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Codex Next Week


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Good news is that it is one of many predicted previously, and seems to be in line with what we all wanted: doing better in assault. In comparison to Blood Angels hitting harder, Space Wolves are going to hit BETTER and more accurately, on the charge and being charged. It's also quite similar to the Horus Heresy Legion trait, where Wolves get +1 WS when charging, except better because now it's a flat improvement to hit rolls.


Bad news is, like Blood Angels, it's going to rely on us getting the charge.


So stay tuned boys and girls, and see if the designers remember to give us ways to increase our speed. The speed, to KILLL!L!L!L!!!


Otherwise the new Wulfen dreadought will go to waste. It's difficult enough to get Murderfang into combat when he is a character, let alone a dreadnought non-character.


You are right. Speed is essential. "Hit roll +1" is a trap. It lures us to spend more points on melee weapon, such as TH. If SW can't engage in melee combat in the first turn, those points will be wasted under opponents' firepower.


On the other side, the great axe is only S+4 and still reduces hit roll by 1. It's ridiculous. 

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You are right. Speed is essential. "Hit roll +1" is a trap. It lures us to spend more points on melee weapon, such as TH. If SW can't engage in melee combat in the first turn, those points will be wasted under opponents' firepower.


On the other side, the great axe is only S+4 and still reduces hit roll by 1. It's ridiculous. 



Let's not write it off yet. The preview didn't show all of the wulfen dreadnought's rules. We also don't know what other changes to Wulfen that might happen, though the current rules are already quite strong and reasonable. Personally I would like another wound on the Wulfen, but that is just me.


the sweep attack gives up to 8 attacks (doubling the 4 attacks of the dread) which are also AP-3.  Only damage 1, but it still a good improvement as we currently don't have a melee horde blender.


The codex is coming soon, hold to our horses guys and just be cautiously optimistic without jumping the gun and judging straightaway. A lot of other factors, especially unit cost and weapons cost, we still do not know, in addition to strategems, warlord traits and psychic powers.

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War of sigmar said they will review the codex 00.01 friday to saturday . What time is that ,UK time? Does anyone know???



As for the chapter tactic is solid and fluffy (a type of counter attack  for most units and additional counter charge for characters )


All we need now is a solid way to move across the board and get a first turn charge of :smile.:


PS : Curious to see what they did with wolf scouts, thunderwolves and the grey hunter / blood claw matter 


Also they seem very secretive with the preview , the other chapters had alot more shown off. We got 2 days of preview from which the first  had a rule and

half a datasheer revealed.

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Thinking outloud*


Are the Wulfen Dreads being Contemptor?

so there will be a new dreadnought box for us?

Most likely not. Murderfang is a Castraferrum dreadnought. So I imagine that the other Wulfen dreads will mimic him. I doubt we will see a new box for Wulfen dreads because all the pieces are already on the normal dread sprue.

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On that note, we ARE getting contemptor dreads now according to warhammer community.


Here is list of toys that were formerly the domain of codex compliant marines, but now available for Wolves to play with:


Cataphractii terminators

Tartaros terminators

Scout bikers

Land Speeder storm



Stormhawk interceptors


Of all this, I'm most excited about the scout option. The Storm has a fantastic 18 " movement, we can potentially load it up with plasma wielding scouts and heavy flamer them cheaper than the horrifically costed land speeders now. And if the Scout bikers have the same option as wolf scouts AND can outflank without CP.... say hello to plasma in your behind without needing to burn CP.

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It’s going to be interesting to see if scout bikes gets the standard codex load out to match the models or rout specific versions.


Also based on th fw picture, will forgeworld contemptor load outs be in the codex like the heavy bolter pictured? Or just the options available in plastic? Would be great to have my las contemptor in the codex

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The concern I have is our scouts were not "fixed" for 8th edition


Our scouts have historically been elite

In 8th edition scouts in the troop slot are simply amazing for (1) board control during deployment and (2) tax unit for battalion and CP


I don't think they changed our scouts to troops based on the comments during the FLG podcast (29:40 mark) about our scouts being elites


I'm hoping we get board control via a stratagem during deployment (acute senses similar to raven guard putting X infantry around the board would be awesome)

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It’s going to be interesting to see if scout bikes gets the standard codex load out to match the models or rout specific versions.

