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Codex Next Week


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I'm thinking I'll adopt a policy of "If it's in the Codex, I can use it - if it's in the Index, my opponent can use it" unless it's just an obvious balance issue. But if that were the case, it would be explicitly errata'd out.


I'm sure it is just a unit/model availability thing - they disappeared the WW-exclusive Land Raider Excelsior and Rhino Primaris in between the Index and the main Space Marines Codex. I doubt enough people had the chance to play against them during that interval to decide they were out of whack.

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Can't logan on sled be held in reserve using the Hunt Strat?

Good question... I would assume not but who knows

him on his sled is still a vehicle
Indeed is counts as a Vehicle and therefore not applicable for Cunningnof the Wolf which only target Infantry units.
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I honestly won’t miss the bikes. There’s no reason for us to have better or same bikers as ravenwing. It doesn’t fit our fluff, far as I’m aware.


I can see where they’re doing this on the case of the units fitting into the army and having a model.

A fair number of people wouldn't miss Thunderwolves or Wulfen.
Yeah well those folks suck and can go to Helheim.
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I honestly won’t miss the bikes. There’s no reason for us to have better or same bikers as ravenwing. It doesn’t fit our fluff, far as I’m aware.


I can see where they’re doing this on the case of the units fitting into the army and having a model.

A fair number of people wouldn't miss Thunderwolves or Wulfen.
Yeah well those folks suck and can go to Helheim.

Hah, agreed. They just fit so much more and make us more unique. I’m more willing to accept things that make us unique instead of just space marines with pelts. That’s basicallt what wolfguard bikers are.

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Hah, agreed. They just fit so much more and make us more unique. I’m more willing to accept things that make us unique instead of just space marines with pelts. That’s basicallt what wolfguard bikers are.

I think both have place in our army, since we are bothe Wolfy and Viking. Bith can be used and that is whu we have both Deathwolves and Ironwolves. We have Blackmanes for Infantry and Drakeslayers are elite. Void warfare and Jump Pack assault. We have a bit if everything so we can work with it
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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.





I'm going ro use all the best bits on one model aren't I

You'll just have to buy like...5 sprues

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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.





I'm going ro use all the best bits on one model aren't I

You'll just have to buy like...5 sprues
This is a likely outcome
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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.


Careful young pup. There's plenty of us much longer in tooth than you who have valid reasons not to like wolfy wolf riding a wolf. :p ;) :devil:


Bikes on the other hand ... I have 50+ sat in dettol waiting to get converted up. They've been there for months so I guess I can leave them there a bit longer. :lol:

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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.


Careful young pup. There's plenty of us much longer in tooth than you who have valid reasons not to like wolfy wolf riding a wolf. :p ;) :devil:
no you be careful, no one likes this song and dance. Whats your favourite unit so i can troll you with talk about squatting it?
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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.


Careful young pup. There's plenty of us much longer in tooth than you who have valid reasons not to like wolfy wolf riding a wolf. :p ;) :devil:
no you be careful, no one likes this song and dance. Whats your favourite unit so i can troll you with talk about squatting it?

Have fun brother from this thread it seems they're already squatted. :devil: :p


Lol ... I was considering doing a battle line of glorious WG/characters on bikes converted to have mk2/mk3 plate. Hence the large tub with loads of ebay specials soaking.


I'll eventually do it maybe when the next codex comes out in 12 months time?

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And if you want to ride derpy giant wolves, play AoS or some other Fantasy game. See? Both sides can be blasé and dismissive :wink:.


People, please read how this exchange started, TWC were only brought up as a counter to a 'well I don't really like bikes/think they fit, so no big deal' argument (paraphrased, of course). Which is a legitimate observation, as much as you may like them, a decent chunk of SW fans don't. It wasn't a call for TWC to be removed, rather the observation that getting bikes cut sucks for some as much as losing TWC would for others. Yet it just produced a bunch of 'well those people suck' comments. So if you're sick of the 'song and dance' don't bring it up.

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Why do you guys want bikes so much? They aren't particularly good this edition. Jump packs are better.


Also, if there are index entries you still can so why the upset?

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Why do you guys want bikes so much? They aren't particularly good this edition. Jump packs are better.


Also, if there are index entries you still can so why the upset?

Personally because I'm more of a casual and fluffy player. Yes Jump packs are better this edition but they don't fit with the established fluff. I don't want to see units and options taken away. Likewise the index entries are still valid up until the point GW says they're no longer valid. We all don't know how long that will be and that's a major frustration.

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I like bikes and TWC. I like that our WG (and priests) have mobility options besides jump packs. I hope we get to keep them. I dislike the [sky/Swift/Blood]claws, and never use them. Please note that in having all of these opinions, I have not asked for a change in roster to suit my preferences. Nor will I cheer if a unit unused by myself gets axed. We as a whole need to keep respect for each other, especially when we have different opinions. Look at the lore for Lucas for a solid lesson in what lack of respect gets you.


As for the index, where are people getting the idea that if a unit is not listed AT ALL in the codex as a playable unit, they can still use the index version? I would like a link to the source of this. Has any army had their codex released and still been able to reference units in their index that aren't in their codex? Perhaps I missed it, but I don't think there is any precedence to think this is true.


Consider we don't have a generic wolf priest model (just Ulric as a character). Why hasn't our generic wolf priest been removed? Because GW was not 100% literal that a lack of model = data sheet is gonna be gone. It was a general heads up that some units might be removed because they never intend to release any sprue for it. People are taking statements way to literal too often on stuff GW is saying, IMO.

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If you're a fluffy player then the index shouldn't be an issue for you?

If you were playing in tournaments up and down dragging an extra book around might be a annoyinh but SW bikes wouldn't get in competitive lists ahead of other options.


I run a Techmarine with conversion beamer often with my Ultras and the chap isn't in the codex.

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If you're a fluffy player then the index shouldn't be an issue for you?

If you were playing in tournaments up and down dragging an extra book around might be a annoyinh but SW bikes wouldn't get in competitive lists ahead of other options.


I run a Techmarine with conversion beamer often with my Ultras and the chap isn't in the codex.

My issue is how long until the index isn't good anymore and you're forced to use only the codex.

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As for the index, where are people getting the idea that if a unit is not listed AT ALL in the codex as a playable unit, they can still use the index version? I would like a link to the source of this. Has any army had their codex released and still been able to reference units in their index that aren't in their codex? Perhaps I missed it, but I don't think there is any precedence to think this is true.




Flowchart on the last page.

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If you're a fluffy player then the index shouldn't be an issue for you?

If you were playing in tournaments up and down dragging an extra book around might be a annoyinh but SW bikes wouldn't get in competitive lists ahead of other options.

I run a Techmarine with conversion beamer often with my Ultras and the chap isn't in the codex.


My issue is how long until the index isn't good anymore and you're forced to use only the codex.

The Index won’t be removed and unless GW releases 9th edition and completely invalidates all previous rules again all previous Codex and Index will still be valid.


GW has been consistent across both 40k and AoS and as long as you’re using the most recent datasheet or warscroll and it has points you’re good regardless of how old it is.


Your point about competitiveness is a good one though as Index unit’s will not get any points reductions or buffs going forward, likewise they haven’t seen any point increases for Factions with a Codex release so if a unit is currently good value it’s very unlikely to change going forward.


People seem to have a huge fear of Index only unit’s but anyone used to FW in previous edition would be used to having to refer to very outdated books for their unit rules.

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