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Codex Next Week


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is it me, or is it strange that NOTHING has leaked from this codex, besides what was released by GW?


is this is a first time for this?


Definitely not a first. However I'd say there aren't any interesting leaks because the Codex won't feature all that much new stuff that wasn't to be expected similar to the BA and DA Codex. Meanwhile we're looking at GSC which should be a much more interesting Codex and more importantly it seems an upcoming big release month for Orks. So if the usual reliable rumour mongers got their hands on informations it's likely they got some GSC and/or Ork informations instead of Space Wolves.

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"Hi, we here at gw thought the space wolves are in a good place model wise... So we decided to give you access to the refreshing taste of pepsi max!"

Doesn't mean they won't release a Primaris unit for all chapters. As stated before they are going to get the codex Primaris out before they start doing chapter specific Primaris. Anyone can take codex Primaris, however only DA can take DA Primaris. At that point they will start dividing Primaris Marines up

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"Hi, we here at gw thought the space wolves are in a good place model wise... So we decided to give you access to the refreshing taste of pepsi max!"

Doesn't mean they won't release a Primaris unit for all chapters. As stated before they are going to get the codex Primaris out before they start doing chapter specific Primaris. Anyone can take codex Primaris, however only DA can take DA Primaris. At that point they will start dividing Primaris Marines up



I dearly hope so Calderson. If there is time to come out with a chapter specific Primaris, now is the time to do so. Otherwise...... when Russ comes back, which doesn't look like it's happening now since there is no hype like before when Mortarion was revealed like 2 weeks before Death Guard hit.

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Thanks. Of course, now I'm tempted to think that giving those additional units to Space Wolves is just stage one in a fiendish plot to move more inventory, cause more models to be produced, and ultimately use the molds up quicker.


Nah, it's just a nefarious plan to move more money quicker. Giving SW these kits (some of which they should've given us years ago) doesn't really cost them anything, the mould are made, designs done, already have warehouse space allocated etc., but if SW players buy even a modest amount, GW is quids in. It's completely independent of any long term 'Primaris Only' plans imo (which personally I think is inevitable, but quibbling over the time frame without more firm info is pointless). But 'give access to new X, only to completely change the paradigm in a few years' is certainly something I wouldn't put past GW, 'new GW' or not.

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Ladies and gentlemen, Please stay on topic. If there is nothing to discuss with respect to new reveals then let’s leave the thread fresh when there there is something of substance.
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Guest Triszin

I'd be so pissed if they nerfed the blizzard shield and gave us stormbolters and flamers. Send 3 models back me back to :cussing modeling and painting stage, :cussers.


we'll find out soon enough

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They posted an article about Warhammerfest happening tomorrow first.... THEY ARE LITERAL TROLLS!!! :verymad::verymad::teehee::whistling::censored:

My friend works for warcom, I told him to stop trolling and post the Wolves stuff already. He said he would see what he can do

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They posted an article about Warhammerfest happening tomorrow first.... THEY ARE LITERAL TROLLS!!! :verymad::verymad::teehee::whistling::censored:

My friend works for warcom, I told him to stop trolling and post the Wolves stuff already. He said he would see what he can do



The mead hall will tell tales of your heroic deeds and sing songs in your name brother! 

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Guest Triszin

They posted an article about Warhammerfest happening tomorrow first.... THEY ARE LITERAL TROLLS!!! :verymad: :verymad: :teehee: :whistling: :censored:

 I mean, they aren't trolling. most of the important posts dont happen till after 10 am est.


expect the space wolves article around 10:45~ est


also, relax.

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They posted an article about Warhammerfest happening tomorrow first.... THEY ARE LITERAL TROLLS!!! :verymad::verymad::teehee::whistling::censored:

My friend works for warcom, I told him to stop trolling and post the Wolves stuff already. He said he would see what he can do

The mead hall will tell tales of your heroic deeds and sing songs in your name brother!

I got him drunk a few months ago to see if he would spill anything, alas he was tight lipped.

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They posted an article about Warhammerfest happening tomorrow first.... THEY ARE LITERAL TROLLS!!! :verymad: :verymad: :teehee: :whistling: :censored:

 I mean, they aren't trolling. most of the important posts dont happen till after 10 am est.


expect the space wolves article around 10:45~ est


also, relax.




Lol I am calm. I am just having fun on the hype train is all. :) Wasn't meant to be taken seriously. 

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I'm heading out of home


My wulfen part is getting stronger and last time it went on his own I've got a hangover for 2 days in a row...


So I'll check later and read all the stuff all together


16:02 here in Barcelona (Spain)


I'm out!

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Darn was beat to it. Anyways... nothing about Primaris Apothecary or wolf priest, so those wanting a Primaris force are still missing out.


Overall I don't see anything that really integrates Primaris into the SWs. Also feel like I will be hurting my army by not haveing any librarians (dirty psykers!). Overall it feels good to have our codex, however not as much hype as GW said it would be.

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