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Codex Next Week


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I did ask in the Simon Grant thread about what points value a 3++ Blizzard Shield would have for Chapter Approved 2018, at the earliest. The 4++ makes sense; still, if there's an option to perhaps add a force field or rune or something to up the thing back to 3++, I am curious as to how many points that would cost. I know for one thing, to me, that 3++ is a must. Still, I'm not the writers of the Codex.

I think the problem was that a 3++ was just too good. Everyone was taking 2 Shield dreads all the time. If something becomes auto-take, you can bet it is either in for a points hike or a wallop from Mr Nerf Bat.


Which I think is actually fair. Seeing the same hanful of auto-include units every time you play/face an army gets pretty boring. I would rather an army where every choice is equally viable and I am not gimping myself by leaving units at home.



100%. The fact that every one of my opponents EXPECTED a shield dread was a spoiler for me. Now its not a guaranteed thing and we can make effective lists without them if we want too.


I love mine to death but i'll be happy to try some new things if only too see the fear in their eyes a few games hence when i plonk one down from a Lucious pod.

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I did ask in the Simon Grant thread about what points value a 3++ Blizzard Shield would have for Chapter Approved 2018, at the earliest. The 4++ makes sense; still, if there's an option to perhaps add a force field or rune or something to up the thing back to 3++, I am curious as to how many points that would cost. I know for one thing, to me, that 3++ is a must. Still, I'm not the writers of the Codex.

I think the problem was that a 3++ was just too good. Everyone was taking 2 Shield dreads all the time. If something becomes auto-take, you can bet it is either in for a points hike or a wallop from Mr Nerf Bat.


Which I think is actually fair. Seeing the same hanful of auto-include units every time you play/face an army gets pretty boring. I would rather an army where every choice is equally viable and I am not gimping myself by leaving units at home.



I disagree. When you have no codex or a weak one, even the worst of the bad lot is an "auto take" regardless of how good it actually is.


When they get around to nerfing Abbadon then I can start to believe in nerfing everyone's auto takes in armies.

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My bias here is that I'd like Space Wolves to be good enough to hang with Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights, Drukhari, and the like. So some units are going to need to be pretty good for that to happen, since the other armies also have a multiple of pretty good units.

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My bias here is that I'd like Space Wolves to be good enough to hang with Astra Militarum, Imperial Knights, Drukhari, and the like. So some units are going to need to be pretty good for that to happen, since the other armies also have a multiple of pretty good units.

our hqs are going to be insane


the synergy potential is waiting for you


run a pack together


bkock them so they cant be sniped....dash them in and out of ruins as needed


people will not be ready for 6" HI teams


*forgot to mention the flexibility of warlord traits also gives us a pseudo sideboard depending on our opponent. beastslayer against knights but maybe something else is needed against chaos

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and our long fangs are going to be hated as soon as we hit the table


eye of the wolf to reroll all failed wounds

keen senses to remove to hit modifiers


no hq babysitter required to erase enemy flyers or eldar with defensive tricks

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Yeah, I think the HQs are going to be solid. Thunder Hammers hitting on 2s and Heroic Interventions are both great, and Canis/WL/WGBL on TWC were already pretty strong. One of the things I'm really interested in following is how strong they can make our troops, because that seems like our Achilles heel as much as anything.

Although, if our troops suck, there's always the Guard battalion. Until that gets inevitably nerfhammered, anyway.

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our troops wont suck but they will be pricey. i think MSU GH/BC for objective sitting arent too bad. hitting on 2s hopefully they erase other chaff units for cheap and then just sit on their objective


i will probably remove my eversor (that was literally her job for 70pts) and move towards battalion list now

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Yeah, I think the HQs are going to be solid. Thunder Hammers hitting on 2s and Heroic Interventions are both great, and Canis/WL/WGBL on TWC were already pretty strong. One of the things I'm really interested in following is how strong they can make our troops, because that seems like our Achilles heel as much as anything.

