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Codex Next Week


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I think you both misunderstood. We waited for a long time fot this book, only to have a majority of the added stuff just cut and pasted from other books. Lost opportunities from a tournament perspective. If we all waited so long for this, why omit certain things?


Sure its fluffy and sounds fun, but if you're going to give us a long awaited codex, why aren't wolf spear expanded upon or 13th company rules added alongside with what occurred during the recent novel with Njal. Why is there no Bran Redmaw model and rules? Why no new Ragnar model? Who took over the destroyed great companies during the cadia event and why are they using the same iconography?


I'm not saying I hate the codex. I'm just saying, if we waited this long. Why do I feel like its subpar in other areas?! Little details and things matter. Missed opportunities.


If I changed armies as you suggested, then why bother make a fuss at all. I wouldn't be a true fan or wolf at heart if I abandoned an army I adore and love. It's just the easy solution to change armies for most individuals but it's also lazy. Do what is right, not what is easy. Something GW and a majority should take at heart.

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Yeah, gonna be honest, lore not getting resolved is the biggest cheese off for me. I was hoping for follow through for the two great companies lost in Cadia, details on the Wolf Spear, and the outcome of Ashes of Prospero. Sounds like we'll be lucky to get updates on any one of those.
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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far, its from miniwargaming.


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.

i doubt many people play with PL. And out change may very well come because we need a WGPL which is +1 PL to be the same Leadership as a Tact squad. And Grey Hunters have been 13 poinst since CA.




As for the Codex. Well I can see both points.


I think our Stratagems, Sagas, Tactic and such are one of the best and fluffiest rules, encouraging us to play in an assault way, leading from the front and making a lot of fun ways.


On the other hand a lot of things seem underdeveloped. The new units have to my huge disapointment added nothing (TDAs are Chaoter Compliant which is a huge turn off for me, the Champion does not add flavour, the other new models while nice to have add very little to us, the Wukfen Dread while cool has very little in the way of special rules, the nerfs while not giving a lot of units somwthing, like all BC are still the same points as a marine but get a BS of 4+ or Scouts only with DS), and the fluff part of the book seems a bit underwhelimng, with the old Great Companies in place, nothing really new except that Primaris fall for the Curse, and not a very in depth analysis of the consequences of the "recent" actions upon us.


It feels like the army is fluffy and playable, which I absolutely adore. But other parta if the books where not handeld with that much care.


Add to that the extra 8 months of wait that seemingly went all inti rules writing because we got nothibg else, and I understand why people are frustrated.

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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far, its from miniwargaming.


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.


I watched that yesterday and it is a great in-depth look at the book, but...


Most, if not all, of the points changes they discussed (and at times seemed blown away by) have been in the game since last December. Grey Hunters, the Stormfang (a rare increase), Swiftclaws, Wulfen... the new values were introduced in Chapter Approved 2017 and haven't been changed for the new Codex.

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I think you both misunderstood. We waited for a long time fot this book, only to have a majority of the added stuff just cut and pasted from other books. Lost opportunities from a tournament perspective. If we all waited so long for this, why omit certain things?


Sure its fluffy and sounds fun, but if you're going to give us a long awaited codex, why aren't wolf spear expanded upon or 13th company rules added alongside with what occurred during the recent novel with Njal. Why is there no Bran Redmaw model and rules? Why no new Ragnar model? Who took over the destroyed great companies during the cadia event and why are they using the same iconography?


I'm not saying I hate the codex. I'm just saying, if we waited this long. Why do I feel like its subpar in other areas?! Little details and things matter. Missed opportunities.


If I changed armies as you suggested, then why bother make a fuss at all. I wouldn't be a true fan or wolf at heart if I abandoned an army I adore and love. It's just the easy solution to change armies for most individuals but it's also lazy. Do what is right, not what is easy. Something GW and a majority should take at heart.

I couldn’t agree more. There’s 100 years of story that happened between the old codex and this one and they still use the Ironwolves and Firehowlers emblems. Ragnar is their poster child but still has the one of the oldest models in the entire warhammer range, at this point GW is just trolling us. The new units from the SM dex are also cut and paste with the exception of Scout Bikes getting Behind Enemy Lines. Primaris get no integration with current units. Shall I go on?


