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Black Fur

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Does anyone have any truly high level examples of painted black fur? Im talking Crystal Brush and Golden Daemon level stuff.


It seems like a bit of a mystery box and theres a lot of ways to do it but none that im truly happy with how it looks. Do people even try this at a high level or is it not worth the results?

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Did a bunch of digging and for others that were interested I found this to be probably the best resource:




I'm kicking myself for not knowing this blog existed.

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As Knight of Lupus said, black hair never looks truly black. Well, unless it's a Goth with a bad dye job. :)


As far as black fur goes, there is very often a lighter undercoat. I had a friend with a half wolf/half German Shephard dog (I assume your painting Vylka Fenrika). Her fur definitely had a light warm grey undercoat, but the highlights on the black sections of her coat were a cold bluish black.


Hope that is of some use.

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