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Codex Next Week


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I have some thoughts, for both discussion and to try to get ahead of the Codex related questions that are bound to crop up, soon enough.


- At 2,000 Points, with the three Detachment cap, 1 Supreme Command, 1 Battalion, and 1 of choice seems a rather solid starting position for list building.

- If the option for a Brigade at 2K pts. presents itself, it would appear that, without lowering the core unit costs enough, a Brigade at 2k might actually be too much of a tax of units

- Given the SW love of CC, and our new Faction/Chapter Trait, CC Dreads are going to be rather dangerous, and, even ones with double ranged weapons, such as a ML and TLC will still benefit further as their attacks, though not as potent as normal, will certainly allow a great deal of added hit potential. To Wound is going to be interesting, though.


Huh, another thought: if the Fenrisian Great Axe is, as the Wulfen Dread entry hints at, separated from the Blizzard Shield enough to take one or the other, I think if the points allow, the utility of the FGA on its own is way too good to pass up. Even with a serious long range weapon on one arm, such as, the Heavy Plasma Cannon or Twin Lascannon, well...


Axes are possibly going to become a very scarce and in high demand bit.

I don’t think the axe will be pairable with long range weapons (except maybe missile launcher) as they both right arm options. Axe and claw are both different arms

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I don't have any of the loyalists indexes for reference. How much of a difference is there between the 40k Contemptors and the FW Relic Contemptors? 

With these Buffs and the fact that FW will soon have Dreadnought Drop Pods again I'm going to have to pick up a Leviathan as well for my Space Wolves. 

I'm also really hoping we end up getting a Blackmanes Stratagem that will allow my Drop Pod list to be viable again. 

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I don't have any of the loyalists indexes for reference. How much of a difference is there between the 40k Contemptors and the FW Relic Contemptors?


With these Buffs and the fact that FW will soon have Dreadnought Drop Pods again I'm going to have to pick up a Leviathan as well for my Space Wolves.


I'm also really hoping we end up getting a Blackmanes Stratagem that will allow my Drop Pod list to be viable again.

A decent amount , ws/bs2, 2+ save, and more wounds for not thaaat many more points. THteres relic tax of course but the elite slots are crowded anyways.


To add, relic of ancient glory could Kai get some play if you want to get the most out of hunters unleashed, rerolling the first miss of the phase for each model in 6”

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Can't find the original statement, but someone said they can't wait for a 3rd boxset of new dread because wulfen dreads.


I am almost positive that there will be no new box set for Wulfen dread. There is nothing unique about the equipment on the leaked page. I expect Bjorn/murderfang/venerable/normal/wulfen dreadnought will still be the same sprue set.


Everything looks great, but I worry if they doubled down on Wulfen stuff. Also what's going on with the successors?

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Do we have an American dollar price-point for Tooth and Claw?



I pre ordered from my FLGS and he has the order sheet

TC-60 is the short sale code (not sure if that is GW or his store specific)

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I really hope Grimnar (without sled) is a competitive option as the model is pretty darn awesome imo, and the newer model is easily one of the most imposing TDA characters visually.
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I really hope Grimnar (without sled) is a competitive option as the model is pretty darn awesome imo, and the newer model is easily one of the most imposing TDA characters visually.

He’s still a blast to play when you chuck him, Arjak, and your favorite flavor of TDAWG in a stormwolf. Competitive? Maybe not but still awesome.

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A chapter master in Terminator armour can't be bad if priced correctly. The aura is still really great, and with that new rule making him hit on 2+ I think it's looking good.
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Guest Triszin

Do we have an American dollar price-point for Tooth and Claw?



It's like 170 in just marine stuff, crazy amazing deal

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Do we have an American dollar price-point for Tooth and Claw?



I pre ordered from my FLGS and he has the order sheet

TC-60 is the short sale code (not sure if that is GW or his store specific)



150 is so overpriced for what you get in this box.. it doesn't even come with a rulebook.

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3x Agrssors 35, 5x interceptors 35, lt. 25, dread 65.


So 160 dollars in Primaris. Then probably about the same in GSC (If you can find buyersin your area). So pretty good deal even without a rule book.



Considering the contents you get with Dark Imperium and the HH box sets this is not a "pretty good deal." Maybe it's because all of the models are full kits and not easy to build, but still... 

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Guest Triszin


3x Agrssors 35, 5x interceptors 35, lt. 25, dread 65.


So 160 dollars in Primaris. Then probably about the same in GSC (If you can find buyersin your area). So pretty good deal even without a rule book.



Considering the contents you get with Dark Imperium and the HH box sets this is not a "pretty good deal." Maybe it's because all of the models are full kits and not easy to build, but still... 


theres a big difference between this box and dark imperium.


