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Codex Next Week


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I agree Leif. It's completely because of that Chapterhouse shenanigans that went down. No kit equals no rules plain and simple now. We're just feeling the same effects that the Space Marine group did earlier. Why our codex was left till now when the rule writers clearly just used copy/paste I don't know other than to pad their release schedule and sell more Genestealer Cult Models for the box. I'm now not even getting the book, I'm that disappointed. The rule writers/design team/whoever makes decisions over there didn't care enough to give us decent rules so I'm done giving them my money for the time being. 

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Totally BSing here but maybe GW is taking tournament/competitive play as a serious business factor instead of the public comment from prior CEO that they just sell models.


Cutting out units without models and providing plastic sisters of battle soon could indicate a long view

Eh? Sorry, I may be missing something here, but how do either of those have anything to do with "taking tournament/competitive play as a serious business factor"? Cutting units without models is :censored: (if sensible form a lawsuit viewpoint), and if the internet rumour mill is accurate, then it's entirely the fault of the :censored:s at Chapterhouse (:censored: those guys, so, so much). Sisters? They've been desired from a subset of the community for years and years. And most of the 'why not' has generally been explained by the scale of the project, and the fatiguing effect such a major work has on the studio (apparently burnout from the DE re-imagining in 09 lasted years) Don't see what that has to do with competitive play.
driving now will edit answers later


short one closing loopholes



By removing non model units from codex they are closing player loopholes who try and use the mystery model while simultaneously capturing more business for selling models that remain


i have no answer for the grandmaster dreadknight discussed below this is all just BSing with fellow 40k fans

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So I was listening to StrikingScorpion and I know someone mentioned he dropped 40 points but I thought I would clarify. He reads Logans points out loud and I compared them to what my Battlescribe says. 


Logan on his sled, according to Scorpion in the video, is 190 points. Compared to the 230 he costs in the index/battlescribe. 


That is a significant points decrease, holy moly. And on foot he is 170 now I think? He is actually worth taking now in my opinion. 

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So I was listening to StrikingScorpion and I know someone mentioned he dropped 40 points but I thought I would clarify. He reads Logans points out loud and I compared them to what my Battlescribe says. 


Logan on his sled, according to Scorpion in the video, is 190 points. Compared to the 230 he costs in the index/battlescribe. 


That is a significant points decrease, holy moly. And on foot he is 170 now I think? He is actually worth taking now in my opinion. 

Indeed he said that. Which is why I said a 40 point decrease. And 20 points on foot since he went to 170 form 190. I think the footslog version with a 9" to reroll all hits could be good. And the sled might be worth it for the size of the aura.

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So I was listening to StrikingScorpion and I know someone mentioned he dropped 40 points but I thought I would clarify. He reads Logans points out loud and I compared them to what my Battlescribe says. 


Logan on his sled, according to Scorpion in the video, is 190 points. Compared to the 230 he costs in the index/battlescribe. 


That is a significant points decrease, holy moly. And on foot he is 170 now I think? He is actually worth taking now in my opinion. 

I know I'm being pessimistic but on the sled he is still useless. He still has 12 wounds and Scorpion specifically stated that he has no rule to mitigate getting sniped turn 1 by all of your opponent's heavy weapons. It's a waste of 190 points realistically. 170 for him on foot could work though, as that is a 20 point drop and deep strike/footslog seems to be the way our book is going.

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So I was listening to StrikingScorpion and I know someone mentioned he dropped 40 points but I thought I would clarify. He reads Logans points out loud and I compared them to what my Battlescribe says.


Logan on his sled, according to Scorpion in the video, is 190 points. Compared to the 230 he costs in the index/battlescribe.


That is a significant points decrease, holy moly. And on foot he is 170 now I think? He is actually worth taking now in my opinion.

I know I'm being pessimistic but on the sled he is still useless. He still has 12 wounds and Scorpion specifically stated that he has no rule to mitigate getting sniped turn 1 by all of your opponent's heavy weapons. It's a waste of 190 points realistically. 170 for him on foot could work though, as that is a 20 point drop and deep strike/footslog seems to be the way our book is going.

So in a more competitive environment, sure. Probably don’t want to use him haha. I was just saying he’ll be worth taking in general, in friendly games. Before he just costed too much to even be fun because he took up too much room.

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Bikes only exist as units if there is a model for it. No Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian or Company Vetererans on bikes anymore because they don't have official models.

