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Codex Next Week


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I think you can only get +1 to hit total from the CT. If it's a turn where you did one of those things, you get the bonus. If it triggered off each of those things it would say something like "whenever you charge..." instead.



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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.


Either way, I'm rather happy at the options we have now.


The Stormraven letting an 11 strong GH pack with an attached HQ and any Dreadnought choice with weapons to taste would be so devastating that I can completely understand us not getting the ability to do just that in game. I won't turn it down if we get the option to do so; then again, I am in favor of a predator as terrifying as as Wolf never turning down the added option to fly, as, who in their right mind would want to face that unless they need to?


I'm all for unique.


As far as the Hunters Unleashed ability goes, yea, I think BA's are actually worse off between the two CC Chapters. What would be truly terrifying is a combined SW and BA force.

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.


Either way, I'm rather happy at the options we have now.


The Stormraven letting an 11 strong GH pack with an attached HQ and any Dreadnought choice with weapons to taste would be so devastating that I can completely understand us not getting the ability to do just that in game. I won't turn it down if we get the option to do so; then again, I am in favor of a predator as terrifying as as Wolf never turning down the added option to fly, as, who in their right mind would want to face that unless they need to?


I'm all for unique.


As far as the Hunters Unleashed ability goes, yea, I think BA's are actually worse off between the two CC Chapters. What would be truly terrifying is a combined SW and BA force.



Especially if the wulfen dreads give Curse lol.

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well if you party with a DA dont forget your lion and wolf stratagem for +1 S A WS LD


those WS1 super powered TH are going to wreck people...including plague bearers and their defensive buffs


One thing I did want to bring up is the option listed within the Wulfen Dread to use the Fenrisian Great Axe as either Cleave or as Scythe. S +4, AP -3 d6 Wounds is great, but, S User, AP -3, 1 Damage, 2 Hits is also a great option set.

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well if you party with a DA dont forget your lion and wolf stratagem for +1 S A WS LD


those WS1 super powered TH are going to wreck people...including plague bearers and their defensive buffs


Yeah I've been thinking about that. I wonder if there's a way to make a good use of that stratagem somehow, because it sounds fun and it's super fluffy.

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So, on the WD (wulfen dreadnought) you can have a shield, claw and two h.flamers! Nice combo don't you think? And adding just a 2+sv for Logan is still just not enough to field him:(
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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.

I have no remorse with all the stratagem bs that has been going on against me.
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Logan might get a point reduction too. How many wounds is he? 9 or more?

He must be good off the sled, surely?

He has 12 wounds on Stormrider. Weirdly if he had 9 or less he’d be far better as he’d have the Character protection from shooting. Right now with T6 and a 4+ he’s toast before getting anywhere near combat.


He’s better on foot because he can’t be sniped, he benefits from our new CT as his Axe is -1 to hit on it’s Sx2 profile. He’s just average for his points though and doesn’t really have any decent buffs past the standard Chapter Master rerolls.


I think the main issue is that he should be better based on his lore, he should have better buffs even if his points cost had to be higher as a result. His High King of Fenris used to be fun and useful now it’s pretty bland.

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Logan might get a point reduction too. How many wounds is he? 9 or more?

He must be good off the sled, surely?

He has 12 wounds on Stormrider. Weirdly if he had 9 or less he’d be far better as he’d have the Character protection from shooting. Right now with T6 and a 4+ he’s toast before getting anywhere near combat.


He’s better on foot because he can’t be sniped, he benefits from our new CT as his Axe is -1 to hit on it’s Sx2 profile. He’s just average for his points though and doesn’t really have any decent buffs past the standard Chapter Master rerolls.


I think the main issue is that he should be better based on his lore, he should have better buffs even if his points cost had to be higher as a result. His High King of Fenris used to be fun and useful now it’s pretty bland.



I think we, as players, should wait for the Codex preview on Friday, and the book in hand next Saturday, before assuming that Logan will not prove himself in this edition. If GW has proven one thing with this Chapter Tactic, it is that they recognize the Wolves should play as they are in the fluff. I really think Logan is going to be worth taking, especially on foot.


I don't plan to ever use the sled variant, but, for those that do, a 2+ base save and a 4++ along with it will only make him even more terrifying, in game.