Dark imperium: all limited easy to build figures


Tooth and claw: full model range kits.


and that difference is rather large. I understand your complaints with it and respect them,.

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Well we finally got a preview and have to admit it was a good one, better after a long day at work. Like the chapter tactic, it fits well with the existing ranges strengths. New units are really a suprise but they will fill some holes, and make so my primaris army has a different identity than my exisiting one.


Can't wait for friday to see the stratagems and the warlord traits

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Good news is that it is one of many predicted previously, and seems to be in line with what we all wanted: doing better in assault. In comparison to Blood Angels hitting harder, Space Wolves are going to hit BETTER and more accurately, on the charge and being charged. It's also quite similar to the Horus Heresy Legion trait, where Wolves get +1 WS when charging, except better because now it's a flat improvement to hit rolls.


Bad news is, like Blood Angels, it's going to rely on us getting the charge.


So stay tuned boys and girls, and see if the designers remember to give us ways to increase our speed. The speed, to KILLL!L!L!L!!!


Otherwise the new Wulfen dreadought will go to waste. It's difficult enough to get Murderfang into combat when he is a character, let alone a dreadnought non-character.

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Guest Triszin

3x Agrssors 35, 5x interceptors 35, lt. 25, dread 65.


So 160 dollars in Primaris. Then probably about the same in GSC (If you can find buyersin your area). So pretty good deal even without a rule book.

+10usd primaris wolf upgrade
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Well it seems like the long wait is slowly reaching it's end.


To that end, there is a little bit of hope for us Wolves. I can't recall, but SOME of us predicted this as it is roughly in line with what the Horus Heresy wolves does, the chapter tactic being able to hit better NOT only when charging, but when being charged ourselves and heroic intervention.


While this doesn't seem to boost most of our CHARACTERS who are already WS2+, it could be in handy for those of us who still like using power fists and Thunderhammers who will hit on a dice roll of 2 again. And of course it is a boon to our Wulfen TH/SS who often miss on 4+, as well as TH/SS terminators, for those of us who still use them despite the meta against them, making wolf priest and accompanying wolf lords slightly redundant in supporting them.


So far so good. But as always, the issue is GETTING into close combat. To this end, let's hope the strategems give something good, either boosted  foot slogging or boosted outflank to SURPRISE MFKERS!


Apparently we surprised the genestealers cults in the Tooth and Claw box, strange as it may seem, a Redemptor and Aggressor squad saying "Surprise we found you" to the GSC.

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Holy Guacomole, we got Scout bikes! And Land Speeder Storms! Well, storms aren't as good as last time (I still hate that blinding Cerberus launcher), but scout bikers who can outflank without needing a CP? YES PLEASE! And with that strategem that falls back and gives mortal wounds? EVEN MORE yes please.


Could this be? Could the old grumpy men of the Fang finally have a chance to shine? time will tell. For now, I'm glad that a lot of the normal Space Marine range has been opened up. And I'm not not even talking about the Wulfen dreadnought yet, which to me, is going to be a hit or miss depending on strategems on getting them into combat.


Still, it doesn't solve the current weakness of cost as well as inability to infiltrate. Not to mention not being Obsec due to not being troops. Still, it's a better hope than we've ever had for our scouts.


Other stuff opened up are the other 2 variants of terminators, Stalker, Hunters, Stormhawk etc. But those aren't particularly game changing so I'm not jumping on them yet.

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The great thing about the heroic intervention which has been pointed out by others means most infantry cannot escape our heros now as we can just intervene straight back into combat at the end of our opponents charge phase if they decided to fall back

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3x Agrssors 35, 5x interceptors 35, lt. 25, dread 65.

So 160 dollars in Primaris. Then probably about the same in GSC (If you can find buyersin your area). So pretty good deal even without a rule book.

+10usd primaris wolf upgrade
Not sure if they aren't ETB or our upgrade sprue. I guess we will have to wait. I can see GW doing something like making them ETB or something. Hopefully not.


Edit: I don't see how our tactics help out integrate Primaris, if anything it detracts more due to the lack of melee weapons...

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3x Agrssors 35, 5x interceptors 35, lt. 25, dread 65.

So 160 dollars in Primaris. Then probably about the same in GSC (If you can find buyersin your area). So pretty good deal even without a rule book.

+10usd primaris wolf upgrade
Not sure if they aren't ETB or our upgrade sprue. I guess we will have to wait. I can see GW doing something like making them ETB or something. Hopefully not.


Edit: I don't see how our tactics help out integrate Primaris, if anything it detracts more due to the lack of melee weapons...



Let's see if our intercessors can get chainswords. In any case, it still makes the intercessors hit better, and the Aggressors are now hitting on 3+ instead of 4+ on the charge or being charged.

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