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Skitarii allied Battalion advice sought


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Having acquired a couple of squads of Skitarii from both Forgebane and Kill Team, I have decided to try and make something out of them. I am looking to run a bare-bones Battalion of 3 squads of Skitarii and 2 Engineseers to support my Knights. I realise they are not as efficient a CP battery as Guard but they are still 5 CPs for less then the cost of a Gallant and they are a bit better than Guard at shooting.


My current plan is 2 5-man squads of Rangers with Transuranic Arquebus as objective campers and a 10-man squad of Vanguard with a couple of plasma Calivers. These will be set up in the Teleportarium and dropped in to either shred an infantry squad or nab an objective depending on how the game turns out. The Engineseers will babysit a shooty Knight and repair the odd wound. I am think Stygies for the -1 to Hit. I can also use Knight of cog to allow Knights to benefit from Canticles, Shroudpsalm and Benediction look particularly good for Knights.


What do people think? This looks like running at about 300 points. Is it a good use of the points if I am running IKs?


I notice Transuranic Arquebus seems to be 1 per box. Anyone know of any 3rd party copies or 3D prints available?

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What will the rest of the list look like? With my own knights Ive gradually come over to having 10 man skitarii squads with no special weapons, simply because it compliments the knights I bring nicely. I need bodies for objective grabbing, bubble wrapping, and anti-infantry firepower.

Imperial Guard can do this part a bit better in most situations, but if you bring a FW knight, then you'll want to take him as your natural warlord to gain access to traits - and a guard batallion without the cp recycling traits becomes less valuable, which in turn opens up other options. A skitarii batallion can also give you access to plenty of interesting units, like the Dragoons and Balistarii, Secutarii Hoplites, Kastelan robot maniples ++ depending on what you think will be most helpful to your knight list.

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What will the rest of the list look like? With my own knights Ive gradually come over to having 10 man skitarii squads with no special weapons, simply because it compliments the knights I bring nicely. I need bodies for objective grabbing, bubble wrapping, and anti-infantry firepower.

I am thinking along the lines of a Raven lance with a Castellan, a Warden and a Gallant which come to (very) roughly 1400 points. That would leave me about 350 points for Skitarii in a standard 1750 game. So pretty much 3 Troops and 2 HQs with not many points to spare for anything else.

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I think 2x5 Sniper Rangers plus 10 Vanguard is a solid choice.

If Plasma gets to expensive, think about Arc Rifles. For just 4 points they are a steal.


3x10 Vanguard with Data Tether are a good choice as well, giving you some more feet on the ground and they are good against hordes.

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I guess the other option is to splash out on 4 extra TUAs which will give me enough for 3 x 8-man Ranger squads, each with 2 TUAs. That might leverage the Stygies Trait better than the Vanguard.


Although given the cost of getting the extra TUAs, this could stop being a "cheap" army very quickly. :biggrin.:

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Before you start sourcing up the transuranic arquebuses, please do yourself the favor of playtesting them a bit first. I didn't, and spent a lot of time, energy, cash and love on another bunch of shelf warmers :tongue.:


I love mine, 5 Rangers with 2 TAs acompany my lists nearly every game :wub:

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I think they are very meta-dependant. I rarely face armies reliant on buff characters, and that might be a big part of why I started finding the point cost prohibitive when designing lists. I simply had more use for more bodies and more anti infantry :)

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