Although, if our troops suck, there's always the Guard battalion. Until that gets inevitably nerfhammered, anyway.


our troops wont suck but they will be pricey. i think MSU GH/BC for objective sitting arent too bad. hitting on 2s hopefully they erase other chaff units for cheap and then just sit on their objective


i will probably remove my eversor (that was literally her job for 70pts) and move towards battalion list now


GH packs that fit in a Rhino, likely with 8 GH's, 1 GHPL, and 1 WGPL, will be downright lethal if run right. If one wants to drop a GH to take an HQ, for example, a Rune Priest, this is going to get absolutely terrifying as our unit synergy in that case is two Characters, the WGPL and the HQ, perhaps a RP.


As far as our Troops, if, and it is likely, the option for Chainswords remains 0 points, I think GH and BC packs are still going to be great choices, if their ppm is around current SM statline. BC's with a WP and a WGPL is also going to be fun.


The one I'm wondering is, if a regular Dread can now take the Blizzard Shield, which, if a Wulfen one can, well, on the attack a regular Dreadnought with a BLS and any melee or ranged arm to pair with it, well, this is going to get nasty. 2+ to hit on the charge 4++ regular Dread's can do some of the job for cheaper than a Ven Dread. I would still love to see what the points need to be to either take an upgrade to 3++ from 4, or, a flat cost to get that 3++ back. I expect it won't be cheap, points wise. As others are saying, "Hey, a Blizzard Dread, big surprise... *opposing player rolls eyes.*"






Three CCW's, axe, combat knife, chainsword. Primaris Battle Leader, one Intercessor with Chainsword, middle, and one, with a combat knife, bottom right.


Edit 2:




How do Dedicated Transports and Infantry units work? Because a Wolf Scout Pack in a Land Speeder Storm using the strategem that says, bluntly, enemy table edge too, is going to be dangerous, both ways.


Also, 4++ is intended. 3++ was, "too gnarly." Still, as I asked over on FB, at what points value would it be considered fair?

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That took some reading to get to the front of this thread.


Never used a blizzard shield, oh well.


Great to see sagas back. Gonna have a lot of fun using Wolf Lords.


Liking the lone wolf strat. Thats very accurate to the fluff. Never liked the fully kitted out lone wolves anyway. Just wondering how many times exactly 1 guy will be left alive. Can’t wait to use it though, I’m not going to be able to resist.


Looking forward to amazing long fangs.


Does 3cp for -1 to hit (within 6”, for a turn) indicate GW now realised just how powerful -1 to hit is after throwing it on so many other armies before?


Very excited right now. Gonna try and buy a dread tomorrow from my local GW.

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No Priest on a thunderwolf is a giant bummer. Absolutely disapointing.


Harald Deathwolf is Inxex only too?


These are giant stupid oversights.


No Wolf Spear either? What a waste of time.


Codex trumps Chapter Approved. Chapter Approved trumps Index. If the Index is the only rules source, the Wolves can still take whatever option is not updated by Chapter Approved, which is then updated by the Codex.


So, Codex options, then Chapter Approved, and, lastly, Index.

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I'm looking forward to running 3 WGBL with THSS and jump packs in a blob of 15 fenrisian wolves. Flying heroic interventions are going to be fun.


Runic Armor for that 2+ save might be worth it, too. If not, don't worry; it appears a pretty solid portion of the Wolves' FOC entries are going to be in pretty tight competition in the Codex.


So, let's see...


6" or 12" move

+ 2d6 charge or 2d6 rerollable charge

+ 6" Heroic Intervention move, if able


that's, what... up to 24" total distance in one turn? That's half the table width!


Edit: Or, 30" if one uses the 12" jump move and gets lucky boxcars on the charge!

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No Priest on a thunderwolf is a giant bummer. Absolutely disapointing.

Harald Deathwolf is Inxex only too?

These are giant stupid oversights.

Was this in the discussion afterwards?


Heard it during the game. Was a bit distracted but some units might be index only.

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I'm looking forward to running 3 WGBL with THSS and jump packs in a blob of 15 fenrisian wolves. Flying heroic interventions are going to be fun.


Runic Armor for that 2+ save might be worth it, too. If not, don't worry; it appears a pretty solid portion of the Wolves' FOC entries are going to be in pretty tight competition in the Codex.


So, let's see...