Then explain the GK grandmaster in a dread knight, there is no official model for it. They even posted a how to conversion guide. GW could have done the same thing for bikes/TWC.

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Bikes only exist as units if there is a model for it. No Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian or Company Vetererans on bikes anymore because they don't have official models.

Then explain the GK grandmaster in a dread knight, there is no official model for it. They even posted a how to conversion guide. GW could have done the same thing for bikes/TWC.


Because GW is schizophrenic?

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Bikes only exist as units if there is a model for it. No Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian or Company Vetererans on bikes anymore because they don't have official models.

Then explain the GK grandmaster in a dread knight, there is no official model for it. They even posted a how to conversion guide. GW could have done the same thing for bikes/TWC.


Because GW is schizophrenic?


Or GW logic says 'GKs need something to make people buy, throw in a rule to make them buy more Dreadknights (already a firmly trademarked thing)' whereas we're 'meant' to be busy buying Primaris, Tooth & Claw and Stormhawks so we don't 'need' something to boost sales.

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Bikes only exist as units if there is a model for it. No Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian or Company Vetererans on bikes anymore because they don't have official models.


Then explain the GK grandmaster in a dread knight, there is no official model for it. They even posted a how to conversion guide. GW could have done the same thing for bikes/TWC.

Because GW is schizophrenic?

Aye, but my point is that the whole "no kit=no rules" is not correct. We have seen GW already release things that have no kit and they offered a kit bash guide.


As for the index, I am pretty sure it will be killed eventually. Maybe after all the codex are released, maybe in 2019. As they said before the index was a temporary hold over until everyone got their codex with some improvements later on to keep non codex competitive. GW has done this so far, so what happen when it is no longer a hold over as everyone has a codex.


I'm curious as to how mandatory the rune priests will be, I want to stay fluffy to my chapter about no psykers, however they seem mandatory now.

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They’re not psychers, they channel the spirits of Fenris. Fall in dude...

I'm the worst SW... mercy killing weak willed brothers (Wulfen) and blaming psykers.

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So I am gonna say I actually think Santa is a solid model. Dont think of him as our warlord but as a vehicle that beats face and has a couple decent auras. When compared to similar units, blizzard shield ven dreads and the like he compares quite well and for under 200 points adds to our ability to propagate multiple tough, fast threats around the table forcing our opponent to make hard choices in their first turn shooting...because we will be hitting on turn 2.
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I feel like I’m missing a rumour somewhere, as I’ve read in a couple of places that Logan Grimnar has a 9” aura ability?


The bit of fluff I’ve seen on War of Sigmar about the packs of Inceptors falling to the Wulfen Curse is interesting, and has set my mind on going Primaris heavy with my next project for the Wolves.

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Bikes only exist as units if there is a model for it. No Chaplain, Techmarine, Librarian or Company Vetererans on bikes anymore because they don't have official models.

Then explain the GK grandmaster in a dread knight, there is no official model for it. They even posted a how to conversion guide. GW could have done the same thing for bikes/TWC.

Because GW is schizophrenic?

Aye, but my point is that the whole "no kit=no rules" is not correct. We have seen GW already release things that have no kit and they offered a kit bash guide.


As for the index, I am pretty sure it will be killed eventually. Maybe after all the codex are released, maybe in 2019. As they said before the index was a temporary hold over until everyone got their codex with some improvements later on to keep non codex competitive. GW has done this so far, so what happen when it is no longer a hold over as everyone has a codex.


I'm curious as to how mandatory the rune priests will be, I want to stay fluffy to my chapter about no psykers, however they seem mandatory now.


Different rules team I guess. I forgot about the Grand Master DK not having a model. Think we should tell Grey Knights they don't get their baby bjorn boss until we get our bikes back? In all seriousness someone should reach out to GW and ask what the heck is up with their scrapping of units when they have a conversion guide for the DK.

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I honestly won’t miss the bikes. There’s no reason for us to have better or same bikers as ravenwing. It doesn’t fit our fluff, far as I’m aware.


I can see where they’re doing this on the case of the units fitting into the army and having a model.

A fair number of people wouldn't miss Thunderwolves or Wulfen. It doesn't mean units disappearing is a good thing. Bikes were a big part of our army back before 5th ed and they fit our fluff significantly better than jump packs. 


Wolves having better bikes than Ravenwing is an issue with Ravenwing's rules, not ours frankly.

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