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How much of the Skitarii's bodies are machines


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I have a friend that plays a lot of Ad Mech. I want to decorate my Necron Flayed ones with some body parts from the Skitarii. I know that the Skitarii have a lot of augmentation to their bodies but how much of their bodies are replaced with machines in their lore?


Do they have normal blood or would they have more oil? Are they still mostly human with human parts under their masks and armor? 


Thanks for the help. 

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It's going to vary a lot, we only saw any particular standardisation with the plastic models. Before that different GW/BL writers had tons of wildly different ideas about what skitarii are like and frankly that probably holds up to a large degree between forge worlds and even individuals. 


The legs are apparently traditionally replaced as some sort of homage to the original Martian caravan guards who walked everywhere. Also age might be a useful metric; the older the warriors, the more metal and oil they are. Also the ruststalkers and infiltrators are much more bionic than their line infantry brethern.


Other than that, the codex says: "One who looked for consistency in Skitarii augmentations would be sorely disappointed. A soldier of the Mechanicus may have a punchcard skullslot and leather bellows for lungs, whilst at the same time housing quantum bioware in his brain."


Basically there's so little standardisation that you're probably fine using whatever proportions of organic to metallic you want, though the bionic stuff might not stand out from the necrons.

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Ok thanks for the great info. With that in mind I might look to using other faction models for body parts. Lore wise it sounds like it is common for a lot of their bodies to be replaced and augmented. I doubt the flayed ones would choose them as a target because they are supposed to desire flesh to eat. As cool as it would be to taunt my friend with Ad Mech Flayed ones I don't think they would stand out enough from the flayed one's metallic body.

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Animus silica hereticus est.



At least a bit of brain tissue in each skitarii is not machine.

The rest varies by forge world, production run, mood of the fabricator locum, parts replaced e.t.c...



Mechanicus bondsmen (labor caste just above servitors) on the other hand are only lightly augmented (according to the "... of mars" novels).

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