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Codex Next Week


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The Champion is underwhelming amd I think a bad replacement for a Lone Wolf from.what I see in the comment. He is just a Company Champion per rules of the SM Codex. I am for the inclusion of most of the things but this is a watering down.


The last Psychich Lower is a bombarment a la Corvus. So mortal wounds on a 6+ one dice per unit. If it is capped at 10 like most of this abilities might help against hordes

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I'm nervous about our "elite" scouts and infiltrating based on that preview




All they mentioned about our scouts was the scout bike and outflanking


If we had infiltration I hope they just missed it


If we don't have infiltration it means our scouts are inferior to codex scouts who get board control in the deployment phase


At the very least I hope our scouts have been moved to the troop slot so they qualify for battalion CP units

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Over 100 years have passed...there was more than enough time to appoint another wolf lord to take the place of the fallen.


Most of the codex released this edition barely touched that 100 year span. They also recycled a ton of artwork, so I'm not surprised that we weren't an exception.


The Champion is underwhelming amd I think a bad replacement for a Lone Wolf from.what I see in the comment. He is just a Company Champion per rules of the SM Codex. I am for the inclusion of most of the things but this is a watering down.


The last Psychich Lower is a bombarment a la Corvus. So mortal wounds on a 6+ one dice per unit. If it is capped at 10 like most of this abilities might help against hordes


I think the stratagem that makes a lone wolf makes a lot more sense than how lone wolves have been designed in the past. It really shouldn't be a unit that people can spam.

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Well that review had a bit more meat to it than the batrep but still far more questions than answers. Where are our bikes for example? Can any HQ take a bike now? What about Wolf Guard? The review seems to indicate that no we can’t. If so, that a decent nerf. Also what the hell is the point of the Primaris Battle Leader? He can swap his axe and carbine for either a power sword or a bolter but he has to get rid of both weapons just to take one? I know GW is no longer providing rules for stuff not in the boxes but come on.
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Disappointed in the lack of Russ. However, the fluff tells you flat out he's coming back very soon. I think this will be the campaign either later this year or next year that sees him return.

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I'm nervous about our "elite" scouts and infiltrating based on that preview




All they mentioned about our scouts was the scout bike and outflanking


If we had infiltration I hope they just missed it


If we don't have infiltration it means our scouts are inferior to codex scouts who get board control in the deployment phase


At the very least I hope our scouts have been moved to the troop slot so they qualify for battalion CP units



Pretty sure you got your wish on the Wolf Scouts. The units are all listed by type (as is normal) and Wolf Scouts are listed between Intercessors and Reivers, two "Troop" types.


And it's entirely possible IMO that the AOS reviewers could have missed something significant as it's clear whoever reviewed the Codex was not a Wolves player. They called out the following:


-Drop pod cant transport wulfen :/ 

-Stormwolf can transport up to 16 model, wulfen count as 2 ! 


But this has been in Eighth Edition from the start. It's right out of the Index.


Then the one strategem discussed at length was one of the two Wolves-specific strategems that appeared in Chapter Approved almost nine months ago.

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For the people upset about the lack of index options...you can still take them. The index is still valid since the codex does not have them in it. You can still use Lone Wolves or priests on bikes etc.

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I'm nervous about our "elite" scouts and infiltrating based on that preview


All they mentioned about our scouts was the scout bike and outflanking


If we had infiltration I hope they just missed it


If we don't have infiltration it means our scouts are inferior to codex scouts who get board control in the deployment phase


At the very least I hope our scouts have been moved to the troop slot so they qualify for battalion CP units

Pretty sure you got your wish on the Wolf Scouts. The units are all listed by type (as is normal) and Wolf Scouts are listed between Intercessors and Reivers, two "Troop" types.


And it's entirely possible IMO that the AOS reviewers could have missed something significant as it's clear whoever reviewed the Codex was not a Wolves player. They called out the following:


-Drop pod cant transport wulfen :/

-Stormwolf can transport up to 16 model, wulfen count as 2 !


But this has been in Eighth Edition from the start. It's right out of the Index.


Then the one strategem discussed at length was one of the two Wolves-specific strategems that appeared in Chapter Approved almost nine months ago.

Reivers are elites so Wolf Scouts could still be elites.


Well that review had a bit more meat to it than the batrep but still far more questions than answers. Where are our bikes for example? Can any HQ take a bike now? What about Wolf Guard? The review seems to indicate that no we can’t. If so, that a decent nerf. Also what the hell is the point of the Primaris Battle Leader? He can swap his axe and carbine for either a power sword or a bolter but he has to get rid of both weapons just to take one? I know GW is no longer providing rules for stuff not in the boxes but come on.

We can use the index versions still for all bikes, but the lack of bikes is a bit upsetting.


For the people upset about the lack of index options...you can still take them. The index is still valid since the codex does not have them in it. You can still use Lone Wolves or priests on bikes etc.

mind you it seems all bikes except the new Scouts and the Swiftclaws. I do not see Wolf Guard nor Wolf Lord or WGBL bikes in the index of the Codex either. So that is a lot of missed bikes. Which is wierd "Hey get this bike. But you lose 5 others..."
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Actually, I have noticed that most bikers were taken to the Index if my app is correctly updated. Too bad I really enjoy the bikes.


Also I'd like to compile what we know.




