and storm bolter with a blizzard shield and storm bolter.

This model may replace any storm bolter with a heavy flamer





As far as the chapter tactic goes, as hitting was never really an issue for Space Wolves, I think that Blood Angels got the better deal.


2+ on the Sleigh is reasonable buff, I guess. Maybe with a slight point cost reduction it might be a viable option.

Since the reference to melee champion is in updated datasheets I think it is supposed to refer to Murderfang and him gaining more attacks, its just poorly worded. And even if it doesn't refer to Murderfang it is likely an Arjac buff instead of a new custom champion datasheet.


On the new datasheets, more copy paste stuff from Codex Space Marines. Meh.


The next codex preview will be on Friday. This either means that they are tight lipped on purpose and hiding something for the events or that they simply don't have anything real left to show for the entire week and trying to avoid backlash on how underwhelming the codex is in comparison to the delay.

Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.

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As far as the chapter tactic goes, as hitting was never really an issue for Space Wolves, I think that Blood Angels got the better deal.


2+ on the Sleigh is reasonable buff, I guess. Maybe with a slight point cost reduction it might be a viable option.

Since the reference to melee champion is in updated datasheets I think it is supposed to refer to Murderfang and him gaining more attacks, its just poorly worded. And even if it doesn't refer to Murderfang it is likely an Arjac buff instead of a new custom champion datasheet.


On the new datasheets, more copy paste stuff from Codex Space Marines. Meh.


The next codex preview will be on Friday. This either means that they are tight lipped on purpose and hiding something for the events or that they simply don't have anything real left to show for the entire week and trying to avoid backlash on how underwhelming the codex is in comparison to the delay.

Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.


Your not getting creative enough then, the plus to hit is fine and all and your correct a lot of characters of ours hit on 2's. Now we can use hammers though without feeling like we're missing out and the tactical option of a 6" HI cant be overstated.


As it is, if what was shown today and even just copypasta strats are all we get, I'm over the moon. We know however that wont be the case and still probably have some sweet strats, powers, and items.

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Since people seem to have trouble reading the fading text:

This model may replace its Fenrisian Great Axe or its Great Wolf Claw and storm bolter with a blizzard shield and storm bolter.

This model may replace any storm bolter with a heavy flamer





As far as the chapter tactic goes, as hitting was never really an issue for Space Wolves, I think that Blood Angels got the better deal.


2+ on the Sleigh is reasonable buff, I guess. Maybe with a slight point cost reduction it might be a viable option.

Since the reference to melee champion is in updated datasheets I think it is supposed to refer to Murderfang and him gaining more attacks, its just poorly worded. And even if it doesn't refer to Murderfang it is likely an Arjac buff instead of a new custom champion datasheet.


On the new datasheets, more copy paste stuff from Codex Space Marines. Meh.


The next codex preview will be on Friday. This either means that they are tight lipped on purpose and hiding something for the events or that they simply don't have anything real left to show for the entire week and trying to avoid backlash on how underwhelming the codex is in comparison to the delay.

Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.


Fair assessments all around. I think there will be situations where our trait is better than BA and vice versa. We just have to build our army around it.

It will be interesting to see if Santa Logan gets more play, but I doubt it.


The success of the codex will depend on the stuff revealed on Friday.


I am leaning towards the latter as well. If they were going to tease new units it would have happened by now. I hope I am wrong. We have no idea what's coming out in September though!

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Guest Triszin

Since people seem to have trouble reading the fading text:

This model may replace its Fenrisian Great Axe or its Great Wolf Claw and storm bolter with a blizzard shield and storm bolter.

This model may replace any storm bolter with a heavy flamer





As far as the chapter tactic goes, as hitting was never really an issue for Space Wolves, I think that Blood Angels got the better deal.


2+ on the Sleigh is reasonable buff, I guess. Maybe with a slight point cost reduction it might be a viable option.

Since the reference to melee champion is in updated datasheets I think it is supposed to refer to Murderfang and him gaining more attacks, its just poorly worded. And even if it doesn't refer to Murderfang it is likely an Arjac buff instead of a new custom champion datasheet.


