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Codex Next Week


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As for the index, where are people getting the idea that if a unit is not listed AT ALL in the codex as a playable unit, they can still use the index version? I would like a link to the source of this. Has any army had their codex released and still been able to reference units in their index that aren't in their codex? Perhaps I missed it, but I don't think there is any precedence to think this is true.




Flowchart on the last page.


Thank you. I had forgotten about that chart.

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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.


Careful young pup. There's plenty of us much longer in tooth than you who have valid reasons not to like wolfy wolf riding a wolf. :p ;) :devil:


Bikes on the other hand ... I have 50+ sat in dettol waiting to get converted up. They've been there for months so I guess I can leave them there a bit longer. :lol:

Lol ... For anyone getting their knickers in a twist. I'm clearly taking the mick out of myself for having 50 bikes sat in dettol waiting to be converted up and them probably staying there till the next codex. The plasticrack/lead mountain only seems to grow (just don't tell the wife). ;)


I won't be making a WS force out of them as white is a pain to paint and bikes are just as fluffy as TWC. So index rules will be revisited. :tu:

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I like that we have all the options but thunderwolf haters suck because they'd gladly squat my favourite unit.

Careful young pup. There's plenty of us much longer in tooth than you who have valid reasons not to like wolfy wolf riding a wolf. :tongue.::wink::devil:


Bikes on the other hand ... I have 50+ sat in dettol waiting to get converted up. They've been there for months so I guess I can leave them there a bit longer. :laugh.:

Lol ... For anyone getting their knickers in a twist. I'm clearly taking the mick out of myself for having 50 bikes sat in dettol waiting to be converted up and them probably staying there till the next codex. The plasticrack/lead mountain only seems to grow (just don't tell the wife). :wink:


I won't be making a WS force out of them as white is a pain to paint and bikes are just as fluffy as TWC. So index rules will be revisited. :thumbsup:



This is our geological legacy. Fossilized mountains of plastic.


If the wife ever finds out it won't be!


Have preordered dex and cards... Not fussed over tooth and claw. 

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Why do you guys want bikes so much? They aren't particularly good this edition. Jump packs are better.


Also, if there are index entries you still can so why the upset?


I think for the most part people had expected something for having to wait the longest. That and losing units makes people feel that the older models and the freedom to kit bash will be phased out. Which as long as the units sell and make money I can't see GW doing. Kit bashing is bit more tricky, part of why making new units for the existing line is so tough is how well we can build some of those older options cheaply. 


Personally I'm happy with the release, but I got what I expected and a nice bundle. 

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Anyone heard which warlord trait version is right, the previewer's one or the GW community 's one


If I had to bet I would said the official GW preview


It wouldn't surprise me if the reviewers got a rough draft and a last minute change to add the deeds was made

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Anyone heard which warlord trait version is right, the previewer's one or the GW community 's one

If I had to bet I would said the official GW preview


It wouldn't surprise me if the reviewers got a rough draft and a last minute change to add the deeds was made

Ummm 100%...


You think they’d preview that on the community site then backpedal? It’s weird enough if it’s not in the codex but that’s just be ridicules.

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Guest Triszin

somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with  the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

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Wouldn't suprise me if the reviewers got slightly different products (bits omitted or fluff bits worded slightly differently) so if there were any leaks it's easier to locate and neutralise those leaks.
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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with  the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up


Its too early to tell on the front. Its possible they messed up, they may have revised the wolf book, and SW1 has a good point about how they may be trying to figure out where leaks are coming from.


They also may be rules for open or narrative play.

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?



Yeah there have been mistakes in several, they've never had a release pace like this it's to be expected.

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?

It feels like this new codex is nothing but a hack job done by lazy employees. Cut and paste job. I say this only because the lack of Wolf Spear info and fluff progression, no new ragnar model, no Bran rules, no Iron Priest on thunder wolf, etc etc

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The copy and paste of vanilla SM stratagems is particularly annoying


They expressly wrote we can't use them when the SM dex was released


This entire time we have been gimped with nothing to do in tournaments


Then they go haha just kidding here you go!


We could have been playing in all the tournaments up to now with basic SM stratagems and been far more competitive

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

Its entirely possible reviewers got copies from an advance or trial printing. Lets see what's on the market next week before we condemn them.


Regardless, probably going to wait for a digital version of this one.

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I think what is being said is not so much that copy paste is bad inherently, just that GW specifically denied us stratagems we could have been using all along and then put them in our codex anyway. Which is annoying for those who wanted to use them in a tournament setting.


The copy paste was expected as far as I'm concerned with the unit overlap and shared tactics it makes sense. I just think they should have enabled them in CA. But here we are.


I'm much happier now that it seems foot grimnar is in the book. And I guess I will scrap my plan for a bike priest in favor of a jump pack priest.

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I think what is being said is not so much that copy paste is bad inherently, just that GW specifically denied us stratagems we could have been using all along and then put them in our codex anyway. Which is annoying for those who wanted to use them in a tournament setting.


The copy paste was expected as far as I'm concerned with the unit overlap and shared tactics it makes sense. I just think they should have enabled them in CA. But here we are.


I'm much happier now that it seems foot grimnar is in the book. And I guess I will scrap my plan for a bike priest in favor of a jump pack priest.

Jbickb, I'm wondering why you'd scrap your ideas for a bike priest.  Not because I think you shouldn't, but because I'm debating the same decision myself.  I know we can use the index datasheet for bike priests, but personally I'm worried that at some point they'll say, "now that all the codexes are out, you're no longer allowed to use the indexes."  I'm also worried that they're phasing bikes out, or have some other plan that involves bikes no longer being a part of the game (at least for marines).  


But what are your thoughts, why are you scraping the bike priest?  Is it the 1 less power known?

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Guest Triszin

Am now seriously wondering if this codex was printed last decemeber with da and ba and has been on ice since then.

I think you may be right about this.


At this point I fully expect a massive refresh of orks this year.


the teaser had

-2 new warbuggies

-1 new warboss on ike (blurred in the background)

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Guest Triszin

Hang on, the N&R thread is claiming that the printed books don't actually include all the rules. Is this right? Because if so, that's :censored: of a whole new order. £25 for a book they need to retcon/errata before it's even released? That's a new low.

If it does indeed end up being true, I'll probably return my book. -.-

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?

It feels like this new codex is nothing but a hack job done by lazy employees. Cut and paste job. I say this only because the lack of Wolf Spear info and fluff progression, no new ragnar model, no Bran rules, no Iron Priest on thunder wolf, etc etc

Lol just no.


This is the fluffiest codex yet which is crazy hard to do and make it balanced. If the book is even mid tier and half as fun as it sounds to play it’s a huge win.


I’m not happy about the index ommisions either but this crazy hyperbolic reaction is tiresome. Change armies if you need to.

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?

It feels like this new codex is nothing but a hack job done by lazy employees. Cut and paste job. I say this only because the lack of Wolf Spear info and fluff progression, no new ragnar model, no Bran rules, no Iron Priest on thunder wolf, etc etc

Lol just no.


This is the fluffiest codex yet which is crazy hard to do and make it balanced. If the book is even mid tier and half as fun as it sounds to play it’s a huge win.


I’m not happy about the index ommisions either but this crazy hyperbolic reaction is tiresome. Change armies if you need to.



What this guy said.



I'm just happy I won't be mowing down all of my friends with hordes of over powered bull manure. 


Mid tier is good tier in my book, and I'm sure there will be someone out there that can push it to godly status with the right meta and list. Remembering the tourney scene here in the UK for warmachine, I remember it was a "know thy enemy" situation. Much the same with 40k IMO if a little easier to bork out of shape.  

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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far, its from miniwargaming.


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.

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