The hatred I have for the Curse and the long term effects the fluff makes said curse have on other Wolves might be something I need to revisit. Still, if there were a way to reduce the detrimental side effects of same said curse, in the fluff so that the Wolves in question no longer lose their edge as thinking warriors, so much the better...

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.

Can’t you gimp yourself with sub par units?


“I think we, as players, should wait for the Codex preview on Friday, and the book in hand next Saturday, before assuming” sage words for all pre reveals. Could even extend this thought to vetting theories through execution in the field (play results)

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.

Can’t you gimp yourself with sub par units?

Hah of course you can. I was mostly being facetious though in this case.

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.

Can’t you gimp yourself with sub par units?



Please define subpar, Lord, for I fear we may lose that description of any of our units, at least until the two week FAQ.


I really am thinking that the Wolves are going to become one of the go-to meta lists with this Chapter Tactic. The more I think about it, the worse it gets for me. +1 to hit in melee under all of the charge conditions, charging, charged, and heroic intervention, really cannot be understated. There's going to be a great deal of hate coming our way, even more so than normal...

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.

Can’t you gimp yourself with sub par units?

Please define subpar, Lord, for I fear we may lose that description of any of our units, at least until the two week FAQ.


I really am thinking that the Wolves are going to become one of the go-to meta lists with this Chapter Tactic. The more I think about it, the worse it gets for me. +1 to hit in melee under all of the charge conditions, charging, charged, and heroic intervention, really cannot be understated. There's going to be a great deal of hate coming our way, even more so than normal...

Yea that aspect does have me worried. Escpecially so since I was working on a dreadnought army already and if that becomes super taboo due to betlisting I’ll be sad.

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By Russ' beard, I just had a horrifying thought...


We already have access to the Space Marine Dreadnought and Venerable Dreadnought. We currently have one of our own, the Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought. Given the options the preview of the Wulfen Dreadnought, I think we might get ANOTHER unique Dreadnought box...

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Glad to see SW with great chapter tactic.


6 range heroic intervention is great, every space wolf will have the black Templar warlord trait for free. Wolf lords past screens will chew up a lot.


What I’m also really eager to see is the stratagem support to help them make it into melee. I’ll have to painfully wait until Friday.

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I hope we dont TBH, i want to maintain friendly relations with our pretty brothers. I sense tension already over Hunters unleashed and I think the Stormwolf does just fine.


Keep everyone unique i say.


Can’t you gimp yourself with sub par units?


Please define subpar, Lord, for I fear we may lose that description of any of our units, at least until the two week FAQ.


I really am thinking that the Wolves are going to become one of the go-to meta lists with this Chapter Tactic. The more I think about it, the worse it gets for me. +1 to hit in melee under all of the charge conditions, charging, charged, and heroic intervention, really cannot be understated. There's going to be a great deal of hate coming our way, even more so than normal...

Enjoy the blessings of the All Father while we have them.

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I wouldnt think so, everyone listed is in the current box already.


Seemed a thought, although there would be a rather ripe business for a box containing a pretty solid selection of the various Dreadnought arms on their own... Although, the arm swaps option may not be well known enough.


Meh. Yeah, this is going to become the Year of the Hunt pretty soon.

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I have some thoughts, for both discussion and to try to get ahead of the Codex related questions that are bound to crop up, soon enough.


- At 2,000 Points, with the three Detachment cap, 1 Supreme Command, 1 Battalion, and 1 of choice seems a rather solid starting position for list building.

- If the option for a Brigade at 2K pts. presents itself, it would appear that, without lowering the core unit costs enough, a Brigade at 2k might actually be too much of a tax of units

- Given the SW love of CC, and our new Faction/Chapter Trait, CC Dreads are going to be rather dangerous, and, even ones with double ranged weapons, such as a ML and TLC will still benefit further as their attacks, though not as potent as normal, will certainly allow a great deal of added hit potential. To Wound is going to be interesting, though.


Huh, another thought: if the Fenrisian Great Axe is, as the Wulfen Dread entry hints at, separated from the Blizzard Shield enough to take one or the other, I think if the points allow, the utility of the FGA on its own is way too good to pass up. Even with a serious long range weapon on one arm, such as, the Heavy Plasma Cannon or Twin Lascannon, well...


Axes are possibly going to become a very scarce and in high demand bit.

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