I’m pleased that our book has come, and while it’s not preorder worthy in my opinion, I’ll pick it up whenever I get back to regularly gaming. But in terms of a fluffy army they could have done significantly better. Give us bikes back, mixed terminator squads, Wolf Guard pack leaders with full options for the Primaris. Hell even just let our Primaris officers take more melee weapons than the standard sword or a power axe.


People will say “play a different army” or that I’m bitter and pessimistic. And they’re right, I am. I waited this long for a book that helps integrate primaris, makes both old and new marines work together in a lore appropriate way and all we got was an axe and a blurb about primaris succumbing to the curse.

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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far, its from miniwargaming.


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.

I watched that yesterday and it is a great in-depth look at the book, but...


Most, if not all, of the points changes they discussed (and at times seemed blown away by) have been in the game since last December. Grey Hunters, the Stormfang (a rare increase), Swiftclaws, Wulfen... the new values were introduced in Chapter Approved 2017 and haven't been changed for the new Codex.

Does anyone know of any reviews done by actual Wolf players? The few reviews I’ve read/watched are very similar to this one with the reviewer wondering why thunderwolves move 10 inches when they swore it was 12 and that us having the new models are the bee’s knees when we’ve had all the primaris models for some time.

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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far, its from miniwargaming.


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.

I watched that yesterday and it is a great in-depth look at the book, but...


Most, if not all, of the points changes they discussed (and at times seemed blown away by) have been in the game since last December. Grey Hunters, the Stormfang (a rare increase), Swiftclaws, Wulfen... the new values were introduced in Chapter Approved 2017 and haven't been changed for the new Codex.

Does anyone know of any reviews done by actual Wolf players? The few reviews I’ve read/watched are very similar to this one with the reviewer wondering why thunderwolves move 10 inches when they swore it was 12 and that us having the new models are the bee’s knees when we’ve had all the primaris models for some time.

I found of them unwatchable for that reason exactly.

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This is the most indepth review I have seen on the codex so far,


For those people playing power levels a lot of things dropped significantly like Grey Hunters drop from a base of 6 power for 5 hunters to a base of 4 power; which is cheaper than a tactical squad, so I am expecting that Chapter Aproved 2018 is gonna have some big changes. Hunters also dropped to 13 points per model as well and they still get free chainswords.

I watched that yesterday and it is a great in-depth look at the book, but...


Most, if not all, of the points changes they discussed (and at times seemed blown away by) have been in the game since last December. Grey Hunters, the Stormfang (a rare increase), Swiftclaws, Wulfen... the new values were introduced in Chapter Approved 2017 and haven't been changed for the new Codex.

Does anyone know of any reviews done by actual Wolf players? The few reviews I’ve read/watched are very similar to this one with the reviewer wondering why thunderwolves move 10 inches when they swore it was 12 and that us having the new models are the bee’s knees when we’ve had all the primaris models for some time.
I found of them unwatchable for that reason exactly.
Tabletop Tactics' Bone has a Wolf Army and did a Batrep with them and SS82 has a Space Wolvea forces que mentioned on the video. There is nothing on depth but those two are currently the best I've seen
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Does anyone know of any reviews done by actual Wolf players? The few reviews I’ve read/watched are very similar to this one with the reviewer wondering why thunderwolves move 10 inches when they swore it was 12 and that us having the new models are the bee’s knees when we’ve had all the primaris models for some time.



Yeah, it gets frustrating. The miniwargaming review is still pretty good overall though since both of those guys know the Wolves pretty well BUT they haven't played them in Eighth Edition and say as much up front.

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New rules is fine and all, but after the book has gone to print?

That's a bit of an oversight error; yes, add rules, but, have a plan as to how to get them to your customers so they can better use and run the army in question.


Even if it's Genestealers, or Orks, by all means, let's not repeat this issue again. Ever.


I'm honestly unsure about a Bike GC, or, at least, elements to back up my core units in Rhinos, Razorbacks, LRC's, and Spartans. Bikes seem to be perfect outflankers; gee, it's like they're made for that or something.


Sigh, GW, one step forwards, one mistake somewhere along the line. I recommend constructive feedback as to the "why?" of this Codex rules issue, if true.