Cunning of the Wolf (1CP): Put one Infantry On the Hunt

True Grit (1CP): Fire Bolters as Pistols

Keen Senses: Ignore modifiers (excelent for almost all circumstances)

The Wolf's Eye (1CP): Reroll hits or Wounds for a Long Fang unit

Cloaked by the Storm (3CP): 6" -1 to hit bubble around a Rpafter a psychic power has been cast (seems one of our best ways to get around)

Lone Wolf (1CP): last survivor of a squad becomes a character gains 2 wounds and reroll to hit and to wound ( the fluffiest strategy and I will enjoy it)

Only in Death Does Duty End (2CP): before a character is removed fight again

Honour the Chapter (3CP): Infantry or Bikers fight again in the Fighting phase (Wulfen fighting twice, enjoy destroying everything they touch)

Seeking the Saga (1CP): reroll wounds with a Character fighting a unit with higher Power rating (Slamlord hitting on a 2+ and rerolling to wound)

Laugh in the Face of Death: reroll hit roll against leadership modifiers (Night Lord and Haemunculous covens o ly probably, with this and Keen Senses we might be a good antidrukhari force)

Living Storm (seems to be similar to Empyric Channeling): mivht make Living Lightning D6 mortal wounds, needs several Rune Priests (fun but unprobable to use)


Possible Stratagems


Killshot (1CP) +1 to wound rolls for a Predator within 6" of two other Predators (situational)

Linebreaker Bombardment (1CP)instead of shooting do 3D3 mortal wounds to am area

Armour of Contempt (1CP)ignore mortal wounds on a vehicle (situational)

Auspex Scan (2CP) attack units coming from reserves within 12" at -1 (if we have it play it with Hellblasters and Keen Senses, should make a nice combo)

Cluster Mines (1CP) Scout Bikers do mortal wounds after falling back (very situational)

Hellfire Shells (1CP) mortal wounds for Heavy Bolter (synergy with The Wolf's Eye and Keen senses)

Flakk Missile (1CP) mortal wounds for Missile Launcher against things with Fly (use a CML in a Long Fang Pack with a Heavy Bolter an use all four stratagems against Mortarion or Magnus and enjoy)

Datalink Telemetry auto hits for Whirlwinds if a Land Speeder sees it (might be useful with a Plasma filled Land Speeder Storm)

Wisdom of the Ancients (1CP) reroll 1s for the phase for a Dreadnought (way for a Dread flrmation to reroll hit rolls of 1, Ven Dreads amd Claw Wulfen will enjoy it, might be used on a baby sitter Dread fpr your gunline)

"Vaults of the Fang" (extra relics 1/3CP)




Krakenbone Sword Frost Sword AP-4 reroll wounds

Armour of Russ 4++ and make a unit within 1" fight last

Frostfury assault 4 S4 AP-1 2D with hellfrost replaces Storm Bolter


Warlord Traits


Saga of a Warrior Born (figgt first always); Deed: Kill a Character (an assasination force with this trait amd deed might make them brutal against armies used to charging)

Saga of Majesty (+3" to auras); Deed: Kill the Warlord (very good, although the deed is hars to get the maximum benefit)

Saga of the Bear (6+ FnP); Deed: Make a save (useful all rounder and easy deed)

Saga of the Beastslayer (+1 to wound Monster and Vehicles); Deed: Kill a vehicle or Monster (if you are going against knights or heavy vehicle forxes great to have)

Saga of the Hunter (Camocloak for the Warlord and advance and charge) (for a Termie assualt force might be very good, making plasma a -1 in cover so saving on a 3+, so if the deed is easy you can give this to Termies amd you cataphractii lord)

Saga of the Wolfkin


Tempestas Discipline


Storm Caller 6" cover bubble

Tempest's Wrath -1 to hit to enemybunit

Jaws of the World Wolf mortal wounds if you exceed the movement characteristic

Living Lightning d3 mortal wounds that spill if unit destroyed

Fury of the Wolf Spirits melee attacks for Rune Priest

Murderous Hurricane 6+ mortal.wounds against in an amount equal to the units models (probably max of 10)



Hunter's Unleashes +1 to hit when charging, being charged and heroic intervention and 6" for heroic intervention


Those seem to be the rules that we have seen are reasonable to expect.

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Sure we might be missing some toys from before 8th edition. But overall I am happy about what I've heard/read thus far. From 4th edition on I kept looking for them to bring me back my Leman Russ tank into the codex, but alas it was not to be. But I think that The Route has got it's teeth again.

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I wonder how long we have to wait for Russ to come back. The fluff in the book explicitly states the conditions for his return are fulfilled and he will come back. In real life terms, how long of a wait will this be? It has to be a campaign level event or something along those lines. Does he come back to square off against a returning demon prince we haven't seen so far in 40k?

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I wonder how long we have to wait for Russ to come back. The fluff in the book explicitly states the conditions for his return are fulfilled and he will come back. In real life terms, how long of a wait will this be? It has to be a campaign level event or something along those lines. Does he come back to square off against a returning demon prince we haven't seen so far in 40k?


The simple answer is that no one knows. I think the demand is there so it probably will happen but what people want and expect from Russ is all over the place. Personally I think they've been hinting at the lion for quite awhile, and I think he is a less risky choice. That said with all the marine books being updated within a year I think if we get a primarch with in the next couple of years it will be with a campaign book (and I expect quite a few).

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saga of the hunter is quite strong, advance and charge for warlord and +2 to saves instead of +1 when in cover. This as an aura would be silly good if the deed is easy

Hmm and thinking of the synergy with Storm Caller. Let's see the deed because advancing with a Rune Priest amd Terminators will make a brutal combination.
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