Given that GW seem to have developed an allergy to rules without models, my guess is that Scout bikers will get the standard loadout. It would be nice to be wrong but I am not holding by breath for a bunch of T5 2W dudes hurtling around with plasma spam.....


because GW saves that kind of goodness for Primaris Inceptors. :tongue.:

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On the Dreadnought box thing, Simon Grant has specifically spoken on FB about expanding the codex being constrained to contents already in the boxes. So I would fully expect our current, AWESOME, Dreadnought box moving to suport Bjorn, Murderfang, WULFEN DREAD, Venerable and Regular dreadnought options.

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Am I the only one getting prepared, to HUNT!?


Anyway, I think our Codex will be meta affecting on its own. Will we be in the top tiers? Maybe, however, if we are, the rage and hate will flow like the lava flows of the Fenrisian summer, the time of the shifting isles.


I honestly think that, given those that are so inclined, the ability to use Cataphractii TDA will enable those that can kitbash a great Varagyr replacement, there will be actual strengths to the WG TDA pack now. And, if the 2+, 4++ base stays the same, even with reduced mobility the threat potential with the right tactics can be useful.


The more I think about it, the more the various Land Raider hulls, Stormwolf, Spartan, or teleport shenanigans are going to be vital to get any, if not all, of the Wolves' heavy hitters into Charge or Be Charged range. Hunters Unleashed is too good to not at least consider, on every available turn it is reasonable to do so. The problem will be trying too hard to charge when within 12" or less, but outside maybe 8". Yes, one can test; the issue I foresee some difficulty with is the need to face enemy Overwatch before even testing for charge distance.

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I am hoping beyond hope we can take a powerfist/chainfist and wolf claw combo with cataphractii. I have 5 made up and 5 with claws and axes waiting to hit the table. 


As I once replied in the thread on what would the current you teach the new to 40K you, Magnetize if at all possible!

Tearing apart models that are likely both glued and painted is such a pain, as any damage past a clean break is going to possibly ruin the model.


TDA of all types with the old option back of WC/SS could be really effective as well...

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I am hoping beyond hope we can take a powerfist/chainfist and wolf claw combo with cataphractii. I have 5 made up and 5 with claws and axes waiting to hit the table. 


As I once replied in the thread on what would the current you teach the new to 40K you, Magnetize if at all possible!

Tearing apart models that are likely both glued and painted is such a pain, as any damage past a clean break is going to possibly ruin the model.


TDA of all types with the old option back of WC/SS could be really effective as well...


I unfortunately did these before I learned the magic of magnets :(

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I am hoping beyond hope we can take a powerfist/chainfist and wolf claw combo with cataphractii. I have 5 made up and 5 with claws and axes waiting to hit the table. 


As I once replied in the thread on what would the current you teach the new to 40K you, Magnetize if at all possible!

Tearing apart models that are likely both glued and painted is such a pain, as any damage past a clean break is going to possibly ruin the model.


TDA of all types with the old option back of WC/SS could be really effective as well...


I unfortunately did these before I learned the magic of magnets :sad.:



I've yet to magnetize a single model. Still, my Dreadnought arms are able to swap out, as I did not cut the pegs and have a rather large selection of arms from both plastic kits and FW options.


If so, by all means, use them!


I really like how this Codex release is starting to feel. I think the meta is going to be rather powerfully shaken up...

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Guest Triszin


I wonder if we'll get fenrisian wolves as "equipment" again for our lords.


If so, and they're bodyguards, as in, characters, this is going to get very interesting, very fast.


how does the body guard rule function?

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I wonder if we'll get fenrisian wolves as "equipment" again for our lords.


If so, and they're bodyguards, as in, characters, this is going to get very interesting, very fast.


how does the body guard rule function?



Depends on the unit. Honour Guard has a different bodyguard rule than Deathshrouds which have again a different bodyguard rule than T'au Drones. ^^

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I hope they bring them back as bodyguards. Its a personal thing but I just don't like running the wolves in separate packs, seems way cooler to integrate them throughout.


The mixed quality of everything is what drew me to wolves in 3rd. It just looks cool.

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