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Quick question. If any opponent knows about the 6 in HI then surely they would automatically declare charge at a unit and in addition any characters near by, even though they might not be able to get within 1 in due to screening but within the 12in charge range. This would mean they could attack the character if he HI within 1in of attacking unit.


Something else to be aware of is we will have to attack with HI character before a squad he is with in case the opponent moves casualties out of characters 1in range, negating his ability to attack.


Probably just got things rolling around my head but I hope it makes sense.

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Quick question. If any opponent knows about the 6 in HI then surely they would automatically declare charge at a unit and in addition any characters near by, even though they might not be able to get within 1 in due to screening but within the 12in charge range. This would mean they could attack the character if he HI within 1in of attacking unit.


Something else to be aware of is we will have to attack with HI character before a squad he is with in case the opponent moves casualties out of characters 1in range, negating his ability to attack.


Probably just got things rolling around my head but I hope it makes sense.


Just the threat of +1 to hit on the charge, or when being charged, or on Heroic Interventions, at 6" no less, is going to result in some true :cuss ups on the table, because everyone is learning the new rules, when they come out. The fun part is going to be if an entire WG pack of any type are Characters. That is going to be interesting as the pack as a whole goes for the throat of every single foe they can.


It'll be like a mini-chess game, just with lethal melee weapons and LOTS of Thunderhammers and Axes of varying sorts.

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somone said gw changed the sagas after the stuff went to print, and will put up an article/faq with the updated ones?

if so, then wow, someone messed up

that is pretty bad....we are delayed this long and then our $40 book isnt ready but they print anyway


I like the gw deed and aura versions but geez...were the other codex releases like this?


Is it possible that the reviewers have "reviewer copies" and that the ones purchased by fans will have the updated info?

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Another thought that's popped in my head and I didn't initially consider.


The stratagem for removing negative to hit modifiers. Long fangs coming in on the hunt are classed as moving so -1 to hit. With this stratagem they will be coming in from the hunt hitting on 3's rerolling 1's and the addition of the long fang stratagem too, rerolling wounds. This just got interesting.

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Another thought that's popped in my head and I didn't initially consider.


The stratagem for removing negative to hit modifiers. Long fangs coming in on the hunt are classed as moving so -1 to hit. With this stratagem they will be coming in from the hunt hitting on 3's rerolling 1's and the addition of the long fang stratagem too, rerolling wounds. This just got interesting.

Surprise multi meltas could be back! 

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Quick question. If any opponent knows about the 6 in HI then surely they would automatically declare charge at a unit and in addition any characters near by, even though they might not be able to get within 1 in due to screening but within the 12in charge range. This would mean they could attack the character if he HI within 1in of attacking unit.


Something else to be aware of is we will have to attack with HI character before a squad he is with in case the opponent moves casualties out of characters 1in range, negating his ability to attack.


Probably just got things rolling around my head but I hope it makes sense.

Just the threat of +1 to hit on the charge, or when being charged, or on Heroic Interventions, at 6" no less, is going to result in some true :cuss ups on the table, because everyone is learning the new rules, when they come out. The fun part is going to be if an entire WG pack of any type are Characters. That is going to be interesting as the pack as a whole goes for the throat of every single foe they can.


It'll be like a mini-chess game, just with lethal melee weapons and LOTS of Thunderhammers and Axes of varying sorts.

Yep. It makes us really hard to pin down with charge/fight phase shenanigans but with good placement it leaves a lot or room for enemy error and forcing hard choices.


The more hard choices they make the more likely to force an error.

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Let’s hold off judgement till we have the book in hand. It could be an issue with how the book is designed as well and people not realizing it’s in a different section?


I haven’t watched any full reviews though so who knows.

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I think what is being said is not so much that copy paste is bad inherently, just that GW specifically denied us stratagems we could have been using all along and then put them in our codex anyway. Which is annoying for those who wanted to use them in a tournament setting.


The copy paste was expected as far as I'm concerned with the unit overlap and shared tactics it makes sense. I just think they should have enabled them in CA. But here we are.


I'm much happier now that it seems foot grimnar is in the book. And I guess I will scrap my plan for a bike priest in favor of a jump pack priest.