6" or 12" move

+ 2d6 charge or 2d6 rerollable charge

+ 6" Heroic Intervention move, if able


that's, what... up to 24" total distance in one turn? That's half the table width!


Edit: Or, 30" if one uses the 12" jump move and gets lucky boxcars on the charge!



Armor of russ relic on a WGBL

Take a wolf lord for reroll to hit and he has built in 4++ belt of russ


You can now intervene and assassinate a powerhouse melee character and have reroll all hits and likely reroll at wounds unless fighting T5+


But yes...jump packs are basically mandatory on our HQs to get the most out of 6" HI

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I'm looking forward to running 3 WGBL with THSS and jump packs in a blob of 15 fenrisian wolves. Flying heroic interventions are going to be fun.


Runic Armor for that 2+ save might be worth it, too. If not, don't worry; it appears a pretty solid portion of the Wolves' FOC entries are going to be in pretty tight competition in the Codex.


So, let's see...


6" or 12" move

+ 2d6 charge or 2d6 rerollable charge

+ 6" Heroic Intervention move, if able


that's, what... up to 24" total distance in one turn? That's half the table width!


Edit: Or, 30" if one uses the 12" jump move and gets lucky boxcars on the charge!



Armor of russ relic on a WGBL

Take a wolf lord for reroll to hit and he has built in 4++ belt of russ


You can now intervene and assassinate a powerhouse melee character and have reroll all hits and likely reroll at wounds unless fighting T5+


But yes...jump packs are basically mandatory on our HQs to get the most out of 6" HI


Russ would not approve us using Blood Angel tactics :)

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That took some reading to get to the front of this thread.


Never used a blizzard shield, oh well.


Great to see sagas back. Gonna have a lot of fun using Wolf Lords.


Liking the lone wolf strat. Thats very accurate to the fluff. Never liked the fully kitted out lone wolves anyway. Just wondering how many times exactly 1 guy will be left alive. Can’t wait to use it though, I’m not going to be able to resist.


Looking forward to amazing long fangs.


Does 3cp for -1 to hit (within 6”, for a turn) indicate GW now realised just how powerful -1 to hit is after throwing it on so many other armies before?


Very excited right now. Gonna try and buy a dread tomorrow from my local GW.

well IIRC the Eldar stratagem is 2 pts, for a single type of unit and a single unit. 3 pts for a 6" bubble seems very good.


A unit that will be good assesinating Eldar units will be Inceptors with Keen Senses y feel. Lots of shooting and a good strength.


Will need to have the book but we have several things that may be able to deal with the toughest armies, while remaiming fluffy. Very, very nice

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Lone Wolves going stratagem only and is another kick in the pants for those of us who have painted models to be explicitly be Lone Wolves.


I know they're useable in the index, but seeing these units get phased out of the main codex scares me because I am honestly afraid its the first step to getting rid of them altogether.

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Every Codex I've bought, something has gone on the shelf: Leman Russ tanks, missile launcher long fangs, wolf lord on a bike, terminators, thunderwolf wolf lord, land raiders, wolf scouts, thunder wolf cavalry in general, and now my shield dreads, lone wolf, and thunder wolf iron priest.


But every Codex I get new toys, and every now and then an old unit comes off the shelf.


This Codex looks like my scouts may see action again, my jump HQs will definitely see action again, I'll need to get some long fangs with plasma cannons (they've been good for a while, but now they look too good to pass up).


Every change has good and bad. Don't throw anything away, just put them on the shelf until they're good again. Lone wolves may be back eventually, blizzard shields may be 3++ again, and iron priests might get their furry mounts back in the future.


Either way, right now I'm TOTALLY stoked for our new Codex. We'll see when I get it, but from the leaks so far it looks like one of the best in a while.

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i was totally prepared to be underwhelmed by the Primaris upgrade sprue, but it's actually full of bits i'd like to have on hand for modeling and converting. I especially like the heads and the arm that's drawing the knife. also having a bunch of infantry-sized rubies that are easy to snip off is more useful then you think.




unfortunately, if you'e not a ragnar blackmane great company, not a lot of value from the shoulder pads. at least with the last upgrade sprue i could file off the wolf and the shoulders had space wolfy details remaining.

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