On the new datasheets, more copy paste stuff from Codex Space Marines. Meh.


The next codex preview will be on Friday. This either means that they are tight lipped on purpose and hiding something for the events or that they simply don't have anything real left to show for the entire week and trying to avoid backlash on how underwhelming the codex is in comparison to the delay.

Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.

I think they are tight lipped, and IM hopefully optimistic

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Since people seem to have trouble reading the fading text:

This model may replace its Fenrisian Great Axe or its Great Wolf Claw and storm bolter with a blizzard shield and storm bolter.

This model may replace any storm bolter with a heavy flamer





As far as the chapter tactic goes, as hitting was never really an issue for Space Wolves, I think that Blood Angels got the better deal.


2+ on the Sleigh is reasonable buff, I guess. Maybe with a slight point cost reduction it might be a viable option.

Since the reference to melee champion is in updated datasheets I think it is supposed to refer to Murderfang and him gaining more attacks, its just poorly worded. And even if it doesn't refer to Murderfang it is likely an Arjac buff instead of a new custom champion datasheet.


On the new datasheets, more copy paste stuff from Codex Space Marines. Meh.


The next codex preview will be on Friday. This either means that they are tight lipped on purpose and hiding something for the events or that they simply don't have anything real left to show for the entire week and trying to avoid backlash on how underwhelming the codex is in comparison to the delay.

Personally, I'm leaning towards the latter.

dont underestimate the TH and PF synergy


our melee specialists hit on 2 and reroll aura give full benefit to TH and PF


Captain smash fails on 2s and ask any BA player those are their nightmare rolls


and a full pack of blood claws hitting on 2s will shred hordes too

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Mathematically the +1 to wound is better in the cases I've reviewed with similar things. The differnce is usually less than .5 wounds and around .2 wounds I'd say in average. So not a great advantage against BA. We also have a better synergy with high damage Weapons. The new FGA, TH, PF in any unit that can take them with a Wolf Priest are greatly buffed. The difference is 20% more accuracy when in the presence of buffs om units that hit on a 3+. That is huge. We will not be a soup army I think but they designed us as a mono army, as synergies seem to be the name of our game (GH and BC now are really effecrive with a Lord with them and you can keep the WP for befier units)
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So now with all characters getting the 6" heroic, how will Ragnar Blackmane's rules change if at all? Will he go to a ridiculous 9" instead?

Simon Grant said on facebook that they changed Ragnar's rules.


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our new rules also help against odd units with defensive to hit buffs like plague bearers


and even a shifty culexus gets hit on 5s


we have a pseudo wolf tooth necklace rule as our chapter trait basically

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Guest Triszin



So now with all characters getting the 6" heroic, how will Ragnar Blackmane's rules change if at all? Will he go to a ridiculous 9" instead?

Simon Grant said on facebook that they changed Ragnar's rules.



rumors are rumors.


and if that rumor somehow manifests, fantastic.

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our new rules also help against odd units with defensive to hit buffs like plague bearers


and even a shifty culexus gets hit on 5s


we have a pseudo wolf tooth necklace rule as our chapter trait basically


My thoughts too! I recently played a mono DG army and it was annoying because of that -1. If we can first turn hit hard and get certain units below the fairly common "<# for X rule" that'll be awesome.

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So taking a closer look at the wulfen dread where the pic fades out, it appears they reroll charges and can be axe-shield or claw-shield. Also it appears the blizzard shield may have a built in stormbolter based on how the weapon replace reads.


Not sure how I feel about the ace changes, but my initial reaction is positive with our chapter trait in mind.

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I am missing something I think. I don't see the excitement of a Wulfen dread. +2 movement but WS/BS/LD than a venerable dread. I would think the Venerable dread is more useful as it can hit the target more often.


Yea theres still a lot to be seen but the 8" is in addition to reroll charges built in. They also will be hitting on 2+ that first round anyways.


The fact that they can have 2 weapons also maybe means they could get unstoppable fury? Either way we need to see points and everything else. Im sure theres a reason they faded that pic rather than sharing the whole deal.

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