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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.


A setup like this will be impossible to avoid bjorn in the future. I only had a 3" intervention for this game

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A tag team combo of WL/WGBL with jump packs is going to be so fun clearing infantry out of ruins

Hammer bros hitting on 2's rerolling and wounding on 2's rerolling


6" intervention will reward all our cunning wolf players who leave bait out

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.



That example too is just a free move usually deeper into the thick of it. If they were in base there's no escape.

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.




I... think you just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do that with heroic intervention. I thought you could only intervene into units that had charged your guys. 

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.


It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.



I... think you just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do that with heroic intervention. I thought you could only intervene into units that had charged your guys.

Yep. Anything 6” from a SW character is fair game, even if your opponent finishes declaring his charges without making a single one.

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I don’t think the people poo-pooing army-wide 6” Heroic Intervention understand how Heroic Intervention works. This rule is AMAZING. There are so many movement shenanigans available in the Fight Phase to slingshot around and keep your guys engaged in combat and locking up your opponent’s units... I honestly expect that component of the rule to eventually to be nerfed once SW characters with jet packs start rampaging through tournaments in every single Imperial army. Can’t wait for the Codex!
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You can pull tricks like hiding in ruins to avoid being shot while heroically intervening out of ruins on anything that accidentally gets close.



ooh you can move and advance but fail to reach a target but end up close and he will think the unit is safe (like devastators in a building or something). then you intervene and still reach them.



6" is a big threat range

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.




I... think you just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do that with heroic intervention. I thought you could only intervene into units that had charged your guys. 



same here. I thought HI could only be used in opponent turn against declared charges against your other guys. So on my turn any unit within 6 inches can be HI into without needing to declare charge? Or are you saying you can only use it in opponent phase and anything within 6 inches no matter you can HI into?

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.



I... think you just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do that with heroic intervention. I thought you could only intervene into units that had charged your guys.

Yep. Anything 6” from a SW character is fair game, even if your opponent finishes declaring his charges without making a single one.



Had to go and read that... That's an insane loophole and makes the WGBL spam a thing. 


Just make sure your opponent has charged, as opposed to an ongoing combat, your stuff as they can attack you otherwise. 

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On the subject of heroic intervention I find my opponents generally charge my characters and not my units so it’s useless in that example. That’s probably my poor positioning though.

It’s very useful. For example, if your opponent falls back and still has models within 6” of you in the charge phase, like any unit with a 6” move is forced to do, you can intervene into them and keep fighting.




I... think you just blew my mind. I had no idea you could do that with heroic intervention. I thought you could only intervene into units that had charged your guys. 



same here. I thought HI could only be used in opponent turn against declared charges against your other guys. So on my turn any unit within 6 inches can be HI into without needing to declare charge? Or are you saying you can only use it in opponent phase and anything within 6 inches no matter you can HI into?




Just opponent charge phase. Thing to keep in mind for all these types of moves is the "ending closer to the closest model" so you don't move into BtB to keep slingshotting. 


Its wierd though now that theres a reason to hit the base as fast as possible to prevent fallbacks in M6" infantry.


Edit: Ooh keep in mind that HI is not a charge given or received so no +1 to hit.  Aaaand thats called out in the rule. Nothing to see here.

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Guest Triszin

I wonder if hte blizzard sheild will open up for standard dread as a option.


Imagine a helfrost cannon/blizzard sheild dread.


I cant wait to see the load out options for everythign. =)

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I wonder if hte blizzard sheild will open up for standard dread as a option.


Imagine a helfrost cannon/blizzard sheild dread


I kiiiinda hope not, because thatd for sure be a situation where it'd be a bad idea NOT to take it. That or its for sure getting the 4+ nerf. Either way its not as interesting a choice IMO.

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I'm calling it waaay in advance but i see hero hammer and supreme command detachments of space wolves in the future meta


i have been theory crafting all morning on super Heroic Intervention and 2+ hit/wound rerolling both if there are any ruins on the table they will dominate


A wolf lord and 2 wolf guard battle leaders all with jump packs (or a "champion" we haven't seen rules for yet) all packing thunder hammers and storm shields (if SS are nerfed to 4++ the lord carries a gun)


and since this gives us 3 tough as nail bullies they get dubbed the hanson brothers

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Hello everybody, long time no see!

Previews of the new codex have successfully drawn me away from my Knight obsession for the moment. I gotta say I'm pretty stoked so far and am pleasantly surprised at the number of new units we seem to be getting. Tartaros and Cataphractii Terminators, Wulfen Dreadnoughts, Contemptor Dreads, Scout Bikers, LS Storms, Interceptors, Hunters, Stalkers, lots and lots of new goodies to play with.


6" Heroic Intervention will be fun and nasty and I like the buffed Logan and Murderfang, they kinda needed it. So far, so pretty good. Looking forward to seeing what other bits and gubbins we get soon!

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I really think a few people in this thread need to reread Hunters Unleashed.


... Charges, is Charged, or made a Heroic Intervention...


When any Wolves unit charges, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves unit is charged, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves Character makes a Heroic Intervention, it gets +1 to hit.


I think it's only once, but, still. Read that list. This is AMAZINGLY useful if one can be cunning in terms of unit placement.


Edit: forgot an r...

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I really think a few people in this thread need to reread Hunters Unleashed.


... Charges, is Charged, or made a Heroic Intervention...


When any Wolves unit charges, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves unit is charged, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves Character makes a Heroic Intervention, it gets +1 to hit.


I think it's only once, but, still. Read that list. This is AMAZINGLY useful if one can be cunning in terms of unit placement.


Edit: forgot an r...


It's each time. They better think twice before jumping another squad in to support one that flagging.

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I really think a few people in this thread need to reread Hunters Unleashed.


... Charges, is Charged, or made a Heroic Intervention...


When any Wolves unit charges, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves unit is charged, it gets +1 to hit.

When any Wolves Character makes a Heroic Intervention, it gets +1 to hit.


I think it's only once, but, still. Read that list. This is AMAZINGLY useful if one can be cunning in terms of unit placement.


Edit: forgot an r...


It's each time. They better think twice before jumping another squad in to support one that flagging.



True, but I mean per unit, as in, if a unit charges, then does a Heroic Intervention, that's not +2 to hit, it likely remains at +1 to hit.


There's a chance, however slim, that the Wolves might still get the Stormraven. I don't recall right now if the DA's gained access to it, but, the Blood Angels have had it for a while now.


Still, yeah, the HI shenanigans will be impressive if there's any units that qualify. Imagine the mess of what a large WG TDA pack could do if each and every WG TDA in it can HI, and if need be, split off and go after a different unit...

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