Jbickb, I'm wondering why you'd scrap your ideas for a bike priest. Not because I think you shouldn't, but because I'm debating the same decision myself. I know we can use the index datasheet for bike priests, but personally I'm worried that at some point they'll say, "now that all the codexes are out, you're no longer allowed to use the indexes." I'm also worried that they're phasing bikes out, or have some other plan that involves bikes no longer being a part of the game (at least for marines).


But what are your thoughts, why are you scraping the bike priest? Is it the 1 less power known?

Actually it's going to seem silly, but I hate the amount of books I currently have to bring and I was looking forward to taking my whole army from 1 book. I had started ordering bits as I saw the usefulness of the speed on the table top. But without a codex entry lugging around an index for 1 model (I know I can photocopy) seems silly. And I am legitimately worried that at some point a tournament or even GW will say no more index. So for me it's a "wasted" bike purchase that on sure I can find something else to do with. But it's not worth it to me to make something outside the codex.

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Guest Triszin

I have the same paranoid fear as jbick that they go 'no more index' at some point. Maybe i am not being rationale but its there all the same.

I imagine we'll get a chapter approved/index this december again that will invalidate the old one

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My bad on the points changes, I have not played my wolves since before Chapter approved dropped, I've been too busy playing my Heretic Astartes.

As for reviewers that play Wolves, Ash from Guerilla Miniatures games does, he did a quick review and then a battle report verses Orks to go with it. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbO4Vs1vlAA9hz7Ad7IMgug

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I think you both misunderstood. We waited for a long time fot this book, only to have a majority of the added stuff just cut and pasted from other books. Lost opportunities from a tournament perspective. If we all waited so long for this, why omit certain things?


Sure its fluffy and sounds fun, but if you're going to give us a long awaited codex, why aren't wolf spear expanded upon or 13th company rules added alongside with what occurred during the recent novel with Njal. Why is there no Bran Redmaw model and rules? Why no new Ragnar model? Who took over the destroyed great companies during the cadia event and why are they using the same iconography?


I'm not saying I hate the codex. I'm just saying, if we waited this long. Why do I feel like its subpar in other areas?! Little details and things matter. Missed opportunities.


If I changed armies as you suggested, then why bother make a fuss at all. I wouldn't be a true fan or wolf at heart if I abandoned an army I adore and love. It's just the easy solution to change armies for most individuals but it's also lazy. Do what is right, not what is easy. Something GW and a majority should take at heart.


I completely agree. While I'm glad we finally GOT a codex...there is absolutely no reason for it being delayed this long. The only acceptable explanation was if they were holding it back to release Russ at the same time. Since we know that's not the case...why was our codex delayed so insanely long?


The only reasonable answer is to pad out a release schedule. We got the shaft for no good reason. On top of that, the codex itself doesn't advance the lore. The only nod we get to anything of importance is Russ is coming back soon and that Primaris (blech) can turn to Wulfen as well as normal Marines. That is not enough for the wait we've had to endure. No points discount is IMO criminal considering how expensive our stuff already is.

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On a more serious note, I’m pretty happy with what I’m hearing. It does suck that WG bikes are out for those who made them, but I honestly can’t say I’m surprised. When we have something uniquely good which isn’t normally associated with the chapter I don’t expect it to stick around... Same with the 3++ Blizzard Shield - not surprised at all it was nerfed and can’t really argue against the decision, IMO. I also wish the Primaris additions weren’t copy-and-paste: even just having chainswords would have made me very happy. Missed opportunity. Also agree with the “if this is it, why did we wait so long?” sentiment, although it’s no doubt to pad out their release schedule. I’m guessing Long Fangs (with an Ancient nearby), Rune Priests, and melee characters with jump packs will be the allstars this edition. We’ll probably see some effective combos will our special Dreads and Wulfen sprinkled in once people start playing games with the Codex. Again, although I wish some thing went another direction, and understand the laments of our fellow enthusiasts, I’m pretty happy/optimistic. Until next winter-
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Stormhawk interceptors are super good with keen senses. They hit units with fly on 2s even after movement and combined with the -1 aura of the rune priest can become -2 to hit. 189 points for a flyer with 2 lascannon shots , 12 assault cannon shots and 6 heavy bolter